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    India Russia sign deal on local production of IGLA anti aircraft missiles in India

    https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/russia-india-sign-deal-on-supply-production-of-igla-air-defence-systems/articleshow/105204650.cms?from=mdr We've been signing deals left and right lol. Many western deals and couple of new Russian ones. Full tot/limited tot/local production is a plus.
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    Swedish firm Saab to exclusively manufacture Carl Gustaf M4 launchers in Indian

    Thus could either be a joint venture or India's first 100% FDI venture. The weapons will be fully manufactured in India then exported to other nations...
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    India Bhutan sign various deals amid Bhutan's Monarch's Indian visit

    https://www.livemint.com/news/world/modiwangchuck-meet-india-bhutan-agree-on-final-location-survey-for-cross-border-rail-link/amp-11699288714668.html This include cross border rail links, Indian financing for Bhutanese projectsn and India's involvement in an Bhutanese smart city project.
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    India to gradually disband all 62 Army Cantonment Boards spread throughout the nation

    https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/mod-pushes-for-dissolving-of-all-62-cantt-boards-for-better-management-safety/article66800315.ece Barring military areas which will be converted into normal military posts other areas would be handed to the municipal department. This was done to lessen...
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    Indian state of Tamil Nadu withdraws bill that could've entailed 12hr working shift over current 8hr ones, this bill was lobbied by Apple and Foxconn

    https://www.firstpost.com/india/tamil-nadu-withdraws-bill-that-allows-12-hour-shift-in-factories-stalin-says-it-is-a-bold-move-12533512.html Good decision industrializing quickly at expense of workers will be bad in the long run imo.
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    India and Russia in talks for transfer of technology for Zircon hypersonic Cruise missile (to be used in Brahmos 2)

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    Russia is ready to co-develop T14 Armata tanks with India with transfer of technology

    https://www.firstpost.com/world/russia-to-co-develop-main-battle-tank-with-india-ready-to-share-t-14-armata-tank-technology-12157032.html "Deputy director of the Russian Federal Service of Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS), Vladimir Drozhzhov was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti news agency"
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    Morocco boosts defence ties with India, buys 92 TATA-made military trucks

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    General Atomics announces partnership to make drone aerostructures in India

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    Putin, Modi discuss situation in Ukraine, Russia-India ties, Leaders 'expressed satisfaction' with high level of bilateral cooperation

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    India and Russia plan to focus on harnessing huge natural resources in the Arctic region including in the field of oil, natural gas and coking coal

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    US releases a notorious Russian Arms dealer Viktor Bout aka the "Merchant of Death" in a prisoner swap with Britney Griner a WNBA player

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    India to receive more than $100 billion in remittance in 2022 making it the highest figure ever received in the world

    https://www.timesnownews.com/business-economy/economy/indians-abroad-to-send-home-a-whopping-100-billion-in-2022-what-drove-the-record-annual-remittance-article-95902007 According to a World Bank report published on Wednesday, this is the first time that any single country will receive $100...
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    Iranian man shot and killed for celebrating US FIFA win

    https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/11/30/breaking-world-cup-fan-27-shot-and-killed-for-celebrating-usa-win-in-iran-by-security-agencies/ Iranian team was eliminated from the World Cup after this loss. I wonder how the Iranian team will be treated after going back as their families were threatened...
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    Sanctions hit Russia asks India for parts of key sectors which are urgently required in Russian industries

    https://www.reuters.com/world/india/india-asked-by-sanctions-hit-russia-parts-key-sectors-sources-2022-11-29/ The request was made before Jaishankar began his Russian tour with various Indian ministers and officials The request included various stuff required in differrent manufacturing sectors...
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    National Law University Jodhpur in India, what's the comparative institute in Pakistan?

    So I'm currently studying in this institute, "NLU" tag is basically for the premier institutes for pursuing law in India. You get in via CLAT exam in these univs. Approximately 23 NLUs are present in India with a total capacity of 2000 per year for UG students (in total almost 60k students...
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