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Patriots of Pakistan who did not join military, do you ever feel depressed?

why would we depress. the intentions should serve your country well. if you have good intentions then you can serve your country in other profession . if you dnt then you cant serve well even in the army
Not really as I belong to family who is serving well in security agencies from 3 generations. Yes you get inspired and motivated sometimes when you heard the story of bravery and sacrifices in home but now I am ok with it.
Patriots of Pakistan who did not join military, do you ever feel depressed that you did not join?

What is your plan now that you know a war is coming, how are you planning to help the military/country? how are you preparing yourself?

Edit: So many people are taking it the wrong way, guys I know that there are other methods to serve the country. I meant to ask what are your plans if the country is actually fighting a war.
It was my dream to work for the mighty ISI but i believe that there are other ways that I can serve the motherland which will make a much greater impact. Death doesn't scare me, in fact death is a great honor for me especially when it is for the sake of Allah.
It was my dream to work for the mighty ISI but i believe that there are other ways that I can serve the motherland which will make a much greater impact. Death doesn't scare me, in fact death is a great honor for me especially when it is for the sake of Allah.
so what do you do.
Thats awesome, spread it around, we need more people like you.

InshaAllah and we have many people like me in this Country. Trust me we may not be loud mouthed as others but we do exist, the silent Muslim majority.

If you dont mind are you in the military?
InshaAllah and we have many people like me in this Country. Trust me we may not be loud mouthed as others but we do exist, the silent Muslim majority.

If you dont mind are you in the military?
no I am not, thats why I created this thread.

I am like you, not visible, but still a majority. our time will come soon brother. InshaALLAH.
no I am not, thats why I created this thread.

I am like you, not visible, but still a majority. our time will come soon brother. InshaALLAH.

I hope someone from the military can answer me but last year when february 27th happenned and it seemed like the War was going to happen....

I dont know if I should be saying this but I got excited. I havent been able to describe this feeling but man i was ready to kick some ***. Is this normal?
I dont know if I should be saying this but I got excited. I havent been able to describe this feeling but man i was ready to kick some ***. Is this normal?

Why shouldn't you be saying it, it was awesome, everyone was excited.

It would be NOT normal if you were NOT excited to kick some ****.

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