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  1. Alshawi1234

    Houthi fighters capture/kill nearly 3000 pro-Saudi and Saudi fighters.

    North Yemeni army (Aka houthis) apparently have captured 3 battalions of mostly southern Yemeni and Sudanese mercenaries as well as a saudi regiment which was advancing towards saada from Najran. They have also captured 100+ armoured vehicles, weapons and ammunition. The large operation was...
  2. Alshawi1234

    Tinker hub for 4,000 tons of F-16 materiel to Iraq

    http://www.tinker.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123377101 (Official website) Delivery over two year period.
  3. Alshawi1234

    The news of a "new" Qiblah of prayer by Maliki is a LIE.

    After seeing the mass retardation of many members, I decided to make a dedicated thread explaining what "Qiblah" means in Arabic. Because many members and non-members have taken advantage of the people's ignorance to mislead other people into believing that there was a change in direction of...
  4. Alshawi1234

    Suicide bombers target Shias again, school children among victims.

    Let's see where are those members who are supporting the "mujahideen" and crying about oppression. Iraq: Suicide bombers kill 33 as they strike school, pilgrims, police; 12 children among dead
  5. Alshawi1234

    Egypt Returns $2 Billion to Qatar in Sign of Growing Tensions

    Egypt Returns $2 Billion to Qatar in Sign of Growing Tensions — Egypt has returned $2 billion that Qatar had deposited with its central bank, after talks to convert the funds into three-year bonds broke down, central bank Governor Hisham Ramez said on Thursday. * Egypt authorities have also...
  6. Alshawi1234

    alqaeda Escapee in Iraq kills brother, bombs his neighborhood.

    this is from a few weeks back. One of the convicts which escaped Abu Ghraib led an attack on his brothers, who works in the local police force. The convict, along with a group of about 10 others were involved in the attack. When the neighbors gathered around the incident, a car bomb went...
  7. Alshawi1234

    Alqaeda in Iraq and Syria calls on egyptians to fight military.

    Al Qaeda linked group urges Egyptians to fight military | GlobalPost http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JKuEAPD4y9A Qatari-Turkish sponsored Protesters in Anbar province show their support for the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt.
  8. Alshawi1234

    Iraqi Kurd President Says Ready to Defend Kurds in Syria

    The Autonomous Kurdish region in Iraqi Kurdistan has threatened to send fighters to syria to fight against the Nusra terrorists who are attacking Kurdish villages and also holding tens of Kurdish civilians hostages. Fighting between Nusra and Kurds has erupted weeks ago And claimed the lives of...
  9. Alshawi1234

    Iraq requests $4.5+ in Military Equipment from US

    Congressional notices for Iraq in July and August. Worth about $4.5 billion USD Communications Short+ medium range Air defence system 5 years service/ support/ training/ spare parts for different equipment for $750 million USD.* Images 3 batteries along with entire set/ system, each...
  10. Alshawi1234

    Turkey's Erdogan slams world's 'double standards' on Egypt

    (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Western and Arab nations of "double standards" for failing to condemn the overthrow of former Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, whose Muslim Brotherhood like Erdogan has Islamist roots. Turkey has emerged as one of the fiercest...
  11. Alshawi1234

    Fighting erupts between Kurdish fighters and Islamists in northern Syria

    Kurdish-Nusra battle becoming war within a war in northern Syria | McClatchy
  12. Alshawi1234

    Iraqi Federal police kill 31 terrorists in clashes -video

    Iraqi Federal police with the assistance of the army aviation and some army units have managed to surround an AlQaeda hideout in Nineveh province. After fierce clashes, the Iraqi forces managed to kill 31 terrorists including 3 Saudis and one Yemeni. The operation led to the arrest of ten...
  13. Alshawi1234

    Iraq negotiators new multi-billion weapons deals with USA and Russia.

    Iraq has already sent a request for a new batch of weapons from the USA which include m1a1 tanks, Bradley fighting vehicle, Apaches, air defence systems and drones. Iraq also continues to negotiate with Russia over a second $4-$5 billion dollar deal, however most of the details are yet to be...
  14. Alshawi1234

    Turkey: Security forces fire at protesters; one dead,10 injured

    Turkey: Security forces fire at protesters; one dead,10 injured
  15. Alshawi1234

    Egypt protests flare, casualties reported.

    Growing protests against the brain dead MB government of Egypt. The. Muslim Brotherhood first displayed itself as a moderate group, however, salafi influence is taking over. This has turning Egypt into a failed state which depends on Foriegn aid to survive. Egypt 'could slide into civil war'...
  16. Alshawi1234

    Crimes of FSA savages, beheading young man and executing two women

    For the supporters of FSA's "freedom and democracy" around the world. http://www.********.com/view?i=abc_1371591942 There only crime is that they have different political or religious views. RIP
  17. Alshawi1234

    FSA terrorist attack Shia town in deir al zor, massacre civilians.

    FSA launched an indiscriminate attack on the town of Hatla in dier Al Zur. The town is populated by about 300 families making up approximately 2000 residents. The army does not operate in the town as it was protected by the local population. FSA terrorists, Jubhat al nusrah and it's alqaeda...
  18. Alshawi1234

    Iran will be capable of making a nuclear weapon in two months, warns Israel

    Dont know accurate this, but I'll share it anyway. 'We are heading toward a collision course by the end of the year': Iran will be capable of making a nuclear weapon in two months, warns Israeli intelligence official - Middle East - World - The Independent
  19. Alshawi1234

    Saudi Arabia and Qatar Ratcheting Up Sectarian and Ethnic Tensions In Iraq

    The most accurate Article i have come accross, thought of sharing it. Saudi Arabia and Qatar Ratcheting Up Sectarian and Ethnic Tensions In Iraq Written by Zayd Alisa, Guest Contributor| Iraq, a decade after the U.S. led invasion and one year after the end of the U.S. occupation, is...
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