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China should ‘worry’ about Taiwan 2027 timeline, J-20 is just ‘OK’ fighter and “isn’t anything to lose sleep over”: US PACAF chief

You are wrong. Most Chinese here expect US to go to war with China. After Biden said it the 4th time that US will go to war with China over Taiwan, there is no more doubt. However, US navy does not scare China. Going to war with US does not scare China. In fact it is what China is planning for. Just like how US's military spending and doctrine is now all for preparing for a war with China later this decade, China's military spending and doctrine is also focused on winning a war against US later this decade.

Once Chinese are used to a life of comfort it is hard to go to war. It is much easier to go for peaceful reunification route provided sentiment is there on both sides. There is a big question over what happens to the CCP.

It is much easier to wait and to hope for the decline of the USA.
Once Chinese are used to a life of comfort it is hard to go to war. It is much easier to go for peaceful reunification route provided sentiment is there on both sides. There is a big question over what happens to the CCP.

It is much easier to wait and to hope for the decline of the USA.
You are projecting your own rationalizations on Chinese people. It's laughable how further from the truth your assumptions are. Taiwan is a very sensitive subject for Chinese and almost all young people see it as their duty to go to war over Taiwan if it comes to that. The CCP will cannot soften its stance regarding Taiwan because the Chinese public will not allow it. Any party, CCP included, will be overthrown in China if Taiwan is allowed to go independent. Yes, China will go to war with the US over Taiwan; even go nuclear if necessary.

So, in the interest of peace, the US better keep their puppets in Taiwan on a short leash. War is just one declaration of independence away.
You are projecting your own rationalizations on Chinese people. It's laughable how further from the truth your assumptions are. Taiwan is a very sensitive subject for Chinese and almost all young people see it as their duty to go to war over Taiwan if it comes to that.

All I can see is huffing and puffing while the economy is being built. The economic interdependence on the outside world is an achilles heel.
All I can see is huffing and puffing while the economy is being built. The economic interdependence on the outside world is an achilles heel.
Economy is secondary to the Taiwan issue. China will take Taiwan no matter the cost.
Yeah...China will take Taiwan 'no matter the cost', as you said, except YOU will not be part of that cost. :lol:
I don't have chinese citizenship. can't join PLA. what do you expect me to do?
Taiwan, in terms of the current Ukrainian war template, is the illegal Donbass regime set up by the United States, only this time the empire behind it is the United States.
Many Western media outlets now deliberately use the term invasion in an attempt to confuse Taiwan and Ukraine as having fundamentally different concepts of sovereignty.
Judging from the reaction of Chinese Internet remarks, the mainstream of the Chinese people believes that Russia is doing great things while cherishing its own life, and seeing small gains and forgetting its life.
When war broke out, Russia made the mistake of not destroying Ukraine's will to war on a large scale. Russia saw the Ukrainian infrastructure as its own property and did not want to destroy it, and Russia imagined that Ukrainians identified with the Russians as relatives and brothers. It will give up resistance like it did in 2014. You can't blame Russia, many people, including me, think that way.
There is a Chinese saying that either you do not do it, or you do it all to the end.
I think China has reached a consensus that the only way to recover Taiwan is by force. Moreover, Taiwan's will to resist must be completely destroyed in the first place. Use maximum force, regardless of the casualties of local civilians.
In fact, in China, through exchanges with Taiwanese, Chinese people realize that Taiwanese are a nation that hates Chinese people very much, and has very strong racial discrimination and racial hatred. The main target of Taiwanese racism and racial hatred is the Chinese.
Judging from the reaction of Chinese Internet remarks, the mainstream of the Chinese people believes that Russia is doing great things while cherishing its own life, and seeing small gains and forgetting its life.
When war broke out, Russia made the mistake of not destroying Ukraine's will to war on a large scale. Russia saw the Ukrainian infrastructure as its own property and did not want to destroy it, and Russia imagined that Ukrainians identified with the Russians as relatives and brothers. It will give up resistance like it did in 2014. You can't blame Russia, many people, including me, think that way.
There is a Chinese saying that either you do not do it, or you do it all to the end.
I think China has reached a consensus that the only way to recover Taiwan is by force. Moreover, Taiwan's will to resist must be completely destroyed in the first place. Use maximum force, regardless of the casualties of local civilians.
In fact, in China, through exchanges with Taiwanese, Chinese people realize that Taiwanese are a nation that hates Chinese people very much, and has very strong racial discrimination and racial hatred. The main target of Taiwanese racism and racial hatred is the Chinese.
If you look at the map from the begining and where do Russia strike prior to rolling the ground force in, you will know they don't really care about civilian infrastructure, to a point they only care about the infrastructure they can use to further their progress, which is what most Army would do.

Take Gostomel Airport for example, Russia tries to land VDV on the airport, so they were spared Gostomel (or Antonov International) but completely destroyed Zhuliany Airport in Kyiv which serves as the transit hubs to basically all direction. But when the VDV air assaulted was repelled, they basically bombed the entire Gostomel which is where the Mriya got destroyed along with several An-24 on the ground.

The Russian destroyed almost all infrastructure on and near Kyiv, Kharkiv and Kherson, the only thing saved Western Ukraine is basically the range, it was outside Russian fighter and cruise missile range.

The problem is, most C4I these day are mobile and they have redundant system to preserve the chain of command, which mean even if they took down the TV tower in Kyiv (I think it happened on 5 or 6 of March) that does not mean Ukrainian cannot receive information from the government. What Russia did is set their mind on the old mindset, where they do not understand the importance of mobile communication, and what it does to their own invading military.

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