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  1. S

    Why do Kevin McCarthy's Republicans want to impeach Joe Biden now

    This was eventually going to happen. Joe Biden has lost his control over Russia Ukrainian conflict further escalating the war into wW3. Kevin McCarthy has made great decision to impeach Joe Biden. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66274976
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    What consequences will have on Pakistan when Russia defeats Ukraine totally ??

    With recent victories by Russia on Ukraine battlefront, we saw Bilawal Bhutto went on to discuss bilatal relations with senior Russian Larov minister officially. When ex-PM Imran Khan was overthrown by regime change operation for this SAME reason of backing Russia, after 1+ years of conflict...
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    Taiwan preparing for when - not if — China launches military attack: minister

    Taiwan's foreign affairs minister says the island is actively trying to prepare for a military attack by China in the coming months or years, and believes it's only a matter of time before Beijing will move in on the self-governing island. In an interview with Global News in Taipei, Joseph Wu...
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    Women incapable of serving in elite combat units says IDF

    Female soldiers are ill-equipped to be effective in some combat situations, the Israel Defense Forces have said. Including women in Israel’s elite armed forces isn’t possible due to physiological differences between them and their male counterparts, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told the...
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    Putin's surprise show of force in Pacific, Russian warships on high alert amid bigger war fear

    Putin's surprise show of force in Pacific, Russian warships on high alert amid bigger war fear War is coming to South China Sea + Koreas + Japan Coast with Russia whether world likes it or not. Putin + Xingpin + Mid East block are all with Russia.
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    China is ‘ghosting’ the US because normal diplomacy has proven useless

    Beijing clearly does not want to spend time and resources on talking to people that undermine and vilify it at every turn. Congratulations war is coming between US & China soon. A recent Politico article, citing unnamed US officials, claims that China is “ghosting” the US, ignoring American...
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    US ready for war with China – congressman

    Washington would put boots on the ground in Taiwan if Beijing occupies the island, Michael McCaul has said. US Congress would authorize a direct military confrontation with China if Beijing launched an attack against Taiwan, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul told Fox News...
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    Russian warship spotted in Saudi Arabian port

    Russian warship spotted in Saudi Arabian port - world order iss already changing. ARussian warship named The Admiral Gorshkov was spotted in a port in Saudi Arabia this week, docking there for the first time since the re-establishment of diplomatic ties with Iran. Russian warships sail...
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    Russians have discovered how to crash drone w/o firing missile

    With Nawaz Sharif in power back in the day before Imran Khan in 2018. The PAF was bombarded with massive sorties of MQ reaper drones attacks inside Waziristan and sadly whole of PAF had NO CLUE how to shoot the drone down when Nawaz himself went infront of UN to beg for halting the drone...
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    American leaders are ‘fundamentally stupid’ – US Democrat

    In their rush to fight Russia and punish Europe, Washington elites have brought humanity to the brink of nuclear war, Geoffrey Young. Motivated by a desire to sever Germany’s economic ties to Russia, the US’ “intellectually bankrupt” politicians have made nuclear war a realistic possibility...
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    Iranian FM reveals nuclear 'signals' from US

    Iranian FM reveals nuclear 'signals' from US Agreement with the US is possible, if Washington “behaves realistically,” Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said. The US has signaled that it’s ready to engage with Tehran with a view to reviving the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, Iranian Foreign Minister...
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    Top Hizbul commander from J&K killed in Rawalpindi; Bashir Ahmad was wanted by Modi govt

    Another Patriot killed in Rawalpindi by Mafia gang on instructions of PDM This would NOT happen under Imran Khan PTI if he was in power to any cross border anti-Indian fighters. This proves GHQ is directly involved in killing our own soldiers inside any city/tiown or village. May allah have...
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    March 16 By Elections Sindh NA-247

    Any one who is in Karachi Please go & Vote on March 16
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    Life Expectancy Safety of Pakistan as sovereign Nation (before Nuclear War)

    Life Expectancy of Pakistan as sovereign Nation (Incl others) The article is a analysis of daily skirmishes to conflicts around its borders to political uncertainty facing its agenda, From data collected from Afghan Pak border flash points to destabilizing political chaos and many unpatriotic...
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    No one wants to lend them Money - Says PM Modi

    First of after I got Banned for such mini-reason by the Moderators & I want to point out I am a Strong Patriot supporter of Pakistan Country & in return I get treated like this? Now not to make this into major scandal I want to highlight similarities between PDF staff & Pakistan Hakoomat...
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    Artificial Intelligence analysis on Shabaz Sharif & Corruption

    What is meaning of Corruption for average common man or women? Corruption is the abuse of power for personal gain. For the average person, it can take many forms, such as bribery, embezzlement, or nepotism. It can also manifest in the form of corrupt officials using their positions to make...
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    Freezing temperatures kill 78 people in Afghanistan

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    Suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma gets gun licence, was threatened over Prophet remark

    Suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma gets gun licence, was threatened over Prophet remark. As we can deduct from article even young Hindu women are weaponized by carry handgun 9mm for reasons x,y,z & kill muslims of India. Why don't Pakistani women carry handguns 9mm in their purses because they're...
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    How India's ruling party is tightening its grip on Kashmir

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