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  1. dropkix

    Are you gentlemen aware of Samsung S voice?

    You have to check it out:
  2. dropkix

    PDF Aware us your VLOGs!

    I was walking over to my buddy's place and decided to make a VLOG about my journey to buy snacks: Mission: Acquire Snacks: Mission: acquiring snacks part 2: Mission: Acquire Snacks 3: The belly of the beast: Haircut day: encountering white people in Brossard: Haircut day: A sushi place...
  3. dropkix

    PDF members! Do you have a YouTube channel?

    I do: Like, subscribe and comments below!
  4. dropkix

    Awesome Malaysia Documentary

    Check this out y'all: Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia (Full HD), by C…:
  5. dropkix

    Legalizing weed: Good idea?

    PDF what do you make of this petition to legalize kush in Canada, country of stoners and snowboarders: [PETITION] Keep marijuana out of our kids' hands. Regulate and legalize it.
  6. dropkix

    PDF Aware us your favorite comedians

    Mine is dieudonné hands down:
  7. dropkix

    Aware me on fiction publishers.

    Men and women of PDF. I'm currently writing a novel. Yes, it is partly set in Pakistan :) It's a work of comedic fiction though, im wondering if anyone has contacts with publishers you would recommend? I intend to publish it in hardcopy form before doing the ebook thing...
  8. dropkix

    Camelia Sinesis: Tea, chai, お茶、紅茶、粗茶, GITT

    Tea aficionados of PDF: Aware us on your collection, your loves and hates, hopes and dreams... When it comes to the universe of teas, there's always something new to discover. This morning I made a pot of Persian tea, needs more ilaichi and cinnamon. Grenadine is potent stuff. Few drops...
  9. dropkix

    A geopolitical anthropomorphic moe manga about Afghani-Pakistani relations.

    It's not everyday that we can describe geopolitics as cute. Leave it up to maverick mangaka ちまきing (timaking) to aware manga readers on the geopolitical relationship between two countries called Afghanistan and Pakistan. Done in a loving and quirky way that portrays countries as cute Moe...
  10. dropkix

    Aware me on Gun ownership policy in Pakistan

    So shooting is an interesting hobby. I've been with a friend and shot an SKS rifle, AR-15, Mossberg, Sig Sauer, 1911 and a Ruger 10-22. Supposing I wanted to buy a gun in Pakistan. How complicated is the process? In Canada it's a right mess, there's expensive licenses, different ones for...
  11. dropkix

    I have a theoretical question

    I don't advocate violence, for the record. But let's play devils advocate and suppose I did. I don't care about harming non-Muslims or anyone, really, aside from dealing with the global Zionist problem. So, theoretically, what would be the potential problems with say.... starting a nuclear...
  12. dropkix

    Greetings from the frozen hinterland of Canada

    ... Where ink freezes in pens. And if not kept in barns, cows snap in half. Dropkix here. Born in good ol' Isloo, apparently while wounded soldiers were being medevaced in from the Siachin glacier on that fateful day in September... But my memory of that time is a little fuzzy to say the least...
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