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CPEC under renewed China focus


Mar 21, 2007
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CPEC under renewed China focus

Recorder Report
07 Feb, 2022


ISLAMABAD: Expressing strong determination to safeguard CPEC from all threats and negative propaganda, Pakistan and China have agreed to task the Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) to strengthen cooperation across all areas including in the fields of trade, infrastructure, industrial development, agriculture modernization, scientific and technological cooperation and socio-economic wellbeing of local people.

The commitment was made during Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Beijing from 3 to 6 February 2022 to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games 2022.

At the conclusion of the visit, a joint statement was issued on Sunday both in Islamabad and Beijing, in which Pakistan reaffirmed its commitment to making all-out efforts for the security of all Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan and the Chinese side expressed its appreciation for the measures taken by Pakistan in this regard.

During the visit, the Prime Minister held talks with President Xi Jinping, and Premier Li Keqiang. During their interactions, the leaders of the two countries held in-depth exchange of views on the entire spectrum of bilateral relations, as well as, regional situation and international political landscape.

“The meetings were marked by traditional warmth, strategic mutual trust and commonality of views that characterize the Pakistan-China All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership,” according to the joint communiqué.

The leaders reaffirmed that close strategic ties and deep-rooted friendship between Pakistan and China are time-tested and timeless. The bilateral relationship served the interest of both countries and was the historic choice of both peoples.

The Pakistan side underscored that Pakistan-China relationship is the cornerstone of its foreign policy and that closest friendship with China enjoys the abiding support of the people of Pakistan.

Both sides reiterated their support on issues concerning each other’s core interests. The Pakistan side expressed its commitment to One-China Policy and support for China on Taiwan, South China Sea, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet. The Chinese side reaffirmed its support for Pakistan in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence and security, as well as, promoting its socio-economic development and prosperity.

Both sides reviewed with satisfaction the outcome of three sessions of Foreign Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue and agreed to hold its next meeting at an early time.

Commending President Xi’s visionary Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Prime Minister Imran Khan underscored that as the flagship project of BRI, CPEC has significantly contributed to Pakistan’s economic and social development, in line with its shift to geo-economics and the economic security agenda of promoting trade, investments, and connectivity.

Both sides acknowledged the major contribution of CPEC projects, particularly in the areas of energy and transport infrastructure, in strengthening Pakistan’s key role in regional connectivity while modernizing its economic base.

“The leaders reaffirmed their support to CPEC’s high-quality development and the commitment to ensuring the smooth operation of completed projects and the timely completion of projects under construction,” according to the statement.
It added that the leaders took note of the signing of a Framework Agreement on Industrial Cooperation and agreed to further leverage the private sectors and entrepreneurs of both countries to contribute to Pakistan’s industrialization in an all round way.

The Chinese side appreciated the Prime Minister’s launch of the Pakistan-China Business and Investment Forum, and will enhance B2B cooperation between the business sectors of both countries.

The leaders agreed to task the CPEC Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) to strengthen cooperation across all areas including in the fields of trade, infrastructure, industrial development, agriculture modernization, scientific and technological cooperation and socioeconomic wellbeing of local people. Noting close bilateral cooperation in the areas of health, environment and ICT, the two sides agreed to launch the China-Pakistan health, industry, trade, green and digital corridors.

The two sides highlighted the significance of Gwadar as a central pillar of CPEC and important node in regional connectivity. According to the “1 + 4” layout, the two sides agreed to jointly accelerate the construction and operation of Gwadar Port and build Gwadar low-carbon circular industry zone. They agreed to build high-quality livelihood projects for the socioeconomic development of Gwadar city and its residents.

Both sides expressed their strong determination to safeguard CPEC from all threats and negative propaganda. Pakistan reaffirmed its commitment to making all-out efforts for the security of all Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan and the Chinese side expressed its appreciation for the measures taken by Pakistan in this regard.

