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  1. S

    Could someone fix our economic experts strategic views?

    Here. A writer who is worth a read normally but this time it's laughable
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    Putting Ra'ad CM on our warships

    Ra'ad II has a range of 600KM. Its fairly small, and won't take up too much deck space. We can place three ABL of 4 missile each, forward, aft and amidships. It will admittedly need a rocket booster to get it to launch speed, but thats manageable. Its stealthy, has a small RCS, a 450kg warhead...
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    NUST develops COVID19 vaccine

    Probably won’t be deployed in time for this pandemic but its great to know that we now have a vaccine research group.
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    Test trace and quarantine. A look inside Pakistan’s COVID response.

    https://tribune.com.pk/story/2212082/1-look-inside-pakistans-covid-19-response/?amp=1 Pertinent bit. Dr Sultan said authorities have already started tracing people who had come in contact with Covid-19 patients. “A week ago, we started preparing lists of those who been close to Covid-positive...
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    Why public health and medical devices availability is a strategic matter

    The COVID19 pandemic has shown that Public health has strategic implications. If a country is deficient in domestic production of medical devices and medications it is vulnerable to blackmail. Look at Iran, they are being forced to choose between their people's health and the policies they feel...
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    Post clashes trend for PAF and IAF

    Once tensions simmer down, what are the likely future trajectories of PAF and IAF. IAF is likely to finalise the Rafale purchase and order more. Would not be surprised if they go for Su-57 as well. I also think they will upgrade their stand off and AEW capabiliti They also need a wholesale...
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    Indian claim of F16 shot down

    The Hindus are claiming an F16 or JF17 was shot dowm. What kind of evidence would they realistically have?
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    Punjab Police arrests PTM leaders

    As many as 10 PTM leaders arrested. This was a very bad move. Given the movement a shot in the arm. Very likely now that we will have to face an ethnically based insurgency. Army and LEA have to once again offer countless sacrifices. :(
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    Countering Pashtun Tahafuz Movement narrative

    We need a better organised response Twitter against these bastards as well as against "liberal" journalists who give them succor. I must admit, I am worried, now what with open anti-Pakistan nara's at their meets.
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    PA Body Armour

    Back in the early days of the operations in late 2000's, it seemed that everyone wore some variant of the Lyra Model 218 body armour. These days from pictures it seems a mix and mash, of Model 299 (218's replacement), other types I don't recognize and often quick release body armour, also by...
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    Options for increasing Balochistan security

    I think personally that 1) Increased deployment of troops to the province as FATA commitments wind down. 2) Better intelligence infrastructure, including better signals gathering 3) More use of UAV and air assets.
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    6 Mtn Divisions attack on Chawinda on Sep 18/19?

    I have always been facinsted by this attack (the last major one of that battle). It came at a time when a ceasefire was imminent and also there was little chance that a capture of Chawinda would see Sialkot fall 9as had been the case for most of the battle). When they 6th attacked every gun...
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    Balochistan Development Gateway

    To counter the false propaganda being sprewd here. http://balochistan.org.pk/
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    Field artillery of the 21st century

    Some interesting comments. I hope the Brig or OOE can give their input. And how has the Iraq war changed anything in this regard.
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    Sri Lanka options for Pakistan

    With the whole mess in that beautiful but God forsaken island starting up again, what are Pakistans options. Quite simply the attack on the HC shows that at least one of the parties thinks we are involved. Should we send troops? We may be more successful than the Indians were since unlike them...
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    Britain overturns WWI Court Martials

    http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/this_britain/article1219478.ece </H1>
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    Battle of Canne

    216 BC), major battle near the ancient village of Cannae, in Apulia (Puglia), southeastern Italy, between the forces of Rome and Carthage during the Second Punic War. The Romans were crushed by the troops of Hannibal, with the help of his allies—the Africans, Gauls, and Spaniards. The...
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    Battle of Chamb, 1971

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    The Chindits

    I know rthe good Captain Lemontree/Aldrin is going to enjoy this. http://www.chindits.info/
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    Historical Maps of Pakistan

    http://www.homepagez.com/pakhistory/ we were never really a part of India. And check this out. Seems that large parts of the Fronrtier and most of Balochistan were never conquered by the English. Way ta go guys.
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