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    Calls grow for downfall of deceitful Iran regime

    Calls grow for downfall of deceitful Iran regime Arab News | Published — Sunday 10 July 2016 PARIS: Thousands of Iranian opposition activists converged on Paris on Saturday to attend one of the biggest anti-regime rallies organized by the National Council for Resistance in Iran (NCRI)...

    Kurdish Commander Uncovers Details to Iran’s Support for ISIS

    Kurdish Commander Uncovers Details to Iran’s Support for ISIS Dalshad Abdullah1 day ago 366 Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) in Iran, Hossein Yazdan Banna Irbil- An opposition Kurdish-Iranian commander revealed details on the Iranian administration backing terrorist organizations in the region...

    Jordanian hackers deface Iranian government website in revenge cyberattack

    Jordanian hackers deface Iranian government website in revenge cyberattack Published June 26th, 2016 - 10:28 GMT The "Jordanian hacker team" takes down an Iranian government website. (Shutterstock) In retaliation for two cyber attacks undertaken against Jordanian government websites in the...

    2016 West Iran clashes - Kurdish Insurgency / Updates and Discussions

    April 2016–present clashes in West Iran refers to the ongoing military clashes between Kurdish insurgent parties Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK), Komalah and Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) versus the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, which began in April 2016. The clashes came following...

    UAE 'part of Yemen coalition until war ends'

    Dubai: The UAE will continue to be a partner of Saudi Arabia and a member of the coalition fighting to restore the rule of the government in Yemen until the coalition declares an end to the war, a top UAE official has said. Dr Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, took to...

    State Department report finds Iran is top state sponsor of terror

    State Department report finds Iran is top state sponsor of terror By Ryan Browne, CNN Updated 0058 GMT (0858 HKT) June 3, 2016 Washington (CNN)The State Department on Thursday released its annual report on global terrorist activity, listing Iran as the top state sponsor of terrorism and...

    Maldives cuts diplomatic ties with Iran

    The Maldives decides to sever diplomatic relations with Iran May 17, 2016 /News Male’: 17 May 2016 The Government of Maldives has today decided to sever diplomatic relations with Iran. The Maldives believes that the policies that Iranian Government pursues in the Middle East, and in...

    Iran Launches Early Pilgrimage Politicization Battle, Saudi Arabia Refutes Allegations

    Iran Launches Early Pilgrimage Politicization Battle, Saudi Arabia Refutes Allegations Abdullah alHayda and Walid Abdulrahman14 hours ago 147 Pilgrims performing their rituals. Reuters Riyadh, Cairo-Every year, as the Hajj season approaches, Saudi Arabia, represented by the Ministry of Hajj...

    For Iran and Hezbollah, a costly week in Syria

    For Iran and Hezbollah, a costly week in Syria BEIRUT | By Tom Perry and Babak Dehghanpisheh A woman walks past damaged buildings in the rebel-controlled area of Maaret al-Numan town in Idlib province, Syria, May 13, 2016. Reuters/Khalil Ashawi A rebel onslaught on the town of Khan Touman...

    9/11 Commission’s Former Leaders Refute Saudi Involvement in the Attacks

    9/11 Commission’s Former Leaders Refute Saudi Involvement in the Attacks Joseph Braude11 hours ago 120 Claims of a push in Washington to undermine support for the Saudi-American alliance in favor of a “tilt toward Iran” A document from the 9/11 Commission Report. Two former officials who led...

    Assad regime did battleground deals with Isil, sources tell Sky News

    Assad regime did battleground deals with Isil, sources tell Sky News Syrian regime forces gather at a palace complex on the western edge of Palmyra after retaking it from Isil Credit: REUTERS/REUTERS Richard Spencer, Middle East editor 2 May 2016 • 7:54pm Sky News claimed last night to have...

    Opinion: Iran Is Exhausted!

    Opinion: Iran Is Exhausted! Abdulrahman Al-Rashed 8 hours ago Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei Iran’s supreme leader bitterly complains that the West has not kept its promises and that economic sanctions on his country have not been lifted although Tehran has halted its nuclear program as...

    Victims of Terror Can Seize Iranian Money, Supreme Court Rules

    Victims of Terror Can Seize Iranian Money, Supreme Court Rules by Pete Williams Victims of terrorist attacks that were backed by Iran, and members of their families, can collect nearly $2 billion in Iranian money held by a bank in New York, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. The ruling...

    Jordan recalls its ambassador to Tehran

    Jordan recalls its ambassador to Tehran It is the latest Arab country to recall its envoy from Tehran since Saudi Arabia cut ties with the Iran in recent months. (File photo: AFP) By Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Monday, 18 April 2016 Jordan recalled its ambassador from Iran, Al Arabiya...

    Muslim nations accuse Iran of supporting terrorism: summit communique

    Muslim nations accuse Iran of supporting terrorism: summit communique ISTANBUL | By Yesim Dikmen and Melih Aslan Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrives the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Istanbul Summit in Istanbul, Turkey April 14, 2016. Reuters/Arif Hudaverdi Yaman/Pool...

    Mr. Obama, we are not ‘free riders’

    Mr. Obama, we are not ‘free riders’ Prince Turki Al-Faisal Published — Monday 14 March 2016 Last update 13 March 2016 11:44 pm No, Mr. Obama. We are not “free riders.” We shared with you our intelligence that prevented deadly terrorist attacks on America. We initiated the meetings that led...
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