Both sides observed that CPEC was a win-win enterprise and pivotal for regional prosperity and enhanced connectivity. As an open and inclusive initiative, third parties were welcome to benefit from investment opportunities in CPEC SEZs.

The two sides reviewed with satisfaction bilateral cooperation and mutual support after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Prime Minister Imran Khan thanked Chinese leadership for provision of COVID-19 vaccines to Pakistan which have been a mainstay of national mass vaccination drive.

Both leaders agreed that their mutual support, cooperation and solidarity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic was in keeping with the time-honoured traditions of Pakistan-China friendship and that both sides would continue supporting efforts to overcome the pandemic.

The two sides reaffirmed their resolve to continue and enhance their existing cooperation for developing emergency response systems, public health infrastructure and joint ventures for development of pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan to tackle similar challenges in future.

The two sides noted with satisfaction the record increase in bilateral trade volume in 2021. They agreed to further consolidate and expand bilateral trade relations by fully utilizing the 2nd Phase of Pakistan-China Free Trade Agreement. The Chinese side welcomes more of Pakistan’s high-quality food and agricultural products to the Chinese market.
Welcoming the establishment of Pakistan’s pavilions on Chinese e-commerce platforms, the two sides agreed to further strengthen cooperation in e-commerce, setting up online payment systems and cooperating in logistics, warehousing and customs facilitation.

The two sides noted with satisfaction the successful holding of the 15th Session of Pakistan-China Joint Committee on Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in December 2021. They agreed to leverage this important mechanism to further enhance overall bilateral economic engagement between the two countries.

The Pakistan side appreciated China’s unrivalled achievement of lifting 770 million people out of absolute poverty and wished the Chinese Government and people greater success in achieving the goals of socialist modernization and national rejuvenation. The Chinese side appreciated Pakistan’s Ehsaas Programme for poverty alleviation and reiterated its resolve to support Pakistan for infrastructure development in several fields including agriculture, education, health, safe drinking water and vocational training.

Both sides noted with satisfaction robust cooperation between Pakistan and China in education sector, and committed to further enhance cooperation between the educational institutions of the two countries. Pakistan side highlighted that China has become a popular education destination. While ensuring safety against COVID-19, China will arrange for Pakistani students to return to China and resume classes in a prudent manner.

Both sides reiterated the importance of people-to-people contacts, tourism cooperation and cultural exchanges for strong bilateral relations. Building on the MoU on Tourism Exchanges and Cooperation signed in November last year, the two sides agreed to celebrate Pakistan-China Year of Tourism Exchanges in 2023 and to establish strong linkages between the tourism promotion agencies and private enterprises of the two countries. The two sides agreed to make all possible efforts in support of greater civilizational exchanges between Pakistan and China and further expand cooperation for the conservation and presentation of heritage and artefacts of the two countries. The leaders welcomed the organizing of a Gandhara Art Exhibition at Palace Museum in Beijing in 2022.

Both sides agreed to continue the momentum in defence cooperation at various levels between the armed forces of Pakistan and China. They underscored that stronger defence and security cooperation between Pakistan and China was an important factor of peace and stability in the region.

China recognized Pakistan’s sacrifices and efforts in the fight against terrorism. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to fighting terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

Both sides reiterated that a peaceful and prosperous South Asia is in the common interest of all parties. They emphasized the importance of pursuit of dialogue and resolution of all outstanding disputes to promote regional cooperation and advance the goals of lasting peace, stability and shared prosperity in the region.

The Pakistan side briefed the Chinese side on the latest developments on the situation in Jammu & Kashmir, including its concerns, position and pressing issues at the moment. The Chinese side reiterated that the Kashmir issue was a dispute left from history, and should be properly and peacefully resolved based on the UN Charter, relevant Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements. China opposes any unilateral actions that complicate the situation.

