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  1. ali_raza

    3 Pakistan Navy personnel martyred in Gwadar helicopter crash

    sorry for asking off topic question but i saw in a james bond movie i think golden eye it was tiger helicopter which was stolen it had ejection seat which saved bond and the girl which showed the whole cabin breaking free from the body
  2. ali_raza

    3 Pakistan Navy personnel martyred in Gwadar helicopter crash

    i mean whts the safety machanism
  3. ali_raza

    3 Pakistan Navy personnel martyred in Gwadar helicopter crash

    what are the protocols for ejecting a crashing helli
  4. ali_raza

    Year 2008: Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Notifications Regarding Pakistan

    not pakistan u son of biatch and we r multi national and multi million family owned business we send pakistan soo kuch money which ur khan even couldn’t steal
  5. ali_raza

    Year 2008: Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Notifications Regarding Pakistan

    hahahha u useless shiiit sitting on laptop while my prents just recently arrived from a tour of many countries ur useless types doesn’t know how to talk i literally have people making my coffee more educated then u learn to type u piece of crap we employ more pakistanis then ur mother have...
  6. ali_raza

    Pakistan Rupee crashes at 300

    it’s because of dollar getting stronger everywhere more to do with interest rate increases in america itself pakistan is not prone to it and neither they have extra dollars to throw in market to stabilize it its basically no one’s fault
  7. ali_raza

    Offer for Karachi Sea Port terminal rejected as ‘too low’

    this matter is different the time ptcl deal happened it was pitched including certain properties which later on were not transferred the same issue exists until today they ask for properties and the money is rotting in escrow account
  8. ali_raza

    Azerbaijan signs partnership deal to join KAAN project

    no sir 🫡 it can be named anything jf17c j35 or anything u like anyway the information i have is a year old but it was authentic
  9. ali_raza

    UAE investment in Indian-administered Kashmir a 'complete betrayal'

    he might be fronting them for his services to safeguard mall in srinagar
  10. ali_raza

    The Last Persian Shah is vindicated: 1979 was a CIA ops

    thats not true and you r an idiot u want respect give respect u a&$hole
  11. ali_raza

    The Last Persian Shah is vindicated: 1979 was a CIA ops

    hahaha come to dubai habibi see for urself
  12. ali_raza

    The Last Persian Shah is vindicated: 1979 was a CIA ops

    haha u keep reaping benefits for exporting girls while abusing arabs at the same time
  13. ali_raza

    The Last Persian Shah is vindicated: 1979 was a CIA ops

    shut the fuk up if u don’t have argument to start abusing others u don’t agree get out next time keep ur mouth shut u rather focus of exporting prostitutes to gulf cos thats whts the top export of u guys now
  14. ali_raza

    Chinese woman Gao Fang arrives in KP to marry Pakistani lover

    khuda ka khof karo if armenian or brazilian i would agree yar russian i have plenty plenty but not interested
  15. ali_raza

    Azerbaijan signs partnership deal to join KAAN project

    americans are smart people but pakistanis are over smart and like they say in america no body likes a smart *** afghan chapter isn’t what it look on the paper everyone took there dirty laundry there and washed it it includes everyone but at later stage americans were fedup of the mess they...
  16. ali_raza

    Azerbaijan signs partnership deal to join KAAN project

    yes brits never would pick a clear side even with there enemies they opened negotiate with they r very very cunning
  17. ali_raza

    Azerbaijan signs partnership deal to join KAAN project

    🤪 they aren’t interested in it anyway
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