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  1. Pak Nationalist

    What's up with the large-scale military activity on the Eastern border?

    With all the mayhem in Pakistan and in anticipation of (rightly or wrongly) some level of an uptick in activities in IoJK post-FATF, Indians are extremely busy these days. https://cscr.pk/explore/themes/defense-security/indian-armed-forces-extraordinary-force-posturing-in-the-western-theatre/
  2. Pak Nationalist

    India and Pakistan at 75: A Tale of Two Divergent Economic Paths

    Nothing hurts young people like me more than seeing our peers and rivals progress while we are condemned to the stagnation and since the turn of the century, a fast-paced descent in nearly every sphere of national life. How can this impatient energy (call it frustration) be channeled into...
  3. Pak Nationalist

    Indian soldiers intrude into AJK (Kotli) confront civilians

    Let's bury the past and move on? After the Afghan Taliban, Indian soldiers intrude into Pakistani territory to threaten the people of Pakistan (one bstrd is seen threatening civilians chanting Pakistan zindabad to remain silent while standing on Pakistani land). I wonder what's the limit of...
  4. Pak Nationalist

    How difficult is it to make your mind about the economic health of Pk?

    Two different papers, two different stories. Debt accumulation is continuing at a mindboggling pace. None of it is being used to increase the productive capacity of the economy, rather stave off default and keep the country afloat (as has been the story from the late 1980s, but I do not remember...
  5. Pak Nationalist

    Point mobilization of decisive force (terrain, vastness, manpower constraints)

    If you are observing the developments in Balochistan that is around 42% of Pakistan's total landmass, you would be able to recognize a pattern. That pattern entails insurgents being able to strike at will, at a tactically advantageous point, and at times with an overwhelming projection of force...
  6. Pak Nationalist

    Why is Chahbahar not burning?

    I have asked this question on this forum and elsewhere repeatedly, why is Chahbahar not burning? It is a well-known fact that Iran is hosting BLF militants and their leadership (not to say they do not have a mass presence in Balochistan too). Indian presence in Iran much like Afghanistan in...
  7. Pak Nationalist

    Is Pakistan’s economy headed towards sustainable and equitable growth? Ft. Miftah Ismail

    Listen to purely technical aspects of the discussion filtering out political partisanship (which is already limited in the exchange). It is a very thought-provoking interview. Refreshingly, someone cites solutions.
  8. Pak Nationalist

    What is leading Indian army's rethink of its typically inelastic position on Siachin?

    This vital statement somehow evaded the radars of many all over the Pakistani internet; mainstream media in Pakistan is a lost cause anyway. The same Indian army which had scuttled efforts of Pakistani and Indian political leaderships to reach a settlement on the Siachin dispute...
  9. Pak Nationalist

    Sounding like a broken record

    TTP leadership sits pretty accorded protocol and security by Badri 313 units in Afghanistan as its minions have again started killing 2-5 agents of state daily in settled and tribal KPK districts after the collapse of the so-called ceasefire. TTP's Afghan Taliban hosts pass pronouncements on the...
  10. Pak Nationalist

    Indian mainstream media shows UAE, Yemen and parts of KSA as Akhand Bharat

    GCC Arabs are being too eager to sit in the lap of India due to its market size. Meanwhile, this is what the Indian intelligentsia most of which has now been infiltrated and compromised by ultra-right-wing Hindu supremacists aspires for. Entire UAE and Oman, the most pro India Khaleeji states...
  11. Pak Nationalist

    Conditioning Pakistan's future per the requirements of the 21st century

    Talib suicide bombing recruiters and conditioners used to do this stuff in subterranean tunnels and bunkers, while this is what is being done with the future of Pakistan by TLP activists in the heartland of Punjab in the open sight. How long can the state continue looking the other way? Brelvi...
  12. Pak Nationalist

    After Harnai Quake; learning from the Awaran model

    The Housing Reconstruction in Awaran project is an example. It was initiated after the September 2013 quake. The centre and the province jointly prepared a housing reconstruction project for the district. A sum of Rs4 billion was allocated to reconstruct 16,000 houses at an estimated cost of...
  13. Pak Nationalist

    Doctors emerge as the new literate goons of Pakistan

    After the lawless and devoid of any humanity, lot of lawyers, we have another set of goons in this society. Humanity has been made to hang its head in shame yet again by the Doctor goons. The incompetent rabble-rousers are afraid that their privileges are under threat in the face of the health...
  14. Pak Nationalist

    Recent CPEC JCC meeting; Pakistani objectives appear to be unmet

    In the recent JCC meeting, it appears that the Pakistani side could not get anything it set out to get while the Chinese side has gotten everything it wanted. Tariffs for the Chinese IPPs would not be renegotiated, meaning that PML-N ad-hocism would continue costing the country for the...
  15. Pak Nationalist

    Info. dominance in cyberspace; its decisive impact on future conflicts; an Indian perspective

    Communications and cyberinfrastructure hardening is becoming a critical point of information denial/protection in warfighting today. It assumes an even more crucial dimension for us as our military institutions pursue more significant data fusion and network centricity. While people like Praveen...
  16. Pak Nationalist

    CAD to swell further by 2022

    “Where will the exchange rate go if it’s left completely independent? What’s the point in building foreign exchange reserves if they are not stabilizing the exchange rate?” he said while noting that the rate is at an all-time high of almost Rs170 although the reserves have increased to $20bn...
  17. Pak Nationalist

    What would have saved lives here in your view?

    Take it as a kind of thought experiment. After watching the video, what comes to your mind as the possible avenue for reducing attrition? The military now shows ambush-type attacks in its PR videos. The video is more in sync with the operational activities in Balochistan. The attire/get-up of...
  18. Pak Nationalist

    Status of loitering munitions

    Indians are procuring SkyStriker loitering munitions. Are we working on an indigenous solution in the public/private sector to equip our forces with this capability? I do not remember reading or listening about loitering munitions being a part of the inventory of PA. Can anyone correct me if I...
  19. Pak Nationalist

    Is the moment of truth upon us?

    Abbas Stanakzai went to the Indian embassy in Qatar to meet the Indian diplomats to allay their concerns vis a vis the use of Afghan soil against Indian interests. On the one hand, we have daily fire raids emanating from Afghan soil (3-4 in as many days) on our border posts resulting in...
  20. Pak Nationalist

    Would we have tested a nuclear device in 2021? (A thought experiment)

    A member commented that Pakistan is not Pakistan, that it was at the eve of 9/11, and that we are a stronger state now. While I believe that there are few areas where our capabilities improved, we regressed in many others. Our inability to punish India with a proportionate response to its covert...
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