On Afghanistan, the two sides agreed that a peaceful, stable, united, safe, and secure Afghanistan is fundamental for prosperity and progress in the region. They expressed satisfaction with the outcome of two Foreign Ministers’ meetings of the six neighbouring countries on Afghanistan and looked forward to its next meeting to be held in China. They are ready to discuss with Afghanistan the holding of the China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue.

The two sides underscored the need to expedite humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and its people to avert the looming crisis and called upon the international community to provide continued and enhanced assistance and support to Afghanistan including through unfreezing of Afghanistan’s financial assets.

The two sides are ready to discuss with Afghanistan the extension of CPEC to Afghanistan. The Chinese side appreciated Pakistan for hosting the 17th Extraordinary Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers on Afghanistan on 19 December 2021. The two sides agreed to continue their close cooperation on Afghanistan in the future.

Both sides expressed satisfaction over the close cooperation at multilateral fora and resolved to further deepen strategic coordination, consultation and communication. They reaffirmed their commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and support for multilateralism and win-win cooperation.
Great Powers' every move is calculated and measured with long term effects. The way Pakistan is aligning herself with this alternative system shows that she has already taken her decision, and ready to make all tne sacrifices....
The picture shows Gwadar Port? I heard that they've also built a six-lane marine drive road/expressway along the coastline which looks quite nice.
The picture shows Gwadar Port? I heard that they've also built a six-lane marine drive road/expressway along the coastline which looks quite nice.
Marine drive and expressway are different roads, if I'm not mistaken

Expressway is 95% complete, I don't think it's operational as of now

They were given numerous extensions but couldn't meet deadlines, I think the deadline has been pushed back again from April 2022 to maybe towards the end of the year
Steadfast determination to build CPEC

At the very beginning of the new Pakistani government, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said, “The new Pakistani government is advancing an ambitious reform agenda, and is willing to learn from China’s experience in economic development, poverty alleviation, disaster reduction, anti-corruption, and environmental protection. Advancing the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor is our top priority.”

From November 2 to 5, 2018, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan made his first official visit to China and attended the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai. During his visit, the two countries reached important consensus and signed a joint statement on further strengthening the China–Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership and building a closer China–Pakistan community of shared future in the new era.

Prime Minister Imran Khan made it clear that the completed projects of CPEC are in the interest of Pakistan and will bring enormous social and economic development opportunities to the Pakistani people.

Since China has lifted more than 700 million people out of poverty in the past decades, Pakistan is willing to learn from the Chinese government’s poverty alleviation measures. Pakistan also hopes to strengthen cooperation in industry and agriculture to help unleash its greater development potential.

On March 20, 2019, China and Pakistan held the first strategic dialogue between foreign ministers and reached broad consensus. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi noted that the Pakistani people are committed to promoting the CPEC construction and expanding bilateral cooperation in various fields. State Councilor Wang Yi said that the CPEC project is expected to be expanded to a larger scope, including the western region, in Pakistan, according to the vision plan of CPEC construction agreed by both sides.
China’s Yunnan province sponsored a tree planting project around National Highway-5 (N-5), popularly known as "Go Green Pakistan, Yunnan Chapter, Page 1." has recently been finalized. 5000 high temperature and drought-resistant tree saplings are now standing along N-5 in southern Sindh.

As Pakistan increasingly faces the challenges of Climate Change, China's Yunnan, a region renowned for its efforts to restore forests and reduce pollution, stepped forward and made the donation via the Yunnan People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China Yunnan Sunny Road and Bridge Corporation, which is working on various infrastructure projects in Pakistan.

The project was carried out in Southern Sindh, one of the hardest hit areas of extreme weather, along the central separator and the interchange area of N-5, Pakistan's north-south traffic trunk road. The project is expected to increase green coverage, ease water-soil losses and raise local residents' awareness of environmental protection.

