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  1. Scorpiooo

    6th Generation Fighters Jet - Race

    Future of air war belong to 6th generation fighters Jet program Very good informative video on 6th generation programs and capabilities
  2. Scorpiooo

    New Gun for Pakistan Paramilitary Forces - VSK100

    New Gun for Pakistan Paramilitary Forces - VSK100-3
  3. Scorpiooo

    Pak Navy Induct - PNS HAIBAT indigenous FAC Ship

    Pakistan Navy’s indigenously designed & constructed Fast Attack Craft Missile PNS HAIBAT https://fb.watch/c5IWOkGkzD/ Pakistan Navy’s indigenously designed & constructed Fast Attack Craft PNS Haibat is the first land mark project indigenously designed by Maritime Technologies Complex and...
  4. Scorpiooo

    Pakistan Gears Up To Host Russian President Putin visit

    Pakistan Gears Up To Host Russian President Putin Next Month After a long time, Pakistan and Russia are strengthening bilateral relations. Pakistan and Russia signed a fresh agreement to lay a gas pipeline between Karachi to Kasur. Also Russia is keen to sell arms to Pakistan. Russian Foreign...
  5. Scorpiooo

    Top Most expensive fighter jets in 2021

    Top 10 most expensive fighter jets in 2021 Fighter jets are the most advanced, the most powerful, the most technologically complex aircraft. It is only natural that they are the most expensive ones too. So, if you had to buy one, what are your options? Included here is the price of only an...
  6. Scorpiooo

    Light weight tanks for Pakistan Army

    India is considering to induct 350 light tanks after China india conflict of last years, as they have seen the chines type 15 light tank effectively and advantages. Problem is that these will not only placed with Chinese border they will also be placed on Kashmir LoC, thats way indian are...
  7. Scorpiooo

    City wise lookdown notification issued - then canceled

    Multiple city looked notification was issued and later was canceled by another notification.. whats the reason ?
  8. Scorpiooo

    Famous scholar Maulana Wahiduddin Khan has passed away.

    إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ Famous scholar Maulana Wahiduddin Khan has passed away. Indeed its a great loss for us .. A great void has been left that would never be filled. We have lost one of the most kindhearted, peace-loving and greatest scholar of our times. May Allah...
  9. Scorpiooo

    Blast in the Serena Hotel Quetta

    Blast in the Serena Hotel Quetta ! https://fb.watch/5082moirCB/
  10. Scorpiooo

    Is it a Good step or not: Doctors can write farmula not company name

    If ever implemented then we can say its a good step by governments to control commissions and kickbacks culture for doctors by pharmaceutical companies. But question is that, Is it practical in actual and how they going to implement that control. Major problem patients will be got confused and...
  11. Scorpiooo

    Indian concerned about Biden statement- Americans to pull out of Afghanistan till Sept 2021

    India is concerned about a vacuum developing in Afghanistan following the proposed withdrawal of the United States and Nato forces from the country, the chief of the defence staff has said. General Bipin Rawat told a security conference that the worry was “disruptors” would step into the space...
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