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Featured Pakistan Defence Budget De-Myth-ified

In order to correct we need to first recognize .Defense spending is not only related to defense expenditure but also incorporate pensions ,Rangers ,Border security forces ,Any on going operation , Security to installation ,this is a big head now (As GDP shrinks now its looking monstrous) in reality we have 1.3 Trillion in defence +.4 Trillion in pensions + 0.2 Trillion in other security related heads (like FC/Dams) so closed to 2 Trillion this laong with debt financing is putting pressure on Fiscal space for Govt as we will be collecting 4.8 Trillion (highly unlikely) + 1.6 Non Tax revenue (likely GST on Fuel) so assume for a min we have income of 6.5 Trillion & expense of 2 Trillion+ 3.6 Trillion (Debt Financing) + 2 Trillion .so we will end up with deficit result in borrowing .



At the moment, the biggest threat to Israel is Pakistan. Israel's dream of becoming a Greater Israel is the biggest obstacle in this regard. Just as the United States is following Israel's lead, the whole of India is now following Israel's edge, as the entire Pakistani people have seen. In great Plan, They want somehow Pak-India war will break out so that Pakistan will be busy, and Israel will occupy the Arab because It is a ground reality that it is not so easy to fight a war with Pakistan.

Israel wants to weaken Pakistan first through conspiracies in which the most prominent plot is to revolt against the Pak army in which the world powers want to reduce the budget of the Pak army first. The total budget of the Pak army is 20%. At the same time, everyone Israeli paid pocket is trying to build a narrative that the Pakistan Army's budget is 80% and using the leverage of the world powers to the first control Pakistan's media, leading the entire 220 million people to follow the lead as they did to Iraq and Libya. In the same way, the Pakistani people are now becoming the Israeli tool against the Pak army. The prominent journalists are at their behest. Sometimes they criticize the military, and sometimes they criticize the government. Whenever the government sincerely wants to do something for the country, it is against it. Insurgency is created in the country, whether by the media or by political opponents.

In short, this country has been saved only by the army to date, and the military has always kept it away from every move of the enemy, be it a traitorous political leader or a traitorous media. The day the army lost control of the country, It will become like Kashmir, and the people will be cut like carrots and radishes. It is still time for us to recover and become a patriotic nation like the Turkish nation; otherwise, we will not even have our name. May Allah be our supporter and helper in such a tough time. ...
i hope i don't get ppl angry but I read pak army is running a parallel economy which hey i don't mind with all those civilians sectors being corrupt and low quality.
At the moment, the biggest threat to Israel is Pakistan. Israel's dream of becoming a Greater Israel is the biggest obstacle in this regard. Just as the United States is following Israel's lead, the whole of India is now following Israel's edge, as the entire Pakistani people have seen. In great Plan, They want somehow Pak-India war will break out so that Pakistan will be busy, and Israel will occupy the Arab because It is a ground reality that it is not so easy to fight a war with Pakistan.

Israel wants to weaken Pakistan first through conspiracies in which the most prominent plot is to revolt against the Pak army in which the world powers want to reduce the budget of the Pak army first. The total budget of the Pak army is 20%. At the same time, everyone Israeli paid pocket is trying to build a narrative that the Pakistan Army's budget is 80% and using the leverage of the world powers to the first control Pakistan's media, leading the entire 220 million people to follow the lead as they did to Iraq and Libya. In the same way, the Pakistani people are now becoming the Israeli tool against the Pak army. The prominent journalists are at their behest. Sometimes they criticize the military, and sometimes they criticize the government. Whenever the government sincerely wants to do something for the country, it is against it. Insurgency is created in the country, whether by the media or by political opponents.

In short, this country has been saved only by the army to date, and the military has always kept it away from every move of the enemy, be it a traitorous political leader or a traitorous media. The day the army lost control of the country, It will become like Kashmir, and the people will be cut like carrots and radishes. It is still time for us to recover and become a patriotic nation like the Turkish nation; otherwise, we will not even have our name. May Allah be our supporter and helper in such a tough time. ...
Imagine being this retarded

Pakistan is no threat to Israel, literally no one in Israel ever talks about Pakistan, maybe Pakistan has some obsessed people talking about Israel but it's too far away to threat Israel
Imagine being this retarded

Pakistan is no threat to Israel, literally no one in Israel ever talks about Pakistan, maybe Pakistan has some obsessed people talking about Israel but it's too far away to threat Israel
As far as Pakistani political and Military establishments might have ever considered of Israel as their enemy for the last 72 is concerned. They have never even thought of it.
But, interestingly, Israel in the last two decades have been found to be visibly active in systematically drawing the attention of Pakistan to take its notice as its invisible enemy. How has it been engaged in drawing its humble attention?
Since, both Israel and India are in the same boat of having occupied the territories of Muslims forcingly for the almost same period of time. It has therefore started to flex its muscles in a totally unnecessarily hostile manner towards Pakistan to tease it by establishing Military alliance with Pakistan's traditional enemy India as Pakistan perceives it.
As far as Pakistani political and Military establishments might have ever considered of Israel as their enemy for the last 72 is concerned. They have never even thought of it.
But, interestingly, Israel in the last two decades have been found to be visibly active in systematically drawing the attention of Pakistan to take its notice as its invisible enemy. How has it been engaged in drawing its humble attention?
Since, both Israel and India are in the same boat of having occupied the territories of Muslims forcingly for the almost same period of time. It has therefore started to flex its muscles in a totally unnecessarily hostile manner towards Pakistan to tease it by establishing Military alliance with Pakistan's traditional enemy India as Pakistan perceives it.
We don't view you as a threat.
I am not in the mood to argue with any one, for multiple pages. I already know its a waste of my precious time. Every time when the budget is announced the chutiyas from Indian chutia community come here with the same old mantra"defense budget bla bla", nothing new here. I can assure you, bookmark it, they will come again next year too with the same type of whining.

The bottom line is Pakistan's defense budget including pensions is almost same as India's defense budget as a percentage of the total federal budget.
@KeyBORED Warrior @Pakistan Ka Beta
I warn you see a sample its a thread from last year, this will go on for multiple pages with out an end in sight, the mission is obvious, its wastage the time. The indian chutias get paid by their media cell, I didn't even knew that I argued with the same chutia last year too, with his same deluded arguments(its just seem as copy pasta now, without any effort). As I said before, been there, done that.

As for budget deficit, sure we have been through rough time. And yes, we have certain issue with keeping budgetary disciple. But its not like we are the only one on this world having issues with that. India too have the same issue but to a little bit lesser extent.

Pakistan recorded a Government Budget deficit equal to 5.80 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2019.

India recorded a Government Budget deficit equal to 4.59 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in the 2019-20 fiscal year.
Yes, I am seeing him again this year chutiya Singh @Protest_again with the same copy-paste from last year. Better not to waste our engery on #SurrenderModi IT cells goons.
if you don't view it as a threat then why your new foreign policy has adopted against Pakistan. It could also, turn out to be a disaster for Israel.
We didn't adopt any policy against Pakistan
Bro you guys are irrelevant here
Imagine being this retarded

Pakistan is no threat to Israel, literally no one in Israel ever talks about Pakistan, maybe Pakistan has some obsessed people talking about Israel but it's too far away to threat Israel
except for you..thats why you are here..are you a weirdo?

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