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    Israeli Aerospace Industries Terra RADAR complex

    (IAI) today unveiled the ELM-2090S Spectra ‘mega radar,’ an ‘S band’ ‘companion’ to the Ultra UHF radar system introduced a few months ago at the Paris Air Show. The two radars are apparently part of a new, strategic, early-warning and defense system which has already become operational...
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    The Most Powerful Militaries In The Middle East

    Most Powerful Militaries In The Middle East - Business Insider
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    CERN atomic research center accepts Israel as its 21st member

    CERN atomic research center accepts Israel as its 21st member - National Israel News | Haaretz Full membership in the world’s leading nuclear research center will bring significant scientific, commercial and political benefits.
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    ANKA crashed

    Batman’da ANKA düştü
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    Second successful interception test for the "David's Sling" anti missile system.

    David's Sling successfully intercepts missile Magic Wand missile interceptor passes new test - Israel News, Ynetnews
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    The head of Iran’s cyber warfare programme has been shot dead

    Iranian cyber warfare commander shot dead in suspected assassination The head of Iran’s cyber warfare programme has been shot dead, triggering further accusations that outside powers are carrying out targeted assassinations of key figures in the country’s security apparatus...
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    Israeli Arab fighting alongside Syrian rebels killed

    Report: Israeli Arab fighting alongside Syrian rebels killed - Israel News, Ynetnews I wish for all Arabs living in Israel with mindset like his to go to Syria to fight and DIE!
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    TOP 100 defense contractors

    Top 100: Looking Beyond Defense | Defense News | defensenews.com http://projects.militarytimes.com/pdfs/dn-top100-first50.pdf 1-50 http://projects.militarytimes.com/pdfs/dn-top100-second50.pdf 51-100
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    Is this absurd or what!

    More than 2,000 people affiliated with the Israeli branch of the Islamic Movement held a pro-Morsi demonstration in the Arab town of Kafr Kanna on Saturday............................ ............... Arab-Israelis: 'We'll give our lives for Morsi' - Israel News, Ynetnews
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    Global Innovation Index 2013

    Data Analysis | The Global Innovation Index 2013 You can chose to see ranking by categories and regions.
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    World's top 100 universities under 50 years since establishment

    World's top 100 universities under 50: ranked by Times Higher Education | News | guardian.co.uk
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    HDI 2013 (Human Development Index)

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    For third time in 2 years, ‘Iran fails to launch satellite’

    For third time in 2 years, 'Iran fails to launch satellite' | The Times of Israel
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    The lottery of life, Where to be born in 2013

    International: The lottery of life | The Economist
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    Bloomberg, World's Healthiest Countries

    Top 10 Singapore Italy Australia Switzerland Japan Israel Spain Netherlands Sweden Germany 44-Turkey 66-Jordan 76-Iran 100-Pakistan Bottom 10 Burundi Malawi Angola Uganda Cameroon Cote d'Ivoire(WTF is that) Guinea Afghanistan Nigeria Burkina Faso(Again WTF)...
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    Cameras installed in domestic UAVs too heavy

    Cameras installed in domestic UAVs too heavy :D
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    Global competitiveness report 2012-2013

    Full report http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalCompetitivenessReport_2012-13.pdf No surprises in the first 20. Israel drop from 22 to 26 Turkey doing good from 59 to 43 Iran from 62 to 66 Easier navigation web page, select country The Global Competitiveness Report 2012 - 2013 - The World...
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    Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2012

    Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2012| Top 500 universities | Shanghai Ranking - 2012 | World University Ranking - 2012 201-300 King Saud University 301-400 King Abdulaziz University 301-400 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 301-400 University of Tehran 401-500 Cairo...
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    Google interactive world arm trade map 1994-2010

    1992-2010 Arms Trade
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    Italy signs G550 AEW deal with Israel

    Italy signs G550 AEW deal with Israel
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