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  1. silent hawk

    Gen Hussein Hamedani's Sacrifice Was Not In Vain

    Gen Hussein Hamedani was recently martyred in Syria but his sacrifice was not in vain. It has propelled the Iranians to a new level which would have significant affects in Syria. Check out the news below. Iran, Hezbollah on the ground in Syria under cover of Russia’s air strikes By maryharph...
  2. silent hawk

    Death Aniversary of Christ

    Every one knows that Christ was born on the 25th of December, Christmas Day. But on which day was he crucified? Anyone knows the death anivarsary of Jesus Christ?
  3. silent hawk

    PAF Vs IAF Command and Control Systems

    This thread has now become a comprehensive resource for all those who want to know about PAF and IAF Command and Control Systems. I thank all contributors. For ease of use I shall be giving links to the most interesting posts on the first page. I thank all contributors for the data provided...
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