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  1. Deino

    Rheinmetall releases Panther KF51 Main Battle Tank

    Rheinmetall unveils new heavy Main Battle Tank, the KF51 "Panther"
  2. Deino

    Featured Russia Teases 'Fundamentally New' Military Aircraft to Be Unveiled

    Is this a teaser for the new Russian single engined fighter project? :what: Is this really "Rostec"/ UAC' official teaser for the LFI/LMFS? Here's the video teaser
  3. Deino

    Pinkov's Corner ... the stranger part of the PLA-watching world!

    Today, something very much different and still related to PLA-watching and my work. :blink: It all started with a critical comment on his videos and one more on his Flanker & H-6 story and ended in wild-boar modus :taz: Anyway, the story continued and after I asked him several times to leave...
  4. Deino

    2020 is nearly over ... so what can we expect in 2021 for PLA watchers?

    Just as the title says I think we had some major developments and breakthroughs in 2020 and I'm sure China won't disappoint us in 2021: so what can we expect in 2021 for PLA watchers? My wishes are most of all: - the unveiling of the J-35 prototype - conclusive answer on the Type 003's...
  5. Deino

    Russia starts development of a new medium-weight frontline fighter

    Well, that's indeed a pleasant surprise ... In Russia, work began on a new light front-line fighter MOSCOW, April 16 - RIA News. Research has begun in Russia with the goal of creating a new operational tactical aviation platform, the RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the United...
  6. Deino

    First Look At Futuristic Variant Of India's Tejas Fighter - Orca

    I must admit, I'm still not sure what to think of this !? ... bat anyway I think it is worth a separate thread since it is no longer the original Tejas: https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/if-developed-this-futuristic-variant-of-tejas-could-match-iafs-rafale-jets-2159016
  7. Deino

    DRDO forced to ditch LCA Navy Mk2 for a cleansheet twin-engine fighter

    ICYMI, India's principal military aircraft designer has just unveiled plans to design & build a twin-engine deck fighter for the IndianNavy's STOBAR aircraft carriers, placing a future 'hard-stop' to the ongoing LCA Navy program...
  8. Deino

    New white paper: "China's National Defense in the New Era"

    The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China released a white paper titled "China's National Defense in the New Era" on Wednesday. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-07/24/c_138253389.htm http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/download/whitepaperonnationaldefenseinnewera.doc
  9. Deino

    Chinese Wing-in-Ground Effect Vehicles - Ekranoplans in PLA service

    One of the probably most unique - and barely known in the West - type in PLA service is the XTW-5 WIG (XTW = 信天翁 XìnTiānWēng = Albatros). From what I know - most of all from this site: http://www.eastpendulum.com/chinese-wing-in-ground - it entered service in 2003 within the PLA Border Defence...
  10. Deino

    Zhuhai 2018

    Let's start a new thread ...
  11. Deino

    J-XY - maybe J-35 - next generation carrier-borne fighter

    Since in recent days the rumours are again getting more and more intense, some even speaking of a F-20-variant having already won, while others still take the decision not made yet, I anyway start a new thread. Here are at least a few posts that hint into that direction ...
  12. Deino

    Chinese Naval Air Force (PLANAF) News & Discussions

    Just akin to the PLAAF-thread please post all PLANAF-related news here. Just to start with, it seems as if the PLANAF is now also changing to the Brigade system: via: http://news.xinhuanet.com/mil/2017-09/06/c_129696927.htm and http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2017-09-06/doc-ifykpuui1321709.shtml
  13. Deino

    The J-20-engine discussion is over and other speculative topics ... to separate from the J-20-news !

    Guys ... this discussion is useless, senseless ... and IMO already off-topic in the J-20 tread. Therefore I created this new thread in order to separate the on-going and already so often discussed question on the J-20's powerplant from the other J-20 news but also from the engine's thread I...
  14. Deino

    I’m looking for an artist / CG designer for my next book-project

    Guys, I need some help: I’m looking for an artist, who would be willing and able to provide some artworks for my next book-project. Maybe You know my first two books I made with Harpia-Publishing: Flashpoint-China (2016): http://www.harpia-publishing.com/galleries/FPCN/index.html Modern...
  15. Deino

    Chinese Future Fighter Programs beyond the J-20 & FC-31

    Concerning the rumours about a next fifth generation single-engine fighter under development at CAC and eventually at SAC too I would like to start a new thread: So what do You expect, what configuration can we expect ??? And as a teaser from my friend Bai Wei a concept (YES, surely fan-art...
  16. Deino

    CV-16 Liaoning - Type 001 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    I think it is really strange - and maybe also my own fault - that we have several PLN-news threads, two dedicated 001A & 002 carrier topics but none for the Liaoning. If I find time, I will clean and sort out the others a bit ... but I would recommend from now on all related to the CV-16 to...
  17. Deino

    Chinese specific test- and research aircraft - some sort of X-planes ?

    The title already says it all, since I wonder why there were so few dedicated test-bed concepts by now - I remember the BW-6 FBW-testbed, the J-7FS with the chin intake ... ? - and if a program similar to the USAF/NASA led X-series would be a good idea to explore certain technologies ? Any...
  18. Deino

    PLA Army Aviation - fixed wing assets

    Army Aviation has received its first Y-9 !! :huh: http://army.81.cn/content/2016-12/23/content_7421518_3.htm
  19. Deino

    PLAAF & PLANAF special mission aircraft - Y-8GX-family

    Since usually images of these birds are either posted in the PLN- or the PLAAF-threads, which I don't deem appropriate, I start a new dedicated thread for these IMO most important special mission assets. To start with, here are some very nice images, however IMO the KJ-500H and Y-8GX-6 both...
  20. Deino

    AICC and Antonov to Resurrect and Modernize An-225

    Quite a surprising news: Ukraine sold An-225 and related technology/expertise to China ?! http://business.sohu.com/20160831/n466839986.shtml Sina reports the same: http://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/2016-08-31/doc-ifxvixsh6977873.shtml And now also in English...
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