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    Imperatives of Plucking the Low hanging Fruit to Boost Defence Manufacturing

    Imperatives of Plucking the Low hanging Fruit to Boost Defence Manufacturing Editor’s Note The author’s prime argument is that the enthusiasm shown in making our procedures far more efficient and attractive for the private sector to foray into defence equipment manufacturing, is not...

    Indian drone development, procurement , news and updates .

    Indian drone development, procurement , news and updates . This will help collate all information on Rustom 1 and 2, Nishant, Guardian, Predator, Avenger, Herons, etc etc.. All indian programs and abroad purchases under this. Also will include all Aura UCAV program as well. No Separate Thread...

    Make In India - Fighter Jet musings - News, Developments, Updates - F16,F18, Gripen, Any other

    Make In India - Fighter Jet musings - News, Developments, Updates - F16,F18, Gripen, Any other (F35,LSA, etc) All except Rafale Jet deal. Thats for the Rafale Sticky Only. Pls dont open any more thread pertaining to this topic. All are requested to post it in this one main thread. @WAJsal...

    Chinese President Nixes Kathmandu Visit Amid Thaw in Indo-Nepalese Relations

    Chinese President Nixes Kathmandu Visit Amid Thaw in Indo-Nepalese Relations ASIA & PACIFIC 14:44 07.09.2016 Chinese President Xi Jinping has cancelled his trip to Nepal due to the country's Prime Minister’s pro-India approach and Nepal’s disinterest in fulfilling commitments to its northern...

    Pentagon backs proposal to give US fighter jets ‘Make in India’ tag

    Pentagon backs proposal to give US fighter jets ‘Make in India’ tag Shishir Gupta, Hindustan Times, New Delhi The Pentagon has backed proposals from US aviation giants Boeing and Lockheed Martin to manufacture top-line fighter aircraft as part of the ‘Make in India’ initiative. The proposals...

    The F-16 Offer to India — India Might Refuse It, But Pakistan Can’t Ignore It

    Please read this article... Its a wonderful article representing what many of us already are saying. Irrespective of your nationalities, be it Indian or be it Pakistani or any other nation, the author wrote quite a true account. +++ The F-16 Offer to India — India Might Refuse It, But Pakistan...

    Yogeswar Dutt does not want Silver medal upgradation

    https://twitter.com/DuttYogi A good thought by Yogi. It was reported that he is heartbroken with Rio loss and feels this silver upgrade will not provide any solace after his loss in Rio. @anant_s @WAJsal @Nilgiri @ranjeet @hellfire @Joe Shearer @MilSpec @Ankit Kumar 002 @Levina @Arsalan

    Fuel tank falls from Navy's MiG-29 fighter jet during take-off in Vizag

    Fuel tank falls from Navy's MiG-29 fighter jet during take-off in Vizag DECCAN CHRONICLE. | SNV SUDHIR PublishedAug 29, 2016, 3:19 pm IST UpdatedAug 29, 2016, 3:33 pm IST The Navy has been creating infrastructure to house a MiG-29K squadron at INS Dega on the eastern seaboard at Vizag. Before...

    Erred in past, but committed to ties with India, Nepal PM tells Modi

    Erred in past, but committed to ties with India, Nepal PM tells Modi Prashant Jha, Hindustan Times, New Delhi Updated: Aug 20, 2016 21:15 IST Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has reaffirmed his commitment to friendship with India. (Reuters File Photo) Nepal’s newly...

    Kaveri NG Engine : Developmental Gas Turbine Engines upto 130 kN thrust class at GTRE, Bangalore

    Kaveri NG Engine : Developmental Gas Turbine Engines upto 130 kN thrust class at GTRE, Bangalore Some points from a tender found in DRDO site http://www.drdo. gov. in/drdo/drdojsp/downloadtndr.jsp...

    Exclusive: Snapdeal explores merger talks with Flipkart, Amazon

    Exclusive: Snapdeal explores merger talks with Flipkart, Amazon August 18, 2016 | Manu P Toms & Bruhadeeswaran R Snapdeal, India’s second-largest homegrown online retailer, has initiated preliminary talks with staunch rivals Flipkart and Amazon to explore a possible merger that could realign...

    Did Barkha Dutt know Zakir Rashid Bhat, Wani's Successor?

    Did Barkha Dutt know Zakir Rashid Bhat, Wani's Successor? I saw right now a series of tweet and a lot of discussion going on this topic.. Sample below is the allegation and the basis of the tweets....... and this pic Here is the tweet where everything changed over discussion I myself...

    Mumbai-based UAV venture set for the big flight

    Mumbai-based UAV venture set for the big flight AMRITA NAIR-GHASWALLA ideaForge team — Rahul Singh, Ashish Bhat, Ankit Mehta, Vipul Joshi ideaForge, which has developed drones for the defence forces, awaits changes in regulations to scale up operations MUMBAI, AUGUST 10: A tacky unmanned...

    Australian French angle to India’s Quest for Nuclear Attack Submarines ?

    Australian French angle to India’s Quest for Nuclear Attack Submarines ? Published August 11, 2016 SOURCE: Anand SG / FOR MY TAKE / IDRW.ORG India might be lead subcontractor for the supply of components to the submarine project involving Australia and France said a recent media reports . In...

    Jason Bourne

    Hi, So the latest Jason Bourne movie is out here.. saw it.. like always Matt really is awesome fit for the role.. it's a story which always make you feel why you love this series so much. Of course much more could have been there..yet still love it... The novel's were always good too.. So...

    Why missing IAF aircraft AN-32 had little chance of being found in case of crash

    ++++ A very sad news and the ongoing discussion in PDF points fundamentally to somewhat same issues as pointed in this article. We lost 29 good men to the ocean and we wont be able to return them back to their family (as of today EOD) We hope to bring our men back and give them a honorable...

    Indigenous manufacture of missiles in ‘one or two years’: Manohar Parrikar

    Indigenous manufacture of missiles in ‘one or two years’: Manohar Parrikar India is just "one or two years" away from indigenously manufacturing missiles, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said on Saturday, claiming that DRDO scientists were on the verge of evolving seeker technology, which is...

    Indian Navy Initiates Steps to Acquire Predator B Guardian and EMALS - LOR sent to US Gov

    Indian Navy Initiates Steps to Acquire Predator B Guardian and EMALS - Letters of Request sent for both systems to US Government By Gulshan Luthra Published: July 2016 New Delhi. The Indian Navy has initiated the first steps towards acquiring the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch...

    MOD - Transforming India- Key Accomplishments - July 2016

    MOD - Transforming India- Key Accomplishments - July 2016 Notice a spelling blooper Barack instead of Barak (POTUS instead of SAMs) More slides to come.. Part 1 of 6 @Abingdonboy @anant_s @Taygibay @Picdelamirand-oil @Vergennes @randomradio @Ankit Kumar 002 @MilSpec @Koovie...

    Does India really need Russia’s ‘Backfire’ bomber?

    Does India really need Russia’s ‘Backfire’ bomber? 27 July 2016 RAKESH KRISHNAN SIMHA Lacking strategic vision, the Indian Air Force remains content to operate at the theatre level, but perhaps the fearsome Cold Warrior from Russia can help change that mindset. The Indian Air Force has a...
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