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    Palestinian fined 200 $ for wearing underwear at israeli beach

    Tel Aviv is the best Israeli city, island of sanity in the sea of shitload of Arabs. BTW it happened in Netanya, not Tel Aviv.
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    Possible targets of Hezbollah in a future war with Israel / הסיוט של הציונים בארץ אברהם

    Sure, it will kill thousands Arabs living nearby, perfect target, not that Arabs cared much about other Arabs...
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    Iran’s Khamenei: Trump ‘shows real face of America’

    Funny coming from Iranian. Annual mass parades with slogans "death to America, death to Israel" why would Iranian even want to visit the Big Satan.
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    Striking similarities between ISIS and Israel.

    14.You are an idiot.
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    Israel to regain air dominance as touchdown of F-35 jets nears

    It is a fact, Israel has absolute air dominance in the region, get over it.
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    Israel to regain air dominance as touchdown of F-35 jets nears

    Israel to regain air dominance? When was it lost?
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    Close ties: Israel Elbit Systems on hunt for acquisitions In Great Britain despite Brexit.

    Oh the irony that you glorify occupation. FYI, Iranians are not Persians, mostly Arabs, since Muslim occupation of Persia. We can not develop everything. We have some capability to build small turbo jet engines but not on a scale to drive even medium UAV. Even prop engines for our UAVs are not...
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    Even Israelis making fun of Indians

    I see animal cruelty.
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    Powell’s email says Israel has 200 nuclear weapons, all directed at Iran

    Duh, might is right, always was and always will be.
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    Israel has 200 Nukes: Leaked Report

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    US “Aid” to Israel is Illegal

    Whose morals?
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    US “Aid” to Israel is Illegal

    How come?
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    Which Middle Eastern nation has the most advanced independent space program?

    Academic publication? You attempt to prove that Iran is ahead of Israel i space technologies? First of all quantity is not equal quality. Secondly, aerospace engineer is a niche of academics, to design and build rockets and satellites combine many fields, computer science, material science...
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    Explosion At SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Site In Florida

    Four years of building Amos 6, what a loss.
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