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  1. Alshawi1234

    Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

    The offensive is halted it seems. Turkey already succeeded and won the war with fear factor alone. The main objective was to destroy the Kurdish dream of self rule and drive YPG away from its borders, the goals have been achieved. I highly doubt Turkey is interested in facing backlash and...
  2. Alshawi1234

    Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

    No they won’t, do you think the Russian deal to sell advanced fighter jets and S-400 came for free? Turkey’s main objective is to remove Kurdish influence. In fact just wait you’ll see that their eventually going to sell their own mercenaries. Turkey is eventually going to coordinate with...
  3. Alshawi1234

    Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

    Turkey-Russia have achieved their objective in forcing the US forces out of the area. Negotiations right now to stop all Turkey/ mercenary advances towards SAA positions. Kurds have opened the gates for the SAA.
  4. Alshawi1234

    Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

    It’s going to be a race between Russian backed SAA and Turkey+ mercenaries. Their not going to clashe but whoever is going to control the area first will keep it. For the meantime that is, until the next deal. I have a feeling after this is all resolved, Idlib will be next. Turkey will...
  5. Alshawi1234

    Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

    well we’re all glad your not any type of general. Please keep it that way.
  6. Alshawi1234

    Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

    Once this op is completed, Idlib is next. I feel like this is part of a broader strategy to allow Syrian forces in Idlib without having refugees flooding into Turkey. They’ll just relocate all the refugees to this zone instead.
  7. Alshawi1234

    Turkey set to invade Syria; US to remove forces from area

    Not exactly sure why anyone here is surprised that the west is standing with Turkey. The US/Nato are not going to give up Turkey for the Kurds in Syria whom barely account to 8% of syria's population. The kurd's failed to play the long game and we are witnessing the results of their failure. The...
  8. Alshawi1234

    Turkey set to invade Syria; US to remove forces from area

    Seems like a Syrian-Russian-Iranian-Turkish long term strategy to kick US out of the region and put pressure on the Kurds, give up the regime change and return the Syrians in Turkey to Syria as they pose a social and economical strain on Turkey. Turkey realized that change isn’t happening in...
  9. Alshawi1234

    At least seven killed as Iraqi security forces fire on protesters

    Iraqi governments over the past decades have failed to achieve true development. Peoples frustration with the fake promises alongside foreign incitement has caused this. The failure and delusions of the Iraqi governments think they can just kill everyone calling for reforms and blame it on...
  10. Alshawi1234

    Iraq's mutah sex trade gets exposed

    Prostitution is everywhere. How it’s done is irrelevant. These are isolated events just like any other countries. Although it is pretty sad and disgusting that religion is being used here. This is haram even in Shia standards. But “jahl” ignorance is what allows these wolves in sheep’s skin...
  11. Alshawi1234

    At least seven killed as Iraqi security forces fire on protesters

    These protests are a result of 16 years of corruption and mismanagement. They are mainly led by the Shia population and centred in Shia cities against corruption of the political parties and militias. Many old/ isolated images trying to make this an anti-Iran demonstration, yes some people...
  12. Alshawi1234

    Houthi fighters capture/kill nearly 3000 pro-Saudi and Saudi fighters.

    The North Yemen forces just released new footage of part II of the operation. Lots of military hardware captured. Not as many prisoners or casualties though. However it shows the ineffectiveness of the Saudi airforce in close air support. The pilots seems to be flying blind and not able to...
  13. Alshawi1234

    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    They blame Sa’adi for entering the US embassy without permission. However that seems flawed because the only time he entered the US embassy is to get a visa as part of an invitation to give a speech at Harvard university. He also gave a speech to US special forces officers and public media...
  14. Alshawi1234

    Houthi fighters capture/kill nearly 3000 pro-Saudi and Saudi fighters.

    You live in a state of denial and completely ignore the facts. You seem to have short term memory as to how this conflict started. You have nothing to back up your claims with. Go back to how this conflict started. The north Yemenis have clearly stated they want to stop the war an come to...
  15. Alshawi1234

    Houthi fighters capture/kill nearly 3000 pro-Saudi and Saudi fighters.

    Here is some of the footage of the prisoners. The non-recoverable vehicles were destroyed while most of the other vehicles were taken. Total vehicles surpass 300 total.
  16. Alshawi1234

    Houthi fighters capture/kill nearly 3000 pro-Saudi and Saudi fighters.

    Just to make it clear, I’m simply posting the news available. Whether it’s accurate or not that’s not for me to decide. The spokesmen for the North Yemen forces claims they will provide evidence and briefing tomorrow. It’s an operation with a span of a weeks and not a single op. Most of...
  17. Alshawi1234

    Houthi fighters capture/kill nearly 3000 pro-Saudi and Saudi fighters.

    I’m not exactly pro Saudi, But it’s unfortunate that the Human Resources of the arabs go towards war rather than development. Saudi is a rich country with tons of potential. If they decided a different approach to Yemen both Saudi Arabia and Yemen would have been a better position. MBS...
  18. Alshawi1234

    Houthi fighters capture/kill nearly 3000 pro-Saudi and Saudi fighters.

    North Yemeni army (Aka houthis) apparently have captured 3 battalions of mostly southern Yemeni and Sudanese mercenaries as well as a saudi regiment which was advancing towards saada from Najran. They have also captured 100+ armoured vehicles, weapons and ammunition. The large operation was...
  19. Alshawi1234

    Saudi Arabia Agrees to Partial Cease-Fire in War-Shattered Yemen

    There’s news of a total Saudi military collapse in Najran on the Yemen borders. Saudi Air Force is bombing saada while the army spokesmen for the Yemen military says they have carried the largest operation since the beginning of the war. They claim to have captured over a hundred vehicles...
  20. Alshawi1234

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Some updates. Iraqi forces in general are slowly reorganizing and recovering from the war. Intensive training is ongoing as well as repairing old equipment. Nothing significant on any new arms deals. Corruption is as it was. Lack of automated monitoring allowing for corrupt officers to...
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