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Pakistani Forces Forum Rules

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Oct 3, 2005
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Pakistani Forces Forum Rules.

Pakistani Forces Forum has only one goal, and the goal is to be professional! To be on one of the serious Pakistani defense-related forum, as a member you must abide our rules at all times. The rules are equal to everyone, no matter what nationality they/you are, all members will be treated equally and will be forced to follow the rules, following not can give you permanent or temporary bans.


Signature graphics are permitted, but must follow these guidelines:

All content must be in good taste. We prefer Military Sig's, and no other type of Sig's are allowed.

The size limits for signature graphics are as follows:

* Maximum height: 150 pixels
* Maximum width: 450 pixels

Only one image is allowed to be used in the signature. This should be the the specifications if not the signature will be deleted.

Be respectful of others at all times.
The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Occasionally, there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. It is possible to disagree without being insulting.

Ranting is prohibited
A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and are helpful, but rants are disruptive and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.

Personal attacks are prohibited.
Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts which are designed to personally berate or insult another. Text of this nature is not beneficial to the community spirit and will not be tolerated.

Propaganda posts.
There are NO kinds of propaganda posts allowed on this forum. No one appreciates these kinds of posts as they promote nothing but lies/myths and we only want real posts that say the truth. And this rule also includes any type of anti-India propaganda.

Ask mods/admins
You shall not ask the any mod/admin to do something for you which is not right such as give you private information about the forum, etc. This is serious offense and this will be dealt with harshly.

Racist posts.
No racist posts are allowed for obvious reasons.

No posts about becoming a mod.
If you think you're a good member and should become a mod, thats nice. We don't want posts/topics made by a certain member saying that they should be a mod for this and that reason. Mods will be chosen by the admins based on a criteria.

Posting pictures
You're not allowed to post pictures in Strategic Discussion Forum or Global Discussion Forums for that we have made a special room, and that room is Global Military Images. Post in the appropriate section. If you would like to point an equipment just post the link of the image rather than using the code.

[B]Other Forums[/B]
Since we have no competition with other forums, it doesn't mean that you can talk about other forums with freedom on this forums. No it is not allow to talk about it. Since we dont want to get into rivalry and stuff... I hope you understand and will take care of this rule.

[B]Sarcastic posts[/B]
We do not allow people to post sarcastic post at all. They are a very pathetic way in the end to back things up. They will be deleted on sight.

[B]Making comments about decisions made by moderators/admins[/B]
You cannot make posts about a decision made by a moderator or admin that you feel was unfair. If you think it was unfair, PM a person who edited/deleted your post, even if that doesn't reslove the problem contact WebMaster.

[B]Trolling is prohibited.[/B]
Trolling is the word used to describe a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting the members of the forum community. Posts of this nature are disruptive and do not convey a friendly attitude.

[B]No posting of personal information[/B]
Please respect the privacy of other Pakistani Forces Forum members and do not give out information such as phone numbers and addresses.

Private communication between the members, moderators and administrators of the forum and the forum users is not to be made public on these forums or by any other venue.

You are not permitted to publicize any private correspondence (including petitions) received from any of the aforementioned.

[B]Immediate banning from the forum can result from any of the following:[/B]
The posting of pornography; discriminatory remarks which are sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive; excessive obscene or vulgar language; posts which discuss or illustrate illegal activity; providing links to sites that contain any of the aforementioned; advertising other websites on our forum.

[B]Spamming and bumping are prohibited.[/B]
Spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same text again and again or nonsensical posts that have no substance and are often designed to annoy other forum users. Bumping posts in order to keep them near the top of the list is also prohibited. Posts of this nature are not conducive to community spirit and are unwelcome.

[B]Redundant threads will be deleted.[/B]
As a courtesy to others before beginning a new thread, please look to see if an active thread on that topic has already been established. If so, place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forum needlessly and many good ideas may be lost. Keep discussions about one topic to one thread only.

Impersonating another forum user, moderator, staff, administrator, or member is prohibited. You are expressly forbidden from impersonating anyone else, including those named above, on the forum. This may be grounds for permanent loss of your Pakistani Forces Forum account.

[B]You can NOT post advertisements.[/B]
Posts discussing or linking to your own site or other defense forums are prohibited. If we see you keep doing that you will get a warning after that it will be a direct ban.

[B]Avoid using profanity.[/B]
Using partial masking (such as asterisks or punctuation marks) to byp*** the profanity filter is prohibited and will result in the same action as if the actual word had been typed.

[B]Posting News[/B]
You must give credit to online news papers by posting their article with link. The link should be in the end of the post to keep the professionality, and better if you quote the news, so members can easily tell which one are your own words and which ones aren't. Also bold the title and make it in red color to make it look perfect!

[B]Image Posting[/B]
Please donot post images in other areas of forum except General Multimedia and Military Multimedia which are the forums especially made for videos, pictures, and clips.

[B]Post constructively.[/B]
Negative feedback can be very useful, provided that it is presented in a civil, factual manner. Tell us what you don't like and why and how you feel it could be improved. Posts that are insulting and rude may be deleted, no matter how valid the ideas behind them may be.

[B]Videos, Media, Songs[/B]
When you post any of the above make sure it is not copyrighted. Also avoid posting disgusting videos or any sort of that media. Any links that point to pornography or a term sexy girls, etc will be deleted, and you will be suspended or banned depending on the material. This is a defense forum, always remember that, and not a joking stock!

[B]Only one account.[/B]
You may only have one account on the forum.

[B]No one liners or semi-one liners![/B]
The rules have been put into place to make the forum act like a forum and not like a chat-session where you can just talk "blah" We are a serious forum and have been made to be a serious forum. If you post, put all yours thoughts and opinion in one post, if you ever make a mistake or would like to add more feel free to edit the post and do what you like to do. Sometimes one-liners will be allowed depending on the situation, making random comments like this

[quote]May Allah Give guidance to one who needs it. Amin.[/quote]

that no way related to the topic will not be tolerated!

Disputes which cannot be resolved between forum users and moderators may be arbitrated by the forum administrators.
To discuss problems or concerns, please send an e-mail to: [EMAIL="webmaster@pakistaniforces.com"]webmaster@pakistaniforces.com[/EMAIL]

Videos, Media, Songs
When you post any of the above make sure it is not copyrighted. Also avoid posting disgusting videos or any sort of that media. Any links that point to pronography or a term sexy girls, etc will be deleted, and you will be suspended or killed depending on the material. This is a defence forum, always remember that, and not a joking stock!
Updated 5/11/2006


No one liners or semi-one liners!
The rules have been put into place to make the forum act like a forum and not like a chat-session where you can just talk "blah" We are a serious forum and have been made to be a serious forum. If you post, put all yours thoughts and opinion in one post, if you ever make a mistake or would like to add more feel free to edit the post and do what you like to do. Sometimes one-liners will be allowed depending on the situation, making random comments like this
May Allah Give guidance to one who needs it. Amin.
that no way relate to the topic will not be tolerated!
New rule!

If your NOT a moderator dont act like one.
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