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    Why things haven't changed in Pakistan and never will

    A short refresher on Pakistani ruling class in light of current dismal situation of the country. We have carried over this legacy from pre-partition.
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    Pakistan should stop these obscenities

    These type of houses do not belong in Pakistan. Made from imported stuff and possibly from corruption money. The chichorapan visible in the styling of these houses is often a result of stolen money. This should be banned in dollar begging country.
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    Can Pakistan host Commonwealth games?

    https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/states-rule-out-hosting-2026-commonwealth-games/2qwqqd583 Australian state Victoria has cancelled the event due to costs involved and it is not certain if the event will go ahead anywhere else. This is a good opportunity for Pakistan to bid for it and host it...
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    Nawaz Shareef attacked in London

    Bol news reported 10 people attacking him in a restaurant. 1 arrest made. No good news.
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    Death to India - in Australia

    The Khalistani movement is gaining momentum again. Khalistanis are very active in Australia. I have seen many cars with referendum stickers on back...
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    please delete

    thread not needed anymore.
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    Indian Government finally arrests murder accused after Australia offers $1 million reward

    Australians know how to make things work in India. Australian police identified the murder accused long time ago who is confirmed to have fled to India but Indian police was not able to locate him so far as he was in "hiding". Now that reward has been offered, the accused has been swiftly...
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    Belgian Ambassador meets Bajwa

    It is pointless to ask if COAS is supposed to meet an ambassador as rules don't apply to him but the meeting could be about his upcoming settlement in Belgium with his family. https://dunyanews.tv/en/Pakistan/672250-Belgian-Ambassador-calls-on-COAS-Gen-Bajwa-
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    CNN tries its best to twist Imran Khan's movement

    Using statements from Maliha Lodhi who is a former ambassador and is not supposed to know about any secret communications. For CNN, she is a credible source. They are trying to make it look like the young supporters have just woken up to IKs message completely forgetting his 2+ decades of...
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    Just another day for women in real India

    A woman gang raped, face blackened and paraded through streets while the crowds cheered . This happened not in a jungle but in the capital city of Delhi on Republic day. Indian state was obviously too busy propping up fake sense of patriotism through show of foreign made arms intended to please...
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