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China’s nukes to rival US by ‘turn of the decade’


Nov 4, 2011
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China could have nuclear arsenal as big as the United States by end of decade according to new research​

China led the way in building more nuclear weapons last year and could have an arsenal as big as the United States by "the turn of the decade" according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Max MelzerDigital Reporter

June 12, 2023 - 6:07P

China led the world in building more nuclear weapons last year and could have an arsenal as big as the United States by the end of the decade according to new research.

In findings published on Monday the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said a number of countries had expanded their nuclear stockpiles last year including the US, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel.

However, China was leading the pack, boosting its arsenal from an estimated 350 warheads in January 2022 to 410 in January 2023.

China led the way in building more nuclear weapons last year and could have an arsenal as big as the United States by the turn of the decade according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Picture: Xia Yifang/Xinhua via Getty

China led the way in building more nuclear weapons last year and could have an arsenal as big as the United States by "the turn of the decade" according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Picture: Xia Yifang/Xinhua via Getty

While that number is still far behind both the US and Russia, each of whom have thousands of warheads, the researchers said they expected China's number to "keep growing," with the potential to equal its rivals by "the turn of the decade."

Associate Senior Fellow with SIPRI's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme and Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists Hans M. Kristensen warned the trend was "difficult" to reconcile with China's stated aim of maintaining its own security.

"China has started a significant expansion of its nuclear arsenal," he said.

"It is increasingly difficult to square this trend with China's declared aim of having only the minimum nuclear forces needed to maintain its national security."

The build-up of nuclear weapons was a significant concern for the researchers, who warned the world may have reached the end of a period of reduced nuclear threat.

"The stockpile is the usable nuclear warheads, and those numbers are beginning to tick up," said SIPRI Director Dan Smith.

"We are approaching, or maybe have already reached, the end of a long period of the number of nuclear weapons worldwide declining."

Associate Senior Fellow with SIPRI's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme Hans M. Kristensen said it was increasingly difficult to reconcile China's nuclear build-up with its stated goal of national security. Picture: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

Associate Senior Fellow with SIPRI's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme Hans M. Kristensen said it was "increasingly difficult" to reconcile China's nuclear build-up with its stated goal of national security. Picture: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

Heightened geopolitical tensions worldwide were likely the cause of rising stockpiles, although professor Smith noted that the war in Ukraine was not the instigating factor as it takes a long period of time to expand an arsenal.

The rapid build-up in China will concern the US and its allies in the Indo-Pacific with the risk of conflict in the region at its highest point in decades.

A close call between Chinese and US vessels in the Taiwan Strait last week led to another flare up between the two nations, with both sides accusing the other of wrongdoing.

China has made no secret of its ambitions in the region, laying claim to the entirety of the South China Sea despite objections from other Pacific nations and conducting massive military operations around Taiwan.

In response, the US and its allies have stepped up military cooperation and conducted freedom of navigation exercises aimed at curbing China's influence.

According to SIPRI, neither the US or UK significantly boosted their stockpiles last year, but the UK is expected to increase the number of warheads in the future after a 2021 announcement which pushed its upper limit from 225 to 260.

India, Pakistan and North Korea all upped their stockpiles by around five, although exact data on North Korea's program remains scarce so that number may not fully reflect any changes.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has in recent times made a number of threats to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

They have grown their arsenal from 4477 to 4489 after announcing it was suspending its participation in the 2010 Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms - known as New START.

I think China already have the capability to take out US + 2nd strike capability.
Why? China's arsenal is already enough to destroy the entire Western world. It doesn't make sense to me to build more and more nuclear weapons which costs billions of Dollars. Is this another vanity project of the Communists?
China have 410 nukes, which are very less than Russia and US.

I do not think China will increase to thousands.

China may help Russia financially and Russia with weapons.
Their co-operation may be like NATO in future..
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U.S. has about 10,000 more nukes than are commonly talked about.

Obama reneged on the MOX deal with Putin, but the U.S. still removed those nukes from the tally.

This means that China needs at bare minimum ~15,000 nukes to reach naive parity with the U.S., but to reach real parity, one has to factor in the nukes that all U.S. vassal states have, as well as the targets in all U.S. vassal states, as well as the extra nukes in U.S. vassel states arsenals, as well as the potential stockpiles of plutonium in U.S. vassal states, especially the enormous ones that the U.K. and Japan have.

So, 5,000-6,000 if you go by official figures.

15,000-16,000 if you add back in the nukes from the reneged MOX deal with Russia.

A bit more when you add in the acknowledges nukes in all U.S. vassal states.

A massive amount more if you count the plutonium stockpiles in countries like the U.K. and Japan.

A Fudge Factor that needs to go into the fact that China has very concentrated cities compared to the total population in the U.S. + U.S. Vassals.

This adds up to at bare minimum 6,000-16,000 nukes needed to reach naive parity.

20,000-100,000 to reach normalized parity.
No need to build that many, 1500 nuclear warheads will keep everyone calm and not crazy
No need to build that many, 1500 nuclear warheads will keep everyone calm and not crazy
So long you have the capability to put US cities 10 feet under it will be peace & quiet.
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