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  1. mohsen

    After more than an year of silence, EU admitted Swedish spy has been arrested in Iran

    https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2022/07/30/2750559/swedish-spy-arrested-in-iran A month ago, Iranian Intelligence Ministry said the Swedish national has been identified and captured on a charge of espionage. The defendant had already been put on the list of suspects by the Intelligence...
  2. mohsen

    Iran unveiled Khaybar (forth generation khorramshahr) ballistic missile

    Khaybar is the fourth generation of Khorramshar ballistic missiles, it has a range of 2000km and 1500kg warhead. This missile has no terminal guidance, and only uses mid-phase exoatmosphere guidance system to correct it's path and so is immune to electronic warfare. Speed and radar evading...
  3. mohsen

    Mossad Killed 6 Own Officers for Links with Iran

    https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2022/10/19/2790564/mossad-kills-6-own-officers-for-links-with-iran EHRAN (Tasnim) – Mossad, the intelligence agency of the Zionist regime, has eliminated at least six senior officers at its Iran desk after the Iranian Intelligence Ministry thwarted an act of...
  4. mohsen

    Iran airs confession video of 2 French DGSE agents

    In TV interview, two French spies admit attempts to incite riots in Iran Thursday, 06 October 2022 11:14 AM Cécile Kohler (R) and Jacqeus Paris were arrested on spying charges in Iran on May 7, 2022...
  5. mohsen

    Iran pounded US-backed terrorist bases in northern region of Iraq with 73 ballistic missiles

    As part of IRGC operation for neutralizing US-backed terrorists groups in Northern Iraq, so far IRGS has targeted 42 bases (some as far away from each other as 400km) using 73 ballistic missiles, tens of suicide drones and handful of artillery shells and rockets. Gen. Pak pour warned the...
  6. mohsen

    Iran's utilization of ultra deep underground waters

    Iran is seriously researching on the extraction of underground waters thousands of meters below the surface. as the third country after France and Russia, Iran is now extracting water from such wells. Recently new hopes emerged as the third ultra deep well around the city of Zabol in Sistan &...
  7. mohsen

    Group of jews in Central America demand political asylum from Islamic Republic of Iran, US regime has blocked them

    Due to heavy oppression and pressure from savage global Zionist cult, a group of jews in Guatemala have decided to migrate to Iran, they have filed a political asylum from Iran and have swore allegiance to Supreme Leader of Iran. As expected so far US terrorist regime which has a long history...
  8. mohsen

    U.S seized domains of Iranian media outlets

    In what seems to be a coordinated action, a similar message has appeared on the websites of a series of Iranian and regional television networks that claims their domains have been “seized by the United States Government.” The notice, which appeared late Tuesday on the website of...
  9. mohsen

    Iranian army signed a strategic deal for recieving 1000 new drones

    Today Iran's defense minister gen Hatami and chief commander of army gen. Mousavi signed a strategic deal for enhancing the drone power and the equipment installed on them within the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran. based on this deal, in the first phase, 1000 new drones will be delivered...
  10. mohsen

    Turkish weapons were sized in Iran's western border

    During past few years, specially during sensetive times, elections, riots, etc several batch of Turkish weapons have been discovered by our intelligent and security forces. And now before Iran's presidential election, another cargo of Turkish weapons were seized from terrorists in western...
  11. mohsen

    Iran test launched it's solid fuel SLV dubbed Zoljanah

    Iran's defense ministry successfully performed a sub-orbital launch of Zoljanah SLV. Zoljanah is a 3 stage SLV, with solid fuel engines at first and second stages and liquid engine for the third stage. this SLV can compete with world's current carriers and will become Iran's platform for...
  12. mohsen

    Iranian missile humiliated US air defenses around ARAMCO once again

    Yemen's Houthi Struck Saudi Oil Facility With New Type Of Cruise Missile - the DRIVE Not even a mass of missiles to overwhelm their air defenses, one shot, one kill. This time they can't say it was launched from Iran too, cause missile hit the other side of the country, protected by all the...
  13. mohsen

    "Jahesh-700", Iran's first turbofan engine

    Jahesh-700 (Leap-700) is Iran's first turbofan engine, which incorporates cutting edge single-crystal blades technology. defense minister described it similar to engine of drones used in advanced countries including the RQ-170 which was captured by Iran in 2011. This engine has 700kg thrust and...
  14. mohsen

    historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

    Gen. Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council revealed new info about upcoming retaliation against US forces in middle east. "So far, 13 retaliation scenarios have been offered to this council, and even consensus on the weakest scenario will be a historic nightmare for...
  15. mohsen

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    Iran has 'military advantage over US and allies in Middle East' Thinktank says third parties such as Shia militias are more important to Tehran than nuclear plans Members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, one of them covering his chest with a portrait of Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader...
  16. mohsen

    Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"

    After almost a decade, today Iran's two seat subsonic trainer jet dubbed Yasin officially was unveiled and became operational. (Prevously this project was introduced as Kowsar-88) Yasin has a rotating tail which allows the pilot to easily exit from rotating stall. It uses two owj turbojet...
  17. mohsen

    U.S navy's secret weapon against Iranian boats & drones, LIES

    Guys, how do you think the mighty U.S Navy plans to defend it's carrier against Iranian boats? Any guess? Perhaps you thought of some super duper missiles which can target Iranian boats, the way U.S defense industry advertises in their Hollywood clips! or maybe you thought of their super duper...
  18. mohsen

    U.K blocks Iranian passage in the Strait of Gibraltar, it means:

    Yesterday England pirates called Royal (bitch) marines blocked and seized a tanker which was carrying Iranian oil for Syria, even though they cited the EU sanctions against Syrian government as the cause, yet it has been done by the request from U.S. Gibraltar seizes Iranian oil tanker bound...
  19. mohsen

    Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

    IRGC air defense forces shot down U.S RQ-4 Global Hawk in the coasts of Kooh Mobarak in Hormozgan province (near the strait of Hormuz). Thanks stupid Americans! سرنگونی پهپاد جاسوسی آمریکا در سواحل هرمزگان | خبرگزاری فارس update------------- IRGC published the details on the incident...
  20. mohsen

    Iran unveiled '15th khordad' medium range air defense system

    Today Iran unveiled it's newest mid range air defense system dubbed "15th khordad". System officially delivered to army air defense force. This system has a phased array radar and uses Sayyad-2 and Sayyad-3 missiles, can track and engage with up to 6 targets simultaneously. 15th khordad is a...
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