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  1. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Rohillas faced violence moving eastward during the partition. There were clashes in Quetta itself. If you are from Balochistan, ask your elders about what transpired on Patel road in Quetta. That history of violence is the history of the entire Pakistan. Just like the history of violence in...
  2. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Partition might not have anything to do with Abdul Samad Achakzai and his ilk but other Pakistanis were in on the program. Case in point, reception of Nehru in NWFP. Do you deny the slaughter that took place on the eve of partition? Your argument is that since some faujis are having a good time...
  3. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    The migration of 6 million human beings and the wholesale slaughter and rape means nothing to you? The birth of Pakistan was one of the most traumatic experiences in human history. The ignorance of history is baffling and simply shameful. As I said in one of the earlier comments that you have...
  4. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    1. https://pide.org.pk/research/the-assumed-shortage-of-housing-in-pakistan/ 2. https://blogs.worldbank.org/endpovertyinsouthasia/managing-supply-and-demand-key-getting-housing-right-pakistan Brent's price is hovering around $76/barrel right now. Why were subsidies being given when the world...
  5. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    If you harbor HATRED for Pakistan (because of what happened to a two-bit political leader who was the fetus of the same Generals who have now aborted him and whose entire politics now is about getting back to their good books/having them align with him again), then you never had any affection...
  6. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Studies show that Pakistan does not even have a housing problem as Imran Khan would have you believe so his ATMs could be awarded cushy contracts. What Pakistan has is a "quality" housing problem. How many affordable housing units were constructed under his tenure? He gave amnesty to the real...
  7. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    It surely has to do with what you said, but also fertile arable land being gulped by speculative forces who sap the economy of its productive capacity, and encourage imports and consumption rather than an addition of value/wealth creation. Do you think that agricultural land should be allowed...
  8. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Which stability are you on about exactly? He was the architect of breaking the bank. Seeing the writing on the wall when the VONC move became imminent, Imran Khan embarked upon a journey of breaking the bank (dismantling all fiscal discipline and sabotaging the IMF program whose conditions his...
  9. Pak Nationalist

    Iron Age (Vedic era) Pakistanis were nothing like modern Indians

    Happy with what? Living aloof from their history? Ignorance is bliss, right? We consume continental cuisine, speak Angrezi, and consume anglo Saxon media as well, does that make us goras? The discussion is centered around genetics and the differences therein. Genetic makeup is one of the markers...
  10. Pak Nationalist

    The Indian women calling themselves ‘proudly single’

    So much "beauty" in a single frame! But then again, p*jeets aren't the epitome of beauty either, one shouldn't expect p*jeetas to be hoors either.
  11. Pak Nationalist

    Iron Age (Vedic era) Pakistanis were nothing like modern Indians

    Genetics is BS? Our genes are actual maps of where our lineage might come from. What better biological marker to validate archeological and anthropological finds? A strong national identity can be fostered if you find commonalities among people. If genetics give you the means to do that then why...
  12. Pak Nationalist

    Iron Age (Vedic era) Pakistanis were nothing like modern Indians

    You and the others who liked your comment have no interest in their own history? bhaiyya kya ertughrul dekhain phir beth kr aur USS pr behes mubahisa krain?
  13. Pak Nationalist

    ‘Stop dollar, wheat, urea smuggling to Kabul’

    The primary questions one must be asking are that the entire border with Afghanistan is fenced, how then are wheat and urea being smuggled out of Pakistan? Who mans the borders? In these questions lie the answers. The institutional rot is all-inclusive and pervasive in Pakistan. Institutions of...
  14. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Well, even overseas Pakistanis (me being one) are not that stupid anymore. The sustained bouts of devaluation of PKR (that are again indirectly linked to real estate sapping the productive potential of the economy, lowering productivity thereby increasing reliance on food imports, expanding...
  15. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Land grab at the behest of those who would fill PTI coffers, actually. Grabbing agricultural lands along the banks of Ravi and handing these over to real estate speculators and developers. is there no land other than agricultural land that could be developed in Punjab? Agricultural land is at a...
  16. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Let's not act all sanctimonious, those propping up Nawaz and his minions were acceptable when they were propping Imran Khan? At least to Imran Khan they were. I won't expect his cult followers to have any independent opinion on this conflicting with their great leader. As long as politicians...
  17. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Much smartness and principles, snatching AGRICULTURAL land from peasants to give it to real estate tycoons as the food import bill of once food exporting country reaches 9 billion USD. property rights can be sacrificed at the altar of "haqeeqi azaadi" (I meant haqeeqi azaadi to pimp for real...
  18. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    PTI does jack. Imran Khan's bank accounts are elements in the land/real estate mafia (RUDA). Until the recent past (even when they killed Arshad Sharif) hapless Imran Khan was trying his best to strike a deal with generals. Imran Khan nor his party are messianic figures rather extensions of the...
  19. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Most generals, and rare/few good ones. Corrected it. Rot cannot continue with impunity if a majority does not condone thuggery. The fact that most chiefs (who again rise from the ranks of the same Major, Lieutenant Generals) have overstepped their constitutional mandates tells any right-thinking...
  20. Pak Nationalist

    I Dislike Generals more than all our enemies combined

    Correction* They have been changing PMs as if they were little more than underwear for the past 30 years, not only 6 years (the PTI support base's political awareness is timebound, not Pakistani history).
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