Following that, the Chinese side will care for the saplings for a year to ensure their survival and maximize the project's impact.
The project has received high praise from Pakistan's Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Capital Development Authority (CDA), and the National Highway Authority (NHA)

NUML hosts successful International conference on CPEC​

March 22, 2023

ISLAMABAD, Mar 22 (APP): One day International Conference on “CPEC and People-to-People Links between Pakistan and China: Exploring the civilizational Engagements,” was organized by the International Relations Department of the National University of Modern Languages (NUML) here on Wednesday.

Director General CPEC Cell, Higher Education Commission (HEC) Dr. Safdar Ali Shah was the chief guest, while Dr. Hassan Daud Butt Associate Professor Bahria University, Islamabad was the keynote speaker.
Rector NUML Major General Muhammad Jaffar (Retd), Pro-Rectors, Deans, Heads of Departments, faculty members and a large number of students also attended the conference.

Dr. Safdar Ali Shah while highlighting the Socio-Cultural dimensions of CPEC said that China and Sub-Continent (Current Pakistan) have a great historic background in terms of culture and neighbourhood.
He described in detail the history of the region and ancient China.

He was of the view that both countries have a natural alliance and can mutually be beneficial for each other.
Dr. Hassan Daud in his address shed light on the rapid economic growth of China and he was of the view that Pakistani youth have more talent and can do wonders to make Pakistan a stable and economically strong country.

He stressed upon the uplift of industrial growth to get real fruits from CPEC.
Rector NUML Major General Muhammad Jaffar (Retd) in his address highlighted the importance of CPEC and specially ML-1 project.

He said that the Rail project under CPEC will pave a way for economic uplift in the country.
Rector NUML thanked all the scholars from China and Pakistan who were participating in the conference and hoped that all projects under CPEC will be completed soon.
It's not going anywhere without a functional and dedicated Pakistani govt.

NUML hosts successful International conference on CPEC​

March 22, 2023

ISLAMABAD, Mar 22 (APP): One day International Conference on “CPEC and People-to-People Links between Pakistan and China: Exploring the civilizational Engagements,” was organized by the International Relations Department of the National University of Modern Languages (NUML) here on Wednesday.

Director General CPEC Cell, Higher Education Commission (HEC) Dr. Safdar Ali Shah was the chief guest, while Dr. Hassan Daud Butt Associate Professor Bahria University, Islamabad was the keynote speaker.
Rector NUML Major General Muhammad Jaffar (Retd), Pro-Rectors, Deans, Heads of Departments, faculty members and a large number of students also attended the conference.

Dr. Safdar Ali Shah while highlighting the Socio-Cultural dimensions of CPEC said that China and Sub-Continent (Current Pakistan) have a great historic background in terms of culture and neighbourhood.
He described in detail the history of the region and ancient China.

He was of the view that both countries have a natural alliance and can mutually be beneficial for each other.
Dr. Hassan Daud in his address shed light on the rapid economic growth of China and he was of the view that Pakistani youth have more talent and can do wonders to make Pakistan a stable and economically strong country.

He stressed upon the uplift of industrial growth to get real fruits from CPEC.
Rector NUML Major General Muhammad Jaffar (Retd) in his address highlighted the importance of CPEC and specially ML-1 project.

He said that the Rail project under CPEC will pave a way for economic uplift in the country.
Rector NUML thanked all the scholars from China and Pakistan who were participating in the conference and hoped that all projects under CPEC will be completed soon.
No economic uplift whatsoever as long as the thieves and their handlers are not toppled..
Pakistan should look at marketing some future CPEC development to facilitate Saudi investment into Central Asia. While some reproachment has happened with Iran, the Saudi will still want to outflank Iran for regional influence, seeing what occurs when Iranian influence is left unchecked to have free movement in Iraq/Syria and Yemen.

Rail links to Central Asia and investment in mining would be win-win-win-win (for Chinese and Saudi investors, the local countries where the mining is happening, and the transit countries through which ore is being moved).

Pakistan for its part, can offer a 25 year ownership of segments of its railways to be rebuild in Pakistan on a BOT model. If Pakistani industrial production is to be profitable and exports to increase, especially from factories far from ports, rail costs must be as cheap as possible. Rail must be oriented towards prioritizing freight, as in the US.

