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Recent content by Vikramaditya-I

  1. Vikramaditya-I

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    Cliche, but was a good attempt. Ciao :sarcastic:
  2. Vikramaditya-I

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    China never existed before its unification either, Germany didn't exist before 1871. Does it matter when the country was unified?
  3. Vikramaditya-I

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    No shit Sherlock. So, you basically agreed India existed before. You are welcome.
  4. Vikramaditya-I

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    The most Islamophobic people I know are ex-Muslims. People especially in here call them emu. Things they say, if said in Pakistan would get them killed
  5. Vikramaditya-I

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    Quite ironic for the Chinese to claim that when their own Buddhist travellers like Xuanzang and Yijing described India as "Yin-du" a nomenclature you still follow to this day :sarcastic: Man those Cultural enhancements in Mao's times really destroyed all the records didn't they?
  6. Vikramaditya-I

    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    Israelis basically considered the hostages "dead". Their actions including indiscriminate bombing of suspected Hamas sites show that. So, whatever Hamas gives now is a bonus for Israelis, and that's why there are no leverages. If there was any leverage, Israelis wouldn't have bombed any place...
  7. Vikramaditya-I

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    Nepal was a kingdom created by a Hindu King Prithvi Narayan Shah in the 18th Century he was a Rajput king. He unified small states and named the Kingdom Nepal. Lumbini is located less than 5 km from the Indian border. Calling Buddha Nepalese is as stupid as one can get. He was a Sakhya prince...