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  1. cocomo

    Fanatic Hindu calls for nuclear strike on Canada

    "Things must escalate to their logical end ... nuclear strike". Video Mirror
  2. cocomo

    Hindus defile their own temples to defame Sikhs - Australian police

    Australia: Documents Released by Police Point to 'Hindu Hand' in Temple Wall Defacement The Australian police released five full and seven partial investigation documents to Sikh activist and author Bhabishan Singh Goraya, who had alleged that “Sikhs had been accused of vandalism without...
  3. cocomo

    The intercept publicizes contents of the leaked Cypher

    The cypher was leaked from a source from within Pakistan Military, to see the contents of the cypher verbatim, see the bold section at the end of the article. The article starts from below. Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan “All will be forgiven,” said a U.S...
  4. cocomo

    Muslim auto rickshaw driver saves a Christian woman from Hindu terrorists.

    Kuki people from manipur report that many Muslims have protected them from Hindu terrorists by giving them shelter.
  5. cocomo

    President Biden, don’t pass up the opportunity for a reset with Shahbaz Sharif’s Pakistan [Brookings Inst.]

    President Biden, don’t pass up the opportunity for a reset with Shahbaz Sharif’s Pakistan Bruce Riedel and Madiha Afzal - April 22, 2022 The end of American involvement in Afghanistan and the change in leadership in Pakistan presents the United States with an opportunity to reset its...
  6. cocomo

    Debunking The Top Five Weaponized Narratives Of The US’ Infowar Against Pakistan - Andrew Korybko

    Debunking The Top Five Weaponized Narratives Of The US’ Infowar Against Pakistan Andrew Korybko The purpose of this piece is to expose the top five weaponized narratives in order to inform Pakistanis of the intense efforts underway to manipulate their thoughts and emotions during this...
  7. cocomo

    Afghanistan: American’s exit opens up huge regional possibilities (Mushahid Hussain)

    Probably, the biggest fallout of the August 15th, 2021, Taliban takeover of Kabul is the tectonic shift in a world that is now no more dependent on the military unilateralism of the United States of America, symbolised by ‘regime change’, ‘shock and awe’ or ‘what we say goes’. On August 31st...
  8. cocomo

    China renews support for inclusive Afghan govt as Taliban seek Beijing's help in reconstruction following Panjshir takeover

    China on Monday reiterated its stance on the Afghan issue and expressed its support to Afghanistan in forming an open, inclusive and broadly representative government after Afghan Taliban expressed hope for China's support for reconstruction and development of Afghanistan following its...
  9. cocomo

    Terrorist group SSP attacks Shia mourners in Karachi.

    The banned terrorist group attacked Shia mourners from Hazara community. The terrorist can be seen brandishing a gun and shooting at the mourners. Simultaneous terrorist attacks from same group on different locations surely means that these are planned attacks to destroy the peace of the...
  10. cocomo

    LIVE: AS Dulat | Asad Durrani - End of the Afghan Republic, Rise of the Islamic Emirate?

    Edit: New link because of disruption.
  11. cocomo

    Hindu extremist exposes Hindu men as impotent

    Most prominent anti Muslim Hindu terrorist Yati Narsinghanand exposes Hindu men as impotent and Muslim men as manly. Credit: https://twitter.com/adabehindustan
  12. cocomo

    Pakistan has other options, NSA Yusuf tells US

    WASHINGTON: National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf has said that Pakistan has other options if US President Joe Biden continues to ignore the country’s leadership. “The president of the United States hasn’t spoken to the prime minister of such an important country who the US itself says is...
  13. cocomo

    Blatant & gratuitous insult of Islam by Hindu intellectual

    Indian Hindus are reduced to these gimmicks due to their desperation as the most likely outcome will lead to erasure of their terrorists launchpads in Afghanistan which will decrease their leverage over Pakistan considerably. So they are reduced to ridiculing Islamic symbols to "hurt"...
  14. cocomo

    Pakistan and China: the new US game

    I had earlier suspected that the US was deliberately pushing Afghanistan towards chaos and civil war as well as creating troubles for Pakistan. However, I was not completely sure and hence I expressed some hopes regarding the possibility of peace and stability in Afghanistan in my column as well...
  15. cocomo

    Hindus have started worshiping COVID-19.

    This Tamil Nadu temple got a Corona Devi idol to protect people from Covid "a temple in Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore, has decided to create and consecrate 'Corona Devi', a deity dedicated to protect people from Covid-19 in the wake of the deadly coronavirus outbreak." India: Women offer prayers to...
  16. cocomo

    Social platforms must allow geo-blocking for their own sake.

    Indians are an ugly, perverted and obsessive nation and on top of that to quote Nixon “Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are Indian women” - Nixon said in 1971, so they drool at the sight of any other. Geo-blocking is necessary for a non-flaming environment where constructive...
  17. cocomo

    A brilliant half an hour long interview summing up India.

    This guy (Aakar Patel) lays waste to India's democracy, judiciary, secularism. He also sums up shallow Ideology of Hindutva in a few sentences. I really was shocked that so called biggest democracy doesn't have freedom of religion, you need Government's consent to change religions. One of the...
  18. cocomo

    When Pakistan tried to become a superstate

    Pakistan used Islamism post 71 as a source of cohesion among its diverse populace, 71 was seen as failure of secularism. Same ideology could have been used for post soviet states for the same purpose as states were looking for an ideology. Pakistan was well positioned to build its influence in...
  19. cocomo

    Pakistan calls for global coalition to counter India's hate-mongering

    Special Assistant to PM on National Security Moeed Yusuf on Wednesday stressed on the need for a global coalition to counter India’s hate-mongering against the Muslims. Speaking at an international conference on “Countering Islamophobia”, Moeed Yusuf pressed on the scholars to look into the...
  20. cocomo

    Buying court Judges in USA.

    The state of corrupt justice system in America. Seems like there isn't a thing that can't be bought in America. Maybe slaves (not anymore at least).
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