For the Saudis, pivoting to becoming a vertically integrated mining superpower will probably be the best way to become less dependent on oil, especially as the world hopes to move away from Oil/Gas and into EVs and Nuclear power plants. Afghan lithium mines, Cobalt mines in the DRC, Uranium in Niger, etc.

A Saudi-Pak Rail company could operate SEZs in which cargo is stored and moved more efficiently, revolutionizing other sectors like food storage and warehousing. Coupled with CPEC phase 2 investing in increasing crop yields, making sure more food is preserved and transported quickly and efficiently to the markets where it can seek the highest prices, would make investors more likely to invest in Pakistani agriculture.

Rail based SEZ model could allow the railways to be self sustaining, similar to the Japan Rail model, once the cost of actually building the railways is taken out of the equation, via the BOT model. In Japan, Railway owned land hosts a host of other businesses.

With a well managed railway, Pakistan could then afford to schedule and operate passenger trains in between freight schedules, and although tickets being offered at higher prices, it would have to be a premium service that could be used to support tourism and competing with intercity airlines. A rail connections between Islamabad international airport and connecting to cities all over the country could make for the lack of some airline connections if the trips are fast enough; at 200 kmph.

Intercity buses would have to become the mode of transportation for more affordable and frequent travel, but Pakistan’s existing extensive motorway system should be able support that just fine through competition between different bus companies.

Even the newest western diesel passenger non-high speed trains have impressive speeds of 125 mph or about 200 kmph. Btw, I have personally used the train featured below; Brightline in Florida, and i can say it is on par in terms of quality and service as any high speed rail service, such as Amtrak’s Acela which I have also taken multiple times over the years.

So via the Saudis, western companies can be brought into “CPEC” projects and diffuse any potential problems Pakistan may face regarding these projects.

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Chinese delegation discusses low-cost energy projects at PCJCCI Secretariat

By Shafqat Ali
Jul 12, 2023

LAHORE,- A Chinese delegation from Huzhou visited the Pakistan-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) to discuss the scope of investment in low-cost energy projects here at the PCJCCI Secretariat on Tuesday afternoon. The delegation was headed by Gan Meilin, Chairman, Xiandeng, Hi-Tech Electric Co.

On this occasion, PCJCCI President Moazzam Ghurki said, "We are fully confident that the future of China-Pakistan relationship is broad and bright." He said that low-priced energy was produced in China through incineration of waste materials. This model could prove to be a solution to the energy crisis and environmental pollution in Pakistan. He also said that many Chinese companies were willing to invest in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incineration for power generation.

Gan Meilin, Chairman, Xiandeng, Hi-Tech Electric Co said that in Pakistan about 3,000 MW of electricity could be generated using agricultural residue and municipal solid waste. He maintained that Pakistan generated about 15 million tonnes of crop residue annually, which could be used as feedstock to generate 120 MW of electricity. He added Pakistan had a huge potential for renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, and biomass, which would also save foreign reserves to be consumed on high-cost energy.

The delegation was of the view that the construction style in Pakistan was conventional and inefficient. By contrast, the Chinese employ highly energy-efficient construction technology and style that could save construction and energy cost in Pakistan by up to 10 times. He added that among the 530MW cumulative generation capacity in Pakistan, 400 MW (75 percent) was generated from Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park, the first-ever power plant capable of generating solar energy in Pakistan, owned by the Punjab government and built by one of the renowned Chinese company.

Hamza Khalid, Vice President, PCJCCI, said that to nurture the industry and economic uplift, there was a dire need to inculcate modern trends of energy projects and construction among the common masses. With the involvement of the general public, he added, the trends and standards of modern construction would start to reflect in other segments of society. He also said that the shortfall of fuel and electricity in Pakistan was an indication for them to decrease their dependence on conventional fuel resources and find new sustainable resources.
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