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  1. B

    JF-17 C Arrives To Participate In Dubai Airshow!

    Tail should at least have the correct name of the Sqn on it. It is Black "Panthers" and not Black Panther if I recall correctly. Attention to detail is important. The aircraft on the far side has Black Panther inverted compared to 22-308 so a mismatch for aircraft within the same sqn. Not...
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    PTI Increased Exports By $8.86 billion

    I blame our politicians a lot for this situation. The reality is that if they want to fix the economy they can, but they won't get re-elected. There in lies the rub. You would need to curb imports of non-essentials similar to what SS did but it did not last due to the hue and cry about cat...
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    Four Soldiers martyred in North and South Waziristan districts.

    My gripe with the way ISPR report is exactly this. We never know what actually transpired (even at a high level as we cannot expect ISPR to release details for obvious reasons). Each time they say it was a firefight and our boys were casualties. To a layperson, that seems like repeated bad...
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    Israeli guest loses his $hit due to colour of saree worn by anchor!

    Have to give her credit. She stood her ground in defense of her Sari and the Palestinians.
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    PTI Increased Exports By $8.86 billion

    We have to cut our expenses...reduce imports and increase tax collection. That is the only option. Consumer goods being imported need to be kicked to the curb, focus should only be on essential imports such as POL, machinery etc. that directly contribute to the manufacturing industry's output.
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    Slightly old view with some errors but instructive on the various elements within the "portfolio" :-)
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    Our IRBMs have sufficient reach if they were ever required. Case in point Ababeel. Nobody has suggested any friendship with the enemies of Palestinians.
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    This logic is something that has been emanating from a particular quarter constantly and being rugurgitated. Pakistan has no masters. Pakistan does what makes sense for its interests in the moment and sometimes it succeeds and other times it fails. If Pakistan had masters, we'd be...
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    You know, sometimes it's actually a good thing being irrelevant. We need some peace and quiet to focus inward and address our structural problems. We don't need to be in the mix of global geopolitical mess all the time. Instead of being miffed, if we can get some quiet away from the sights of...
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    Sisi wants depopulation (ethnic cleansing) of Gaza

    Sissi has said no such thing. He is adamant, rightly so, that no Palestinians should be pushed in Sinai. This would be a dream come true for Zionist expansionists. This is not about taking Palestinians in on humanitarian grounds. Otherwise Jordan, Kuwait, KSA, Egypt, Syria have all taken in...
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    Pakistan's Economy - News and Updates

    Why Pakistan's rupee has soared the most against the US dollar among global currencies Filip De Mott Wed, October 18, 2023 at 7:42 PM EDT·2 min read 16 The Pakistani rupee has become the top performer in global currency markets. It gained 8% from a record low in early September, after a...
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    What recent Gaza conflict can teach us?

    Anger is there rightly so, but beyond that, there is no end to resistance and even more, the determination is even greater than before this war. With each casualty, Palestinians aren't saying, we surrender. They are hardening for what will play out over the long term. As such, what can Israel...
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    What recent Gaza conflict can teach us?

    There are statements from each of these governments. Because you don't know, you should not make these assumptions. There is a sea of people (not even just Arabs, Muslims) but in South America, Africa and beyond. India/Modi are clearly on the wrong side of this on account of the prevailing...
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    The common denominator across all nuclear powers is a deterrence based on perceived threats. Pakistan's focus thus far has been towards its near-most existentialist threat which is India. The other countries are either global powers that have a requirement to project power/force and as such...
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    Some people have issues with everything under the sun. Be thankful for this deterrence which is our own. AH! This is not new. Ababeel with MIRV has been under development/testing since 2017.
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    I am not sure what to make of your post with all these bold points. What/who does Pakistan need an ICBM for? First define that. Your entire post is about some issue related to pride and respect which won't come just because we have an ICBM arsenal. Pakistan's MRBM program offers us the...
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    What recent Gaza conflict can teach us?

    "Never target innocent civilians" Israel does this 24x7x365. Prior to the Oct 7th attacks, over 200 Palestinians had been killed since the beginning of 2023 in illegal, extrajudicial murders by the Israelis. If Hamas does not react to Israeli high-handedness with violence, some other entity...
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    JPMorgan’s bold forecast: India to become 3rd largest economy by 2027

    With a population of 1.4 billion, why is this even news? Even if it becomes 3rd, it is a distant 3rd. However, this is not to put shade, rather just calling out that this is as simple as understanding the demographics and their direct correlation to the economy.
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    Allah ka shukar adaa karro k saray mashriq-e-wusta ki tarha, sitting ducks nahi hain hum. Alhamdolillah. India/US/Israel kutch bhi karlain, jitnay bhi Rafale India ko de dain, Pakistan is here to stay iA. Maeeshat/economy ko recover karain, awaam ki taleem aur sehat per kharchaa barhain aur...
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    Ababeel Missile Tested

    I'd take brains.
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