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Chatro Dal removing anti-BNP billboards

@blue Ocean

Jul 2, 2023
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শাহবাগ থেকে বিএনপি বিরোধী বিলবোর্ড অপসারণ করেছে ছাত্রদল”​

@IndianLite, watch it to freshen your dark BAL mind.
But, @IndianLite still will think the video is a made up propaganda video produced by an anti-BD organization, and it is not real.
This is the real propaganda whining brother @Blue Ocean ! Our great BAL asset Hasina'sLight ( @IndianLite) should also practice it!

How to cry without shedding tear!

আ্যঁ আ্যঁ আ্যঁ, উঁ উঁ উঁ! কেউ @IndianLite রে গ্লিসারিন আইনা দ্যান গো ভাইজানেরা!

( Someone please give glycerin to @IndianLite ,so that he can distribute to his/her kin to shed tears when crying artificially! ) 😂

This is the real propaganda whining brother @Blue Ocean ! Our great BAL asset Hasina'sLight ( @IndianLite) should also practice it!

How to cry without shedding tear!

আ্যঁ আ্যঁ আ্যঁ, উঁ উঁ উঁ! কেউ @IndianLite রে গ্লিসারিন আইনা দ্যান গো ভাইজানেরা!

( Someone please give glycerin to @IndianLite ,so that he can distribute to his/her kin to shed tears when crying artificially! ) 😂

Posting YouTube videos of poorly educated plebs?!!

I told you I only listen to the opinions of Ivy League and oxbridge academics.

So don’t waste my time by tagging me to videos of semi literate plebs!!!
This is the real propaganda whining brother @Blue Ocean ! Our great BAL asset Hasina'sLight ( @IndianLite) should also practice it!

How to cry without shedding tear!

( Someone please give glycerin to @IndianLite ,so that he can distribute to his/her kin to shed tears when crying artificially! ) 😂

Contrary to what the video may be saying, Mujib was certainly not a thief like his daughter Hasina. His party people were stealing right and left that angered him.

He asked his party people in one meeting, "আট কোটি কন্বল বিদেশ থেকে আসলো। তা আমার কন্বলটা কোথায় গেলো"?
He asked his party people in one meeting, "আট কোটি কন্বল বিদেশ থেকে আসলো। তা আমার কন্বলটা কোথায় গেলো"?
Yes that's maybe! But unfortunately Elias has many videos that he accused Mujib directly with some striking evidences!

However I don't buy all his logics , as none is angel among Bangladeshi politicians!

Besides Hasina is actually destroyed her father's reputation!

Whatever happened after independence it's different thing!

But before independence Mujib had great contribution for Bengali nation ( Pakistani Bengali) !

So it's not clear wheather he wanted to break Pakistan , or wanted to be PM of Pakistan!

If the later is correct , still I don't blame him , because he was rightful PM of Pakistan by the vote of majority Pakistani!

On the other hand he was an illegitimate PM of independent Bangladesh , because he didn't arrange a vote when he sat on PM chair!

Whatever is the case , Mujib was better than Hasina , no doubt!

Hasina doesn't care her family's death , rather she use it to gain political advantage!

Contrary to what the video may be saying, Mujib was certainly not a thief like his daughter Hasina. His party people were stealing right and left that angered him
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Posting YouTube videos of poorly educated plebs?!!
Elias is an investigative journalist unlike the BAL punks! Most of people who are online activist and truly anti BAL people are either educated from developed world , or are doing jobs in universities in developed world!

So they aren't poorly educated! Yes maybe Elias' education isn't as high as others , but he is approved by other highly qualified activists as a top class investigative journalist!

I told you I only listen to the opinions of Ivy League and oxbridge academics.
Then tell me from which university of ivy league or Russel group you have graduated and later achieved higher qualification! Otherwise I'm not ready to accept your claim!

Because for me you are just one of the self righteous online trolls, who pretend to be so big and actually completely empty from inside!

I rather prefer the activist who like Pinaky. Dr Taj Hashmi and few others who are well educated and specially Taj Hashmi has been a professor of DU , later in Singapore university and now doing job as a professor of history in a Canadian university!

So their opinions are much more credible than a BAL crony who claim to have studied in a world class university, yet can't launch a logical argument other than just trolling and insulting other people!

So don’t waste my time by tagging me to videos of semi literate plebs!!!
Actually not expecting you to accept their opinion!

I just wanted to show you the crocodile tears of some bitches and bastards who are pretending to crying ; but even no tears from their eyes!

And I don't expect the real tear from them for Mujib; aren't these Indian Dalals actually responsible of killing Mujib and his family?

Do you know that sheikh Rehana is also against your Helen of Bangladesh sheikh Hasina , and Kanak sarwar or few online activists are working for Rehana against Hasina?

I heard it from very core from BAL source and these sources are very reliable!

Although I'm a small fry , but they are not very small ( from the people I heard) !

Why don't you understand that locally my relatives are more attached to BAL than BNP?

I told it several times , right? Even before 12/14 months I was almost a blind supporter of Hasina , you saw it right?

You don't understand because of your self righteousness!

But keep it in mind that most of emperors in history was slaughtered by their own people; either friends or close relatives! So if anyone will be cause of Hasina's downfall , it will be her very close people!

Look at the Mughal empire you will understand!

Also look at the mongol empire! The mighty hulagu Khan was suppressed by his cousin Berke Khan!

The latest case is Sirajuddoula!

I blame Ghaseti begum more than Mir Jafar himself for the downfall of the Nawab!

You see ? All are results of palace coup?

So why you are unrealistically hostile to anti BAL people? Do you idiot really think that a leaderless party BNP can cause mighty BAL ay trouble? I don't think so !

Hasina's own people will be the reason of her downfall, mark my words!

So don't consider yourself a scholar! Stop being a laughing stock!
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আ্যঁ আ্যঁ আ্যঁ, উঁ উঁ উঁ! কেউ @IndianLite রে গ্লিসারিন আইনা দ্যান গো ভাইজানেরা!

You had me on the floor in stitches bhai. :rofl:
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