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Featured Afghanistan: '15 Killed, 80 Wounded’ in Pakistani Retaliation

@Psychic would like to hear what your overall thought is for the AFG situation w.r.t Pakistan.

What would you propose as some steps and solutions etc?
No, no, nooooo! Pakistan should take the whole kit and caboodle!

Where was this wisdom when you decided to invade Afghanistan? Instead of spending a Trillion+ USD, wouldn't it have been better to outsource the problem to Pakistan for 1/10th the cost with guaranteed desired results?

Who can go into Afghan mess now to fix things? Today, it is exponentially more problematic.
would like to hear what your overall thought is for the AFG situation w.r.t Pakistan.
That antagonism stems from Afghanistan's claims on Pakistani territory. Every mishap is a by-product of Afghanistan's claim on Pakistan's Western frontiers.

Unless Afghanistan abandons its hostility to Pakistan, incidents like these will continue to occur. One can argue that this also applies to Pakistan but that argument is flimsy since Pakistan's only interest is a neutral or friendly Afghanistan; not necessarily a Pakistani satellite. If an anti Pakistan government sits in Kabul, then Pakistan cannot be expected to sit idle; it has to protect itself from facing a two-front scenario in the future. The world either failed to recognize Pakistan's concern or was itself out there to corner Pakistan.

Afghanistan has remained a country divided on ethnic, sectarian and political lines for over five decades now. It has witnessed two invasions and civil wars. Due to porous borders, refugees and cultural similarities, Pakistan faced fallout. The Great Game was not really over at the start of the twentieth century, it is still relevant. Afghanistan's proximity to Iran, Pakistan, Central Asia and China is still relevant. This country sits on huge deposits of lithium and iron ore worth three trillion dollars. Its territory can be used as a base camp to destabilize several countries.

Contrary to the mainstream narrative which is misleading at best and bullcrap at worst, several countries meddle in Afghanistan's "internal" affairs, not just Pakistan. The Northern Alliance was supported by Iran, Central Asian states, India and at a latter stage by America itself. Soviets and Americans even invaded that country. Afghans themselves are divided and busy killing each other off but somehow all of them find enough time to blame Pakistan for miseries which are their own doing. Pakistan may have supported a party in that country just like other countries did. The narrative that Pakistan has always supported "extremist" elements is also fallacious; according to that narrative, Taliban are devil reincarnate and Marshal Dostum is a paragon of peace - not even worthy of response.
What would you propose as some steps and solutions etc?
Afghanistan's acceptance of Durand Line as border.

Debunking false narratives against Pakistan.

Making Afghanistan realize that their enmity towards Pakistan won't be good for anyone in the Af-Pak region.

Current situation is favoring Pakistan and not the anti-Pakistan elements as the Taliban which are neutral towards Pakistan are in a strong position. Make best use of that for betterment of relations between the two countries.

Economic development in Afghanistan. That will end refugee problem and turn people away from weapons.
This whole Afghan War has been a waste of lives and money and still no result and same incompetency lol

Don’t worry we’ll make sure to make Afghan part of Pakistan soon.
You will kill women and children to avenge those deaths?

If someone throw stones on our soldiers,we will open fire. It doesn't matter who is facing the bullets. We aren't afghanistan.we have provided afghans shelter,provided them better living but you can see these afghans throwing stones on our soldiers. This is disrespectful.
Its not about wisdom. Its planned coordinated attack into pakistan
Where was this wisdom when you decided to invade Afghanistan? Instead of spending a Trillion+ USD, wouldn't it have been better to outsource the problem to Pakistan for 1/10th the cost with guaranteed desired results?

Who can go into Afghan mess now to fix things? Today, it is exponentially more problematic.

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