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  1. T

    Whoosh high-speed train occupancy rate reaches 98.5 percent

    Are they going to extend it through all of Java? How about the other islands? Whoosh is such a corny name though lol
  2. T

    China's UN envoy interrupts Israeli representative's speech and demands respect in UN meeting

    Not to mention there are 30 million Muslims in China too so it doesn’t make sense to side with Israel over the Muslim world.
  3. T

    VinFast’s rapid U.S. expansion gains momentum

    You are such a blatant hypocrite lol You spend all day bashing China and Chinese EVs which are operating at the very height of global technology but here you are shilling for a mediocre company dependent on foreign tech, just because they are from Vietnam. Lol
  4. T

    Argentina's "Trump" Milei wins presidential election

    That’s why I don’t get the people here who are depicting this as some huge blow to China or the brics. Argentina is literally a basketcase. It’s like losing Zimbabwe as an ally. It’s not a country that can offer any help, it’s just a beggar for handouts.
  5. T

    Chinese EV maker showcases world’s 1st car powered by sodium-ion battery

    CATL is the Goat and that’s not changing for a long time. They are only increasing their lead.
  6. T

    Overshadowing US, China Set To Become World’s Biggest Military Power? Congress Paints A Worrying Picture

    China owns 70% of global shipbuilding. Its naval building capacity literally dwarfs the US. Who are you kidding? This isn’t 1940. At that time, the US was in China’s position today.
  7. T

    Argentina's "Trump" Milei wins presidential election

    He isn’t rational. He’s a moron. But anyways, he’s going to be mired in real world problems during his term and then the electorate will probably swing back to the left. This always happens in South America.
  8. T

    China backs Argentina’s Falklands claim, calls for end to ‘colonial thinking’

    Well nothing about those facts negate the fact that India is a democracy. Like most democracies in this world, it is very poorly run. There is a handful of very competent, well run democracies just like there is a handful of well run authoritarian states but the vast majority of governments and...
  9. T

    Argentina's "Trump" Milei wins presidential election

    His election is just a sign of the level of desperation Argentinians feel. But I have serious doubts he will make meaningful change.
  10. T

    Xinjiang Kashgar Uyghur engineers make impressive humanoid robots

    So these are the notorious genocide camps CNN kept talking about.
  11. T

    Argentina election: Milei’s victory puts the peso’s future in doubt

    Argentina has been terribly run for decades. They went from one of the most prosperous countries in the world to great impoverishment within decades. They suffer from ridiculous inflation. So I see this as more a sign of their desperation rather than anything else.
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    Shahid Bolsen

    What he calls the OCGFC are basically the Globalists.
  13. T

    Shahid Bolsen

    I follow this analyst. He is one of the best there is in regards to geopolitical analyses of the Middle East. He is suggesting that the true rulers of the West, global financial capital, are losing faith in Netanyahu and the Neocons. That Netanyahu is a relic of 20th century Zionism where...
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    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    India will eventually be a massive economy. Writing is on the wall. How they manage their social inequality is another issue.
  15. T

    Why antisemitism is surging in China

    I thought the Muslim population in Western Europe is only in the single digits? How are you taking over in a generation? Although I agree that europe is basically fucked anyways
  16. T

    The world's longest hyperloop under construction has been completed, reaching a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour.

    9 minutes for a distance that takes 3 hours to drive is fucking insane. China is living in the 22nd century.
  17. T

    Why antisemitism is surging in China

    They are utmost narcissists. They think they can hit at others and cause pain and there should be no repercussions. And when others strike back to defend themselves, they scream out in pain and call themselves victims while they are striking you.
  18. T

    Chinese Navy Sonar Blasts Aussie Sailors; Fallout Threatens Australia’s Pro-China Government

    China should do this off the coast of Melbourne lol
  19. T

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    I agree that the Palestinians should not be racist. I question your political agenda however.
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