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  1. lcloo

    Vingroup lost USD1 billion last year in manufacturing due to poor sales of VinFast vehicles, EV investments

    Vingroup, the parent company of VinFast, posted a pre-tax loss of around 23.9 trillion Vietnamese dong (around USD1 billion or RM4.4 billion) at its manufacturing segment last year, according to a report by Nikkei. The loss was attributed to poor sales of internal combustion engine (ICE) cars...
  2. lcloo

    CIA assesses it's unlikely Havana syndrome is due to 'sustained worldwide campaign' by a foreign country in interim report

    Ever wonder why this happens to only US spies and US diplomats around the world, including cases inside US itself? And why no embassies of other countries, including US allies in NATO and AUKUS faced this problem? Have CIA looked into their own spying equipment in all their embassies instead...
  3. lcloo

    JH-XX JH21?

    From Huitong's Chinese Military Aviation:- A new medium size/medium range supersonic stealth fighter bomber concept (JH-21? Project 176?) was studied at the 601 Institute in the 2000s. It appeared to feature a twin seat cockpit and twin engines. A mock-up (head section?) was constructed at SAC...
  4. lcloo

    CIA-controlled firm sold cracked encryption machines to Malaysia, others

    Home Malaysia CIA-controlled firm sold cracked encryption machines to Malaysia, others Wednesday, 12 Feb 2020 06:50 AM MYT BY JUSTIN ONG A Swiss company secretly controlled by the CIA sold encryption devices to Malaysia and over 120 other countries which allowed the spy outfit to listen in...
  5. lcloo

    US-China trade deal: Winners and losers

    US-China trade deal: Winners and losers By Natalie Sherman Business reporter, New York BBC News 9 hours ago After more than two years of rising tension, the US and China have signed a deal aimed at calming trade frictions. The agreement has been hard-fought, but it is unclear how much...
  6. lcloo


    This year, 2020, has been designated by Malaysian government as Visit Malaysia Year 2020. Top 23 spots according to Touropia From https://www.touropia.com/tourist-attractions-in-malaysia/ Malaysia offers two very distinct experiences: the peninsula and Borneo (an island shared with...
  7. lcloo

    Declassified History: The NSA Listened as Chinese MiGs Shot Down American Warplanes

    The NSA Listened as Chinese MiGs Shot Down American Warplanes Declassified docs detail Vietnam War air clashes It was Sept. 20, 1965 when the navigation equipment aboard Capt. Philip Smith’s F-104 Starfighter failed. Smith’s mission was to escort an airborne early-warning plane patrolling...
  8. lcloo

    Impact of proposed changes to Singapore's Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act

    Impact of proposed changes to Singapore's Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act Published 2 hours ago on 03 September 2019 SINGAPORE, Sept 3 — Rather than waiting for 14 days to take down an offensive post against a religion, the Singapore government may soon be able to order a takedown...
  9. lcloo

    Chinese spy ship: Don’t take it personally Australia, it's the US they’re watching

    Chinese spy ship: Don’t take it personally Australia, it's the US they’re watching 7NEWS.com.au Monday, 8 July 2019 1:12 pm As many as 34,000 defence force troops from Australia and the US are preparing for military manoeuvres off the coast of Queensland later this week. And nobody will be...
  10. lcloo

    Apple Moving Mac Pro Assembly From Austin to China

    Apple Moving Mac Pro Assembly From Austin to China Published Jun 28, 2019 at 1:58 PM Apple will manufacture its new Mac Pro computer in China, shifting away from an Austin assembly line it had been using for that product in recent years, according to a report published Friday. The company...
  11. lcloo

    Trump: US companies can sell to Huawei

    2 hr 33 min ago Trump: US companies can sell to Huawei From CNN's Ben Westcott US President Donald Trump said that US companies can again sell products to Chinese technology giant Huawei after an effective ban in May. Trump clarified his comments earlier in the press conference, saying after...
  12. lcloo

    Fact check: Here's what Trump got wrong in CNBC interview

    By Holmes Lybrand, Lydia DePillis, Maegan Vazquez, Donna Borak and Katie Lobosco, CNN Updated 0111 GMT (0911 HKT) June 11, 2019 (CNN)During his Monday morning interview with CNBC, President Donald Trump claimed that China has "lost 15 to 20 trillion dollars in value since the day I was...
  13. lcloo


    Malaysian prime minister Dr M, and the people on the streets show their support for Huawei. M’sian eateries back Huawei Friday, 31 May 2019 by qishin tariq PETALING JAYA: Restaurants around the country are showing their support for Huawei, which is facing trade restrictions imposed by the...
  14. lcloo

    Expert: Don't underestimate US warlike tradition as it is essentially a dangerous nation

    Recently, the US deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force to the Persian Gulf. Some analysts are speculating about the possibility that US military might strike against Iran. The US has threatened to launch military strikes against other countries more than...
  15. lcloo

    China MSA Ships

    Guangdong branch of China Maritimes Safety Administration (China MSA) has signed a contract to built its first 10,000 tons patrol ship. This will be the 3rd large patrol ship with above 10,000 tons displacement in China's civilian maritime law agencies. The first two ships were built for China...
  16. lcloo

    LIMA 2019

    Video of first day flight display
  17. lcloo

    Dr M calls on Muslims to look within themselves for causes of Islamophobia

    Dr M calls on Muslims to look within themselves for causes of Islamophobia March 24, 2019 8:07 AM • 5 minute read Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad says Muslims should find out what wrong they have done to make Islam less hated. PETALING JAYA: With Islamophobia still prevalent, Prime Minister...
  18. lcloo

    PRC flags flying in Taiwan Protest of current regime

    Mainland China's 5 star flags are flying along the roads leading to the head quarter of ruling party of current Taiwan regime, in protest against effect to declare independence of Taiwan from China, as well as the suffering face by the people under current administration. 100 PRC (People's...
  19. lcloo

    World's largest automated container terminal opens in Shanghai

    A busy port terminal with almost no human around. Robots are taking over. World's largest automated container terminal opens in Shanghai Source: Xinhua| 2017-12-10 19:50:32|Editor: Shi Yinglun Unmanned electric powered container haulier truck with the first container for the terminal...
  20. lcloo

    Indian UAV Downed in China

    An Indian UAV was downed when it flew into Chinese air space today. Xinhua News.   印无人飞行器侵中方领空坠毁 我边防部队识别查证   新华社成都12月7日电(记者于晓泉)西部战区联合参谋部作战局副局长张水利7日就印度无人飞行器侵入中方领空并坠毁发表谈话。   他说,近日,一架印度无人飞行器侵入中方领空并坠毁。印方此举侵犯了中国领土主权,我们对此表示强烈不满和反对。中国边防部队采取专业和负责任的态度,对该装置进行了识别查证。我们将扎实履行职责使命,坚决捍卫国家主权安全。
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