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  1. Thunder

    Koran becomes hit Christmas present

    Koran becomes hit Christmas present Believers and non-believers alike are looking to a new Koran translation to give them insight into Islam A new Danish translation of the Koran has been snapped up from bookstores' shelves, joining the ties, toasters and toys wrapped and waiting to be...
  2. Thunder

    David Duke on CNN

    [YOUTUBE] That CNN guy wolf got told
  3. Thunder

    A Boy or a Girl? Islam proven right... again

  4. Thunder

    Islam and science

    Salam'/ hi Well we were talking about how important knowledge is in islam in anotherthread so i decided to open a new one for this purpose. The thread is about islam and science, i will post articels about it from various and would like other members to do the same. Let's tech others and...
  5. Thunder

    Soccer(football) in pakistan

    Salam/ allo So for those living in pakistan, how is the soccer sceane there? Do people play it or is it still cricket cricket everywhere
  6. Thunder

    The Supersonic Shape-Shifting Bomber

    http://www.popsci.com/popsci/aviationspace/0f2505a52aceb010vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd.html The title says all
  7. Thunder

    Helpful sites

    Salam/hi. Iam just posting a few sites where members can gain knowledge about islam. And i would like members to share others too :) http://www.harunyahya.com/index.php : Great site, with tons of books and vids you can download. http://www.islamicity.com/ : This too has alot of stuff...
  8. Thunder

    Sensors and decives used on fighter planes

    Salam/hi Note: Moda i could'nt find the proper section to post this so iam posting it here, if you find this as the wrong section then please kindly move it to it's correct section. Thanks :) Well anyways, i wanted to know that what kind of sensors are used on a morden fighter plane. Iam...
  9. Thunder

    SU-27 goes kaboom

  10. Thunder

    Lion roaring allah

    In this vid, you see a lion actully roar Allah. And the lion roars it clear enough that every one can understand. See it your self. Linky linkyydkfbskfbakvbk
  11. Thunder

    Pakistan Space and Satellite Developments

    http://www.suparco.gov.pk/index.asp Website of pakistani space reasearch
  12. Thunder

    Low flying fighters

    Vid of jauger F-15 over a air show. Big noises, so keep volume low alright espically for the first one
  13. Thunder

    Senior Cleric Warns Britain may Become a Muslim Na

    Senior Cleric Warns Britain may Become a Muslim Nation A senior cathedral cleric has suggested that unless Christians begin to take their faith seriously, Britain could soon become a Muslim nation. Posted: Monday, March 13 , 2006, 8:55 (GMT)...
  14. Thunder

    Another vid on SU-37

    http://www.strategypage.com/gallery/defaul...?target=seu.htm This thing will do what you thought was impossibile
  15. Thunder

    India supports Iran pipeline:

  16. Thunder

    Turkish embessy in pakistan

  17. Thunder

    NASA expert says officials try to muzzle climate a

    NASA expert says officials try to muzzle climate alerts By Andrew C. Revkin New York Times News Service January 29, 2006 NEW YORK -- The top climate scientist at NASA says the Bush administration has tried to stop him from speaking out since he gave a lecture last month calling for prompt...
  18. Thunder

    TOP games of 2005

    In your opionin, what were the top games of 2005. It can be from any genre/ consule so feel free.
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