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  1. Haris Ali2140

    Afghanistan: Ghani and Abdullah sign power-sharing deal

    Afghanistan: Ghani and Abdullah sign power-sharing deal Under the agreement, Abdullah will lead council for peace talks and members of his team will be included in the cabinet. Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah signed a power-sharing deal to end a months-long political stalemate [File...
  2. Haris Ali2140

    Decolonizing Homeland: Narratives, Power and Imbedded Racism

    Decolonizing Homeland: Narratives, Power and Imbedded Racism by HUSSAIN NADIM May 8, 2020 in Controversial The US war in Afghanistan is coming to an end. It does not matter who won the war, what matters more now is whose story will win. Critical times like these are important for discourse...
  3. Haris Ali2140

    To Save Afghan Peace Deal, U.S. May Scale Back C.I.A. Presence

    To Save Afghan Peace Deal, U.S. May Scale Back C.I.A. Presence Including the C.I.A.’s presence in negotiations with the Taliban is Washington’s latest effort to use what bargaining chips it has left to advance the peace plan. American soldiers in Khost, Afghanistan, in 2011. C.I.A. officials...
  4. Haris Ali2140

    Attacks on Muslims in the Name of COVID-19 Surge Across India

    Attacks on Muslims in the Name of COVID-19 Surge Across India Despite a nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 threat, attacks on Muslims have increased in different parts of India in the past few days. Not just Muslim persons, but mosques and Muslim-run businesses have also been targetted...
  5. Haris Ali2140

    Punjab: Muslim Gujjar Families 'Beaten and Boycotted' in Hoshiarpur Villages

    Punjab: Muslim Gujjar Families 'Beaten and Boycotted' in Hoshiarpur Villages Locals said that the dairy farmers were violating the lockdown. While the police said the Gujjars are free to sell their milk, no case has been registered yet. Hoshiarpur/Ludhiana: Several families of the Muslim...
  6. Haris Ali2140

    Pompeo: Make a deal with the Taliban or risk full U.S. troop pullout

    Pompeo to Afghan leaders: Make a deal with the Taliban or risk full U.S. troop pullout The stern message, delivered two weeks ago, underscores Trump’s concern that the absence of a unified government in Kabul threatens to unravel his tenuous Taliban peace deal. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo...
  7. Haris Ali2140

    The People Vs. Media

    The People Vs. Media by HUSSAIN NADIM April 5, 2020 in Trending There is a meltdown in the country, and it is not an economic one. For some reason, the journalist community has gone into a reactive mode. From engaging politicians and Ministers to now engaging online trolls, some of the...
  8. Haris Ali2140

    Did China send undergarment masks to Pakistan? Fact-check

    Did China send undergarment masks to Pakistan? Fact-check FEATURED 119 Share China promised to send top quality N-95 masks to Pakistan. When the consignment landed, Pakistanis found that China had sent masks made of underwear, read a tweet sent out by a retired Indian military officer. Major...
  9. Haris Ali2140

    The Taliban-US treaty: Will it sound the death knell for Pakistan?

    The Taliban-US treaty: Will it sound the death knell for Pakistan? The time has now come for India to step out and make her presence felt in the global power play, leveraging every instrument of power at her disposal ranging from natural geographical dominance, the global presence of Indian...
  10. Haris Ali2140

    Boris Johnson has coronavirus

    Boris Johnson has coronavirus: PM tests positive for disease as crisis grips the UK Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus as outbreak spreads in UK The PM took part in applause for NHS staff from Downing Street last night Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a...
  11. Haris Ali2140

    Super Mushshak Flies with Genesys Aerosystems Glass Cockpit

    Super Mushshak Flies with Genesys Aerosystems Glass Cockpit March 25, 2020 Kamra, Pakistan (March 25, 2020) – A Pakistan Aeronautical Complex MFI-17 Super Mushshak made a successful first flight with a full Genesys Aerosystems glass cockpit today. The Super Mushshak is a rugged and proven...
  12. Haris Ali2140

    Pakistan’s Land-Centric Defence Calculus Needs Overhauling

    Pakistan’s Land-Centric Defence Calculus Needs Overhauling Author: Zaki Khalid* The writer is a freelance national security and strategic affairs commentator based in Rawalpindi. Key Points: • Since its independence from British rule in 1947, Pakistan’s national security apparatus has viewed...
  13. Haris Ali2140

    Pak-China to establish 2 new JWGs under CPEC: Asad Umar

    Pak-China to establish 2 new JWGs under CPEC: Asad Umar Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar on Monday said that a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) was going to be signed on Tuesday (tomorrow) in Beijing for establishment of two new Joint Working Groups under China...
  14. Haris Ali2140

    Pakistan Builds Border Fence, Limiting Militants and Families Alike

    Pakistan Builds Border Fence, Limiting Militants and Families Alike A 1,600-mile barrier, set to be finished this year, has improved security in Pakistan. But Afghanistan is angry, and cross-border families are suffering. Pakistani soldiers near a security fence at the border post in...
  15. Haris Ali2140

    Yogi plans to brand and sell ‘cow-urine’ and ‘cow-dung’ to generate employment

    Yogi plans to brand and sell ‘cow-urine’ and ‘cow-dung’ to generate employment Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed officials to initiate steps to produce, process and brand cow-urine and cow-dung for consumers and thereby generate employment. NH Correspondent/Lucknow...
  16. Haris Ali2140

    Delhi riots: 85-year-old’s young killers used to greet her in locality

    Delhi riots: 85-year-old’s young killers used to greet her in locality NEW DELHI: Akhbari Begum was awaiting the birth of her great grandchild, but the 85-year-old resident of Khajuri Khas in northeast Delhi did not live to see the day. Her house in Gamri Extension was set ablaze by rioters on...
  17. Haris Ali2140

    Here’s why ‘who would win a 1-v-1 air engagement is a No Go Question

    Here’s why ‘who would win a 1-v-1 air engagement, (Turkish) F-16 or (Syrian) MiG-29?’ is a No Go Question Tom CooperMar 10, 20200 Combat aircraft aren’t some kind of medieval knights on a jousting tournament. They’re not even ‘Spitfires vs Bf.109s’ any more. On the contrary, modern aerial...
  18. Haris Ali2140

    The U.S. Military Says It Has Supported The Taliban In Fighting ISIS in Afghanistan

    The U.S. Military Says It Has Supported The Taliban In Fighting ISIS in Afghanistan The revelation follows the start of American troop withdrawals from the country as part of a still controversial and fragile deal with the Taliban. BY JOSEPH TREVITHICKMARCH 10, 2020 THE WAR ZONE AP...
  19. Haris Ali2140

    Indian agencies point to Pak link in anti-CAA protests

    Indian agencies point to Pak link in anti-CAA protests HT learns that Indian intelligence agencies have picked up cross-country electronic chatter where people believed to be Pakistani operatives are berating their sources for not organizing enough crowds for anti-CAA protests on March 3-4...
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