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  1. jaibi

    Smoker's Corner

    The Healer's Puff As fates would have it at a young age I found myself in a position of training my peers even seniors by age as a part of my responsibilities. This happens to stem from one such experience, an officer under my training was on call with me one day, he was a fellow psychologist...
  2. jaibi

    War Poems

    Home in the mountains I felt at home in the mountains, where I know I do not belong. Away from the bright lights of the city, the city where I am from where you are from, where you will live and you will die but perhaps my fate is here. For I do not come as a visitor, like you, I feel at home in...
  3. jaibi


    Dying, the warrior’s perspective Pardon me, dearest reader, for I am in a somber mood and the picture does not seem to be improving anytime soon. After all, we are in strange times or perhaps we have been and now we merely realize it? The last two months have been really hard on me as despite...
  4. jaibi

    Featured OP-ED: War Days, finding an unlikely ally

    War Days: Finding an unlikely ally This is one of the most interesting things I’ve experienced; I shall try to tell the story as accurately as I can without revealing any sensitive details. Hopefully one day we shall revisit and write names, locations and make it useful for future generations...
  5. jaibi

    OP-ED: The actual fight: the world through the lens of retired warriors

    The actual fight: the world through the lens of retired warriors I’ve been holding this one for a long time because I’m not sure how it would go down with the audience. If I offend anyone please accept my deepest apologies and I would love to have your thoughts here. I request that everyone...
  6. jaibi

    Questions you want to ask to armed forces personnel

    Greetings everyone, we're thinking of making a series of interviews with serving and retired armed forces officers of Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force. @PDF was of the opinion that we should open up the platform to you guys so you can submit the questions you'd like to ask them and we'll ask...
  7. jaibi

    Featured Eid on the front-lines: the best Eid I ever had

    Eid on the front-lines: the best Eid I ever had Every day I was learning something new and there was not much time to incorporate that knowledge as Eid was coming. It was two days ago when I got the call from a senior asking me if it was possible for me to stay because another officer had a...
  8. jaibi

    Moderation for Arab Section PDF

    Salam and belated Eid Mubarak to all Arab members of PDF. If there are any moderation requirements on the Arab Section at PDF then instead of hitting back please report it and tag me to handle it. We're looking at inducting an Arab moderator too but until that's done please let me know as I'll...
  9. jaibi

    Featured OP-ED: See all evil, hear all evil, speak all evil – modern warfare

    See all evil, hear all evil, speak all evil – modern warfare Imagine this: you are in the middle of a place to which no road leads to. There are no signals on your mobile phone; you’re living in a tent and the toilet is a hole in the ground which isn’t always vacant but not solely by human...
  10. jaibi

    OP-ED: The near future direction of the armed forces

    The near future direction of the armed forces Note: following article is based on a recent conversation I had with a few officers of different armed forces With the 21st century shaping new format of conflicts and warfare it is pertinent that we focus upon the direction it is headed and...
  11. jaibi

    Answer: Why Pakistan Navy has her Submarines in Karachi and not in Lahore.

    So today while coming over the forums I got the notification of the following post by the following member and I think it’s high time that someone seriously answers these questions but I also want to take this opportunity to answer the questions insinutated here but without the courage to...
  12. jaibi

    PDF Editoral Team

    Salam everyone! I hope you all are doing well and are still being safe. We're thinking of making an editorial team for PDF which will provide editing support for high value content already available on PDF such as golden discussions that we've had in the past as well as creating new content...
  13. jaibi

    Featured What are we fighting for?

    What are we fighting for? After a couple of months of a very hard area a couple of us got a few days off and decided to head back to civilization which was filled with a jam-packed car, constant tea stops for our weary souls and countless packs of smokes puffed. Good times. I was accompanying a...
  14. jaibi

    Featured The toughest of the tough: which role is the hardest in the armed forces?

    The toughest of the tough Being a part of the inter-services, often jovially, we get into jest filled spirit of inter-services rivalry the army vs the air force vs the navy. It’s all in good spirit and the jokes are classic which I’m sorry but they cannot be shared with civilians and yes, this...
  15. jaibi

    Professionals’ corner, personal experience series

    Professionals’ corner, personal experience series: What’s the best weapon? Jaibi Introduction As we have some top secret projects that we are working on to unravel them soon with partners in crime being @Joe Shearer and @PanzerKiel I had feedback from the poll that we just conducted. There...
  16. jaibi

    Defense articles that you want to see on PDF: A poll

    We're writing materials for PDF that would be helpful for readers to understand and appreciate defence related news much more. Please, help me knowing what you would like to read? Thanks. If the options I've selected aren't in the options please reply to me with your idea.
  17. jaibi

    Graphics Designer needed for PDF illustration

    Greetings, I'm thinking of making this a fully illustrated article with maps and troop movements; however, I'm unfortunately a n00b to graphics designing. Would anyone be willing to help? Please tag someone who can. Thanks...
  18. jaibi

    OP ED: Unpacking the thinking behind Indian defence strategy

    Unpacking the thinking behind Indian defence strategy As news keeps trickling in from Ladakh it seems vital to understand how did India end up here. That was no accident; we can see two colliding ideas about defence colliding and one, clearly, seems to be better than the other. I have covered...
  19. jaibi

    OP ED: The new nexus: Indo-China conflict in Kashmir and implications for Pakistan

    The new nexus: Indo-China conflict in Kashmir and implications for Pakistan As the conflict between the two giants of Asia culminates the center of that shifts closely to Pakistan and its interest in securing Kashmir and there is something that needs to be said about that dynamic here: despite...
  20. jaibi

    Learning by Doing Pakistan's Experience with Counterinsurgency: Shuja Nawaz

    I made this post a while back on PDF but this article by Shuja Nawaz seems to have been taken offline for some reason. I think it's very important that we keep this learning alive and also have proof of our accomplishments like the articles that I recently wrote. Please, do give it a read if...
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