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Muslim Women Seen with Hindu Men Harassed, Doxed In Name of 'Bhagwa Love Trap'


Jul 23, 2017
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Muslim Women Seen with Hindu Men Harassed, Doxed In Name of 'Bhagwa Love Trap'​

Over the last few months, the 'Bhagwa Love Trap' theory has gained mileage, resulting in Muslim women's harassment.​

Published: 31 May 2023, 9:15 AM IST

9 min read
Muslim Women Seen with Hindu Men Harassed, Doxed In Name of 'Bhagwa Love Trap'

On 13 May, two burqa-clad Muslim women were in a busy market in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut, along with a male colleague and friend, when they were accosted by a mob seemingly comprising Muslim men. The mob demanded that the women reveal their names and their ‘relationship’ with the male friend – a Hindu.
In a video of the incident that subsequently went viral, the women could be heard saying, “Uncle who hamara dost hai (Uncle, he is our friend).”
To this, the mob of men retorted, “Kaisa dost hai? Hinduon ko dost banaoge tum? (What kind of friend? You will now make Hindus your friend?).” The men then proceeded to pull down their niqabs (face veil) to reveal the women’s faces.
Each time the women pulled their niqabs back up, the men would pull them down. While thrusting multiple cameras on their faces they said, “Chehra dikhao (Show your faces)... Ladki ka photo lo (Take the girl’s picture).”

They then proceeded to badger the Hindu man with questions about his background. The man replied saying he and the women are staff members; the women too repeatedly clarified that he is “like a brother” to them, but all their insistence went in vain.
This is just one among many recent incidents sparked by the campaign against the so-called “Bhagwa Love Trap.”

Mob in Meerut chased two Muslim women and pulled down their niqab.

On the same day, not too far away from Meerut, in the city of Muzaffarnagar, a Hindu man and a Muslim woman riding pillion with him on a bike were harassed by a separate mob. Here too the woman’s niqab was forcefully pulled down and her face videographed. As per the First Information Report (FIR) in the case accessed by The Quint, the Hindu man has alleged that a day after this incident, the same mob reached his colony and intimidated him there too.

A mob cornered a Hindu man and Muslim woman on a bike in Muzaffarnagar.
Meerut Police told The Quint that six men were arrested in the case. “Dimagh ki gandagi hai (it’s the filth in their mind)”, said Sanjay Varma, the police inspector who investigated this case. Five accused were arrested in the Muzaffarnagar case.
Just two days later, on 15 May, a similar incident surfaced in Bihar’s capital Patna, where the Hindu man was beaten by the mob, abusing him for “roaming around with a Muslim woman.”

Muslim Women’s Niqab and Hijab Pulled; Harassed, Assaulted​

In the last two months, several similar incidents have occurred in different parts of the country. These incidents have been reported from UP, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Gujarat among other states.

The Quint has identified and studied multiple such cases, all of which follow a similar pattern. One or two Muslim women found with a Hindu man are cornered at a restaurant or market, or their bike is intercepted in the middle of the road. The man is beaten or roughed up, and the woman’s niqab is pulled down, and most frightfully, the video of the incident uploaded on the internet as if they have been caught red-handed committing a crime.
In most such videos, the woman is asked about her father and brother’s information – phone number, name and address. Despite most of these incidents transpiring in public, crowded spots, most people are seen standing as mere spectators, not intervening on the woman or couple’s behalf.
In many cases, the woman is also guilt-tripped on religious lines.
On 21 May, in UP’s Moradabad, a Muslim woman was hauled up in the market by a mob, for ‘being spotted’ with a Hindu man. When she retorted and asked the men, “Tumhe matlab kya hai? (How is this your business?)”, one of them responded saying, “Kis naam ki Musalman hai? Tujhey qabr mein nahi jaana? (What kind of a Muslim are you? Don’t you have to go to the grave?)”

A mob indulged in moral policing of a Muslim woman in Moradabad.

“Why are you roaming with him? Are all Muslim men dead?” he then asked, rhetorically. Three men were subsequently named in the FIR and arrested by the Moradabad police.
In some cases, such acts of moral policing and vigilantism take a more extreme shape. A 19-year-old Muslim student had been staying in Maharashtra’s Sambhaji Nagar (previously Aurangabad), preparing for an entrance exam. On 24 April, when she decided to visit the monument ‘Bibi Ka Maqbara’ with her friends, including Hindu boys, a mob of Muslim men began following them.

A Muslim student in Sambhaji Nagar was assaulted by a mob of men.

The police told The Quint that while the Hindu boys, fearing trouble, fled the scene, the woman was left behind and assaulted. In the video of the incident, the woman can be seen speeding forward, but the men kept chasing her. The men then pulled down her backpack and her hijab, grabbed her hands, snatched her phone, and cornered her from all sides. Throughout the video, she kept crying, “Chhodo mujhey (Let me go),” but they persisted. The police arrested three men in the case for harassment.

Interfaith Couples Doxed on Twitter and Instagram​

Targeting of interfaith couples in India is not new. What is new, however, is this specific brand of trying to “save” the Muslim woman from what is increasingly being termed as the so-called “Bhagwa Love Trap”. This initially started as a social media hashtag, with most posts using it to ‘spread awareness’ about the “threat” of Hindu men trying to “lure Muslim women.” This soon, however, transformed into harassing interfaith couples (where the woman is Muslim), as in the above-mentioned cases, and also more recently, doxing them.
On 23 May, a Twitter handle @migilani tweeted a screenshot from the Telangana government’s marriage registration website, showing names, photos and details of interfaith couples.
The tweet said: “List of Muslim women marrying disbelievers in Telangana. Anyone willing to reach their families and inform them about it?”
The Quint has blurred out the details of the couples while reproducing the screenshot from the account.

A Twitter account revealed details of interfaith married couples.
(Screenshot of the tweet altered by The Quint to blur out details of the couples).

Several individuals on Twitter called out the person running the account, for doxing the details of interfaith couples, to which the person responded saying that the information is already in public domain – available on the Telangana government’s website.
Doxing is commonly referred to as the act of searching for and leaking private or identifying information about a person/group on the internet, with a malicious intention. While the Telangana government website does have a notice dashboard revealing names and details of all couples getting married, this tweet specifically screenshotted and shared information of a certain kind of couples – not even all interfaith couples, but only those where the woman is a Muslim.
Since then, the Twitter account has been taken down, presumably after many called for it to be reported.
But this is only one among other accounts spreading such information. On Instagram, pages like 'save. Muslimgirl', 'wake.up.muslim.girls', 'stop_bhagwa_love', 'stop_bhagwalovetrap', and others, last week shared screenshots of purported chats between a Muslim woman and a Hindu man, along with the photograph of the Muslim woman and a picture of her residence in Kolkata.

A story posted by an Instagram page revealing details of an interfaith couple.

There are also images that are being circulated on WhatsApp asking others to spread awareness on what they call “Bhagwa love trap”.

WhatsApp messages circulating to spread awareness about the "Bhagwa Love Trap".

'Muslim Women Can Take Their Own Decisions, Men Have No Business Interfering’​

The statements and speeches by the Hindutva forces notwithstanding, the moral policing and harassment of interfaith couples isn’t justified, says writer Annie Zaidi.
“The men harassing the Muslim woman think that she isn’t capable of knowing what to do with her life or her body. The point isn’t whether the Hindu man is ‘trapping’ her or not. Let’s say for the sake of argument she is being brainwashed or lured, it’s still none of your business. She is an adult who can make her own decisions,” Zaidi said.
“The same men won’t have a problem if a Muslim woman is being abused or troubled by her Muslim husband. So clearly this has nothing to do with concern for the woman or her well-being. This is about your ego, your sense of a community ego,” Zaidi, the author of Prelude To A Riot, said.
Zaidi also emphasised the importance of consent in Islam. “Islam is the only religion where a woman’s consent is explicitly needed and asked for, and here her consent is being completely disregarded.”

In the last many years, India has seen an ever-rising discourse around so-called “Love Jihad” – a conspiracy theory that suggests that Muslim men are out to lure and marry Hindu women, only to convert them to Islam. Zaidi says that the ‘Bhagwa Love Trap’ theory could be a reaction to that.
“It’s like you cannot assert yourself outside the community, so you try to assert yourself inside the community on the weaker section,” Zaidi added.
Zaidi also contextualised the incidents of Muslim men harassing interfaith couples as a reaction to the many speeches by the Hindutva leaders over the years encouraging Hindu men to lure and marry Muslim women.
“Seeing such speeches must of course mess with your mind. And it’s true that no Muslim leader has ever even remotely encouraged ‘love jihad’. In fact, it’s not a thing, it’s fiction. So I don’t think the two can be compared or equated,” she said.
“But nonetheless, the only thing a supportive man can and should do is be there for a woman when she tries to assert her agency, and also be there for if things go awry and she wants to leave an abusive relationship. That is the best thing to do if you actually want to support the community and consider her a part of it,” Zaidi added.
It’s a love trap if
1- identity is falsified
2- promises to not convert are not kept

Any other kind of the guy or girl being an asshole is secular.
kya drama laga rakha hai bc, chootiyas of the highest order.
Typical incel behaviour of a lot of Indian low class men. 🙄
insecure turds, but then certain section of society (across demographics) m all sorts of weird shit goes down.

crazy uber conservative religious idiots, I seen wealthy (srsly wealthy) "men" be beat down by their families for even inter religion hookups with women from another "caste", or yer fekn' kundlis didn't match and dadi maa throws a fit

they should all get aids, cancer, and die.
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