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My degree is Bachelor's of Computer Science. Further in computer science, I wish to pursue Data Science. I have already started a Data Science certification on Coursera that is offered by IBM. Cybersecurity is awesome. Do you feel passionate towards cybersecurity?
Yes. I have tried a little bit of Ethical hacking. Seem to like it. You are studying in Lahore right?
There's a lot more cybersecurity than hacking.
Watch this:
I also thought of studying economics in particular finance or business management, but the problem is that there are tons of students graduating in economic related studies. Norway is a small country so the job market and job opportunities are quite limited.
I have relatives who have been working in the IT Industry here for years. Cybersecurity seems to be in hot demand both in the public and private sector. A lot of Indians arriving at the moment.
Thank you bro for sharing. I appreciate it.
In that case, go for cybersecurity and don't look back.
I will bro. Good luck in your career ahead. Are you going abroad after finishing your degree or stay in PK? Was watching a video of Junaid Akram where he stated a survey that said that majority of the youth of PK want to move abroad.

I honestly don't blame them especially with the situation we have right now.
I never wanted to live in Pakistan in the first place. I have spent the vast majority of my life abroad and I will leave as soon as I am done with my bachelor's degree. Even if things were good I still wouldn't stay.
I thought you were raised in Pakistan brother 😅 What countries are you thinking of? Norway could be a good option for you more specially living in Oslo.
The taxes in Norway are brutal though.
If I choose to live in Europe then I will be picking among the top tech and financial hubs of Europe such as London, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris and Zurich.
You are right lol. One of the few downsides to living here. Most people here are fine paying high taxes because in return you have free education. Including up to uni level. Universal health coverage, retirement insurance, unemployment insurance, disability insurance etc.
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