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  1. M

    Arm sales to Ukraine tests Pakistan “neutral” claim

    I reported to the MODs but no action was taken just goes to show what sherbet Mods are having. As far as Mrc you are concerned, you are no body just a product of bad upbringing and incompetent like your masters who have got nothing to contribute that's why instead of soldiering they are...
  2. M

    Arm sales to Ukraine tests Pakistan “neutral” claim

    At least Russia never claims she is neutral or denied sales. Shameless FO bunch of occupying army tainted generals touts don't even feel shame by denying the arms sales. Those days are long gone when generals used to lie about their kurtoots and got away with it nowadays you can see it on the...
  3. M

    NAB's 11 Questions For Bushra Bibi

    Choor raj inderi nagri. These begaret generals have achieved nothing in their lives by themselves, done nothing good for the country other then loot the country of her resources and stash loot in the off shore accounts. Comprehensively defeated in every war by the enemy, this goes to shows...
  4. M

    The Role of Pakistan Army in National Development

    Army doesn't let any other institution to develop so nation is dependent on them till eternity so their loot mar continues. There is no development only destruction, when did any country in the world was developed by the armies. Pakistan army and their crap music and nationalistic songs we have...
  5. M

    So many attacks why is there no retaliation

    When elections are postponed all these attacks will stop all of a sudden miraculously. All these games and crap is played by the Islamic republic brave army which is only good for to kidnap, torture and kill who are paying their wages. I no longer believe a single word these tainted generals...
  6. M

    BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

    You don't need Indian sponsorship, we have got plenty of own born and bread little Mir Santa's in the army ranks who are willing to sell what ever they can to make few dollars. We have enough heard of the Indian boggy, however it turned out to be something different, so army can't sell us any...
  7. M

    Dear Jewish friend. Do you know what 'shame' is?

    He is entitle to his opinions like you hence it doesn't gives you right to call names.
  8. M

    فلسطینی پاکستان کی جانب دیکھ رہے ہیں، اسماعیل ہنیہ

    Same Mullah who wanted the opportunity from the US to serve them better then others. No hope their friend, Pakistan is famous for Mir Jaffar's.
  9. M

    Pakistan's Biggest Rigged Elections on Feb 8 |Dr. Moeed Pirzada Analysis

    Hung parliament so laws can't be changed army kunjar generals continue to rule and control Pakistan.
  10. M

    Dr Faisal Sultan rejects rumours of ‘slow poisoning’ to PTI chief

    Our country and people are taken for a ride and they think they can make everyone fool with their lies. Media, judges, police, doctors are paid off for their services by these sick, pathetic generals so they can loot and control Pakistan. If we have washed off our hands from the the liberation...
  11. M

    Dr Faisal Sultan rejects rumours of ‘slow poisoning’ to PTI chief

    Did the doctor have taken any samples and were tested in any international attested lab.'s. Without any tests its the mother of all lies of the mouth piece of the begaret generals Fools_Nightmare. No one in the country trusts these sold out generals and what they say. When they can torture...
  12. M

    تبدیلی کیسے آئے گی

    Revolution doesn't comes with the talking only, needs a situation when one is committed for the cause and loses the fear of the death. 95% of the population can be bought so easily in the Pakistan and they are willing to serve the highest bidder so chances of revolution is remote. When Afghans...
  13. M

    Pakistan Stands With Palestine...Acknowledged !

    Jordon and Egypt are paid by the US annually like once Pakistan used to get paid so don't blame them. If we can help Bosnia in their hour of need we can help Palestinians much easier. US bought out Pakistan traitor alcohol loving generals are not even letting protests in Pakistan never mind...
  14. M

    Pakistan Stands With Palestine...Acknowledged !

    Enlighten me what Pakistan government is doing other then the lip service or making few speeches which will do a lot of good for Palestinian dead's?? Shameless generals of Pakistan didn't let Pakistani people to even protest properly, what an empty pot making sounds here.
  15. M

    PAF New Batch J-10 C Spotted

    Spot on. Loyalties with the US is more important to them for there real jobs.
  16. M

    Israeli UN representative talks down to Russia & China in condescending manner during Vote. They respond.

    Karen is a soft word, plain and simple they are thugs, robbers and killers. Israeli's killed by the Hamas were living on the Palestinians occupied lands so there is no difference between the Israeli's forces and forces helpers. They are settlers aren't they and Israeli's forces drive help from...
  17. M

    Nawaz’s return boosts PML-N’s political fortunes: poll

    Does the Gallup is based in the GHQ where they make ****???
  18. M

    Establishment accepts Nawaz's narrative, backs off from politics: PML-N

    They will not interfere in the politics but they will chose our leaders not the citizens instead they will torture, kidnap and kill Pakistani's.
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