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On this day August 20th one of the greatest battle in human history took place - In the Battle of Yarmouk 636 where Khalid defeated the Byzantines


Jul 18, 2021
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This battle is labelled as the most significiant battle in history as it changed the world entirely and changed the World order from that day 636 until 1922 to Muslim world order.. The Muslim order started to fade slowly around mid 17-18th centuries but it didn't go out until 1922 with the collapse of the Ottoman.

This day: Arabs defeat Byzantines at the Battle of the Yarmuk

A drawing of General Khalid ibn al-Walid heading the Muslim Army during the Battle of Yarmuk.
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

August 20, 2021 marks the 1,385th anniversary of the Battle of the Yarmuk. Byzantine Empire And the orthodox caliph in one of the first major clashes between the Islamic world and Christianity, which saw the beginning of Islamic expansion from the Arabian Peninsula and the beginning of Islamic rule over Levant.
The historical background of this battle comes after the Prophet Muhammad died four years ago in 632 AD after successfully conquering the Arabian Peninsula and spreading Islam. He was taken over by his father-in-law, Abu Bakr, who became the first caliph. Abu Bakr was taken over by the second caliph, Umar, only two years later.

The new caliph was keen to follow up on its predecessor’s expansion into Iraq and Syria. However, he soon clashed with the Byzantine Empire, and Emperor Heraclius had just conquered the lands of Levant and Syria from the Sasanid Empire (Persia) and wanted to protect his interests and launch a counterattack.

The two will mobilize their troops and eventually meet south of the Yarmouk River, a major tributary of the Jordan River, southeast of Golan, east of Kineretto, and the current border between Jordan and Syria.
Yarmouk River. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The exact size of the army has been the subject of considerable debate, with several major and modern sources (the only Byzantine sources were all Arabs, as they came a century after the battle itself). There are modern estimates. However, it is widely accepted that the Byzantine army far exceeds the Arab army, with modern estimates saying that the number of Byzantine armies is 80,000 to 150,000, compared to 15,000 to 40,000 for Rashdin.
But the Arabs had an advantage in their position. Rashdin’s commander, Khalid Ibn al-Walid, has drawn troops to an area ideally suitable for cavalry and established a strong defensive position. It was here that he organized his army into 36 infantry regiments, four cavalry regiments and a reserve elite mobile guard cavalry regiment.Infantry used something very defensive tabi Cavalry are assigned to the center and the left and right sides and are used as a counterattack. And at the rear was the mobile guard cavalry itself.

The enemy maintained regular heavy cavalry equally among the four units, with each unit having infantry in the front and reserves in the rear. As historian David Nicolle pointed out, the Byzantine army probably used the formation of turtles (testudo), The Greek-Roman formation where the army stood firmly together, the shield was kept high for complete protection from the arrows. But nevertheless, Byzantines were wary of large-scale decisive battles. Byzantines have been trying to avoid it for hundreds of years as the empire struggled with logistics to maintain its supply lines. In fact, Emperor Heraclius ordered Byzantine commander Vahan not to participate in the battle until all other roads were exhausted, but it was also that the newly discovered Sassanian allies against the Arab lands of Iraq. Maybe it was waiting for the attack to be ready.

These factors, along with many other issues, caused tensions within the army, which now had no choice but to engage in decisive battles, and the conflict between leaders led to even worse plans.

The resulting battle lasted six days. During the battle, Warid used the Mobile Guard cavalry enthusiastically in some cases and worked with infantry to cause great damage to Byzantines. For the first few days, the Arabs continued to defend, but on the final day they used the maneuver of a large cavalry to attack the sides, and the infantry assaulted in the center, but the maneuverability of the MTF. I used it to move the wheels. It then routes the Byzantine cavalry and decisively defeats much larger enemies.

The battle was an absolute catastrophe for Byzantines, and subsequent analysis noted many flaws in their tactics throughout the battle, including not taking advantage of their numerical advantages and not using cavalry. I did.
In contrast, the Arab army was able to defeat much better enemies, and Walid took advantage of his keen understanding of his cavalry and his maneuverability to participate in the conversation as one of the greatest cavalry commanders of all time. Did.
In the end, about 45% of the Byzantine army was killed, according to modern sources, and the number is as high as 120,000, according to primary sources. In contrast, Arabs suffered only about 30,000 casualties.

The battle is Levant Muslim ConquestThis victory paved the way for the next year’s capture of Jerusalem.
Of note is also the view of the local Jews who lived in Levant at the time. They played no role in the fighting itself, but sources said they were much more supportive of Islam than the Byzantine Empire of Christianity.
According to 9th century Islamic historical texts Futuh al-Buldan Regarding the Arab conquest of Emesa, now known as the city of Homs in Syria, a local Jew said, “I swear to Torah. The governor of Heraclius will not enter the city … we were first defeated.

Unless I’m exhausted! ” The Jews reportedly celebrated with music and dance when the Arabs won.
Muslim conquest will continue to spread around the world, eventually forming one of the largest empires in history. There was also the continued decline of both Byzantine and Sasanid, who were defeated in the Battle of al-Qadishia only three months later and paved the way for the collapse of the Sasanide Empire just a few years later.

The orthodox caliph later fell into a civil war. However, due to the Levant conquest, the area remained under Islamic control and became the center of the Umayyad dynasty, with nearby Damascus as its successor.
But arguably most importantly, this battle marked the beginning of many wars between the Islamic and Christian worlds. This will continue for the next few thousand years as Christian troops attempt to seize sanctuaries and parts of North Africa while Muslims continue to expand. Finally, he conquered Spain and reached Europe to the gates of Vienna.


Even how the battle unfolded not even a hollywood writer could have written it better and the emotions involved makes it a great epic tale and everything it was the battle of the age itself. The stakes were just so high and at one point it got so bloody that even the women in the camp was drawn into the battle..
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This battle is labelled as the most significiant battle in history as it changed the world entirely and changed the World order from that day 636 until 1922 to Muslim world order.. The Muslim order started to fade slowly around mid 17-18th centuries but it didn't go out until 1922 with the collapse of the Ottoman.

I agree WW1 was the final nail in the coffin can't believe it is almost a century.. People tend to forget and we even colonized these who colonized the americas and the only reason they were able to go to Americas is knowledge taken from Al-Andalus

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