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  1. krash

    TLP warns judiciary, announces Dharna for the defense of constitution

    That is an unintelligent response making use of at least 3 different fallacies. Please do not respond until you've learnt to formulate a logical counterargument.
  2. krash

    TLP warns judiciary, announces Dharna for the defense of constitution

    No they are not. 90% of Pakistanis don't know what deobandi or barelvi is. Please don't concoct and spread misinformation out of nothing. There are 5 sects/fiqh/schools of jurisprudence in Islam; Shafa'i, Maliki, Humbali, Hanafi, and Jafari. All five of them recognize it as such. You need to...
  3. krash

    Be that as it may, the Indians and Bengalis use it against a certain Pakistani to further their...

    Be that as it may, the Indians and Bengalis use it against a certain Pakistani to further their "genocide" propaganda. Please change it asap.
  4. krash

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Yes, India can. The Pre-Notification agreement between the two countries only covers ballistic missile tests, which this was not. NOTAMs are compulsory for neutral/international airspace where you yourself cannot control and/or direct air traffic away from the flight path.
  5. krash

    Salam. Let's change your profile name. It was termed by Indians for propaganda.

    Salam. Let's change your profile name. It was termed by Indians for propaganda.
  6. krash

    In Pakistan’s borderlands, Taliban quietly expanding influence

    Your degenerate views against other Pakistanis have no place here....or in Pakistan.
  7. krash


    Not that it matters but you might want to double check that.
  8. krash

    How to counter transgender harassment for money

    That's admirable. How many in Pakistan do you see doing the same? Notice the overtones of this thread. You can also read and watch countless accounts of what the Khwaja Sira face and how most of them are forced into doing what they do. It is not about just "getting a job". If only it was; you...
  9. krash

    How to counter transgender harassment for money

    So does the Pakistani society. Have you ever seen one in a "normal family"? Please don't spread self concocted bs, again. You clearly are illiterate on the matter and are here, yet again, misinforming and misguiding others. There would be no "intersex" issue at all if all you had to do was...
  10. krash

    Pakistani Roads, Motorways and Highways

    The local chacha there takes 'professionals' up 8000ers every year. Not even kidding.
  11. krash

    Tragic : Four Indians Freeze To Death on Canada-US Border

    I don't know what their situation was so I don't want to comment. I've been in blizzards and I've walked in -40C. No one would want to do it on purpose, in the dark, with an infant. Pretty sure the family did not get caught in it on purpose either. I was under the impression that Canada was...
  12. krash

    Tragic : Four Indians Freeze To Death on Canada-US Border

    This is horrific. With an infant on an 11 hour walk, in -35 wind chill, during a blizzard, out in the middle of nowhere. This should have never happened.
  13. krash

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Not that. Ballistic missile submarines are often referred to as "boomers".
  14. krash

    Air Forces Monthly - summary of updates to JF-17

    Probably not. You guys might be overthinking this. I posted the below a while ago for the same question vis a vis the KLJ-7 V1 and the PL-15. "It's not just about matching the max ranges of the missiles with those of the radars. Leaving aside the multiple guidance modes that modern missiles...
  15. krash

    Rawalpindi woman sentenced to death in blasphemy case

    Same excuses were given for the perpetuation of slavery and the Holocaust.
  16. krash

    Rawalpindi woman sentenced to death in blasphemy case

    As was foretold 1400 years ago.
  17. krash

    Why should hafiz-e-Quran students be given extra marks: SC

    It does not. It is there for the proportional representation of minorities in the mechanism of the state which would otherwise not be possible given the unequal playing field the said minorities are subjected to. Level the playing field and the quota will go with it. It also does not undermine...
  18. krash

    Rawalpindi woman sentenced to death in blasphemy case

    Forgotten*, deliberately. Those 1400 years ago, and for more than a thousand years after, used to invite open, public debate. Who, btw, also did not have blasphemy laws. Today's Muslman, especially the one residing within Pakistan, is just compensating for his own insecurities, lack of...
  19. krash

    -Justice Wajihuddin Claims Imran is not an Honest Man

    What?! Imran Khan? The politician? Dishonest?!?
  20. krash

    It is Not Even Possible to Insult The Messenger Peace Be Upon Him!!

    Cent percent, sir. The man who forgave Taif before draining his shoes of blood.
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