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  1. Menace2Society

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Pakistanis are deeply embedded in the west and have added value in science, engineering, medicine etc. We are not like you good for nothing going kaboom in a market and scurring around in caves like rats.
  2. Menace2Society

    From the River to the Sea, Pakistan Will be Free

    Look at it this way, 100 years ago we were being pummelled by India and Afghanistan and British. Oman owned Gwadar. We had no identity, no land and no borders. Look further back we have been slaves, robbed, murdered, plundered. Now we have enough nukes to destroy the world and our own...
  3. Menace2Society

    From the River to the Sea, Pakistan Will be Free

    One day Pakistan will rise to a 1st world fully developed country with no poverty, low crime, great education and medical systems. Immigration with people coming from all around the world to work. Beach resorts, mountain skiing resorts. Clean city centres. That has always been the dream.
  4. Menace2Society

    TTP releases statement positioning itself as an Afghan nationalist organisation aimed at dismantling Pakistan

    Do you want to bend over and give your a*s to them as well? FATA is infested with Afghans who are larping as Pakistanis and they either under duress or willinginly faciliated the death of 80k Pakistanis. Zarb e Azab was their accountability and considering how targeted that operation was, they...
  5. Menace2Society

    Cipher case : under the Official Secrets Act

    When the results were being announced in the 2019 elections, midway they shut the feed down to fudge the votes. They were already doing massive rigging but IK still won, but not with a majority. His hands were tied. If there was no rigging he would have had a majority in the 2013 elections and...
  6. Menace2Society

    Cipher case : under the Official Secrets Act

    Hard to tell? Looters, gangsters and murderers are back in power. These cockroaches would sell the country down the drain to save their own a*ses.
  7. Menace2Society

    WATCH: Hindus and Sikhs get into a MASSIVE brawl in Brampton during Diwali celebrations

    And once upon a time I was thinking of moving there. Even when I was in Lisbon, I was having a great time with the locals and out of nowhere these drunk pajeets started swearing at me in punjabi after recognizing me as they were going by. I ignored them but imagine when there are more of them...
  8. Menace2Society

    WATCH: Hindus and Sikhs get into a MASSIVE brawl in Brampton during Diwali celebrations

    They have destroyed Canada. How do the native Canadians tolerate this.
  9. Menace2Society

    Forced to leave Pakistan, where can Afghan refugees go? | The Take

    They do not share Pakistani values, they are ideological opposites, they radicalize Pakistanis, they are agents of chaos. With what TTP have done and how Afghans protect them, there shouldn't be a single Afghan in Pakistan. They should be banned like trump banned entry from those 7 countries.
  10. Menace2Society

    Indian-origin "Karnani Churel" Suella Braverman sacked as UK minister

    classic pajeet phenotype this one. I do agree with her views on immigration however.
  11. Menace2Society

    Forced to leave Pakistan, where can Afghan refugees go? | The Take

    When are they going to deport the larpers living in KPK and FATA?
  12. Menace2Society

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Is the nadra database being combed?
  13. Menace2Society

    Despite hating Pakistanis : More Afghans crossing into Pakistan?

    Why would God be behind women and child killers when they go kaboom in a market? I don't think they understand God at all, that's why they are the way they are. Its just instinct and testerone. Nothing going on in between those eyes.
  14. Menace2Society

    PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

    I reckon it will take Afghans at least 40 years to move beyond trying to break Pakistan. The relationship Talibs have with TTP is like the hezbollah-Iran relationship. Can Pakistan afford 40 more years of TTP? You have to draw the line at some point.
  15. Menace2Society

    Why did Pakistan choose to expel the Afghan immigrants at this point in time?

    If Trump is back next year then so will IK. They have a window to act because IK would not have allowed this or even if he would have it would not have suited his optics.
  16. Menace2Society

    PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

    Evacuate FATA and militarize it completely like the North Korea South Korea border. Any attack leads to JDAMs on Kabul with an increasing payload after each attack. Lets see how long this game of chicken lasts.
  17. Menace2Society

    People of Palestine calling Pakistani Military.

    Are you swearing at me you yankee twin flag larper with your Osama Bin Laden Al Qaeda jibberish? You sympathizing with Afghans is a dead giveaway.
  18. Menace2Society

    People of Palestine calling Pakistani Military.

    You are cucked :lol: The strategic interests of Pakistan are more important than anything else in this world.
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