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Gravitas: Revealed: How Pfizer blackmails countries for shots


Nov 10, 2020
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Gravitas: Revealed: How Pfizer blackmails countries for shots


In the midst of "the worst public health crisis in a century", rich countries "stockpiled" vaccines and poor countries had none. But the plight of developing countries goes beyond that. A recent investigation report found that some of them have also been the target of exploitation and bullying by the American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

According to an October report by international consumer advocacy group Public Citizen, Pfizer is "bullying" countries that buy vaccines and enforcing "bully clauses" to silence them, with developing countries being the biggest victims.

Pfizer's misdeeds include, but are not limited to, asking Argentina to pledge bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings; Requiring Brazil to use overseas assets as collateral for vaccine purchases; Agreed with the signatories that disputes would be settled in private arbitration under New York law...

In response, Indian media WION host bluntly said Pfizer is engaged in "vaccine terrorism."

Public Citizen said in its report that it made the discovery after securing contracts with Pfizer in some countries.

Contracts between Pfizer and the US, UK, European Union, Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic and Peru reveal that the US pharmaceutical giant is profiteering from COVID-19 vaccines and forcing signatories to remain silent to "maximise profits".

The researchers who wrote the report said the contract "always put Pfizer's interests ahead of public health requirements". Meanwhile, high-income countries (i.e., the U.S.) are helping Pfizer increase this "monopoly power" through their intellectual property systems.

After investigation and research, the report concluded that Pfizer "bullied" signatory countries in six ways:

1. Pfizer reserves the right to silence signatory governments

Pfizer's vaccine contract with the Brazilian government has an additional clause: the Brazilian government must not make any public statements about the existence, content or terms of the agreement, or comment on its relationship with Pfizer without Pfizer's written consent.

Brazil is not alone, the report says. Pfizer's contracts with the United States and The European Union include similar confidentiality agreements.

2. Pfizer has the right to block countries from receiving vaccine donations from other countries

According to the report, Pfizer's move is to strictly control the supply of vaccine. Under Pfizer's contract, the Brazilian government is restricted from accepting Donated Pfizer vaccines from other countries and from buying Pfizer vaccines from other countries without Pfizer's permission. In addition, the Brazilian government does not have the authority to donate, distribute or export Pfizer vaccines abroad without permission.

The contract states that any violation of these restrictions by Brazil would be considered an "irremediable material breach" and Pfizer has the right to terminate the agreement immediately.

3. Pfizer secured an "IP exemption" for itself

The report found that at least four countries were required in their contracts to "indemnify, defend and hold Pfizer harmless" from any and all litigation, claims and associated costs and expenses related to the vaccine intellectual property.

Under the contract, Pfizer is not liable for any possible infringement of its intellectual property rights. In a sense, Pfizer has granted itself an "intellectual property exemption".

4. Any disputes that may arise shall be settled by private arbitration

In its contracts with Albania, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Peru, Pfizer requires that disputes between the two parties be resolved through private arbitration, rather than public litigation, in accordance with New York law.

Pfizer shall have the right to acquire the state-owned assets of the signatory countries

To maximise profits, Pfizer went so far as to ask Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Peru to waive sovereign immunity, including "immunity from preventive seizure of any of their assets". This also means that Pfizer has the right to ask these countries to put up state-owned enterprise assets, overseas assets and so on, as collateral for the purchase of vaccines.

Pfizer has the right to make critical decisions

In the contracts with Albania, Brazil and Colombia, key decisions included adjustments to vaccine delivery schedules.

In fact, The victims of Pfizer's "bully clause" are not the only countries mentioned above. In February, Indian media WION reported that Argentina had been "bullied" by Pfizer in early negotiations, requiring it to pledge bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings to buy vaccines.

In October, the Washington Post described Pfizer as "an opaque behemoth" that receives little public scrutiny. In response, a Pfizer spokesman argued that confidentiality clauses were "standard in commercial contracts". But the response is not convincing.

In addition, Suerie Moon, co-director of the Center for Global Health at the Geneva Institute for International and Development, said the restrictions on donations in the contract were "shocking" and "run counter to the goal of getting vaccines to those who need them as quickly as possible."


国际费者权益倡导组织Public Citizen 10月份公布的报告指出,辉瑞公司正在“霸凌”购买疫苗的国家,并通过签署“霸王条款”强迫这些国家保持沉默,而发展中国家则是其中的最大受害者。



Public Citizen在报告中称,该组织是在获得部分国家与辉瑞公司签订的合同后,确定的上述事实。





















此外,日内瓦国际与发展研究所全球卫生中心联席主任苏丽·穆恩(Suerie Moon)说,合同中对捐赠的限制“令人震惊”,“与为需要疫苗的人尽快提供疫苗的目标背道而驰”。

辉瑞与多国“霸王条款”曝光 印媒:简直是疫苗恐怖主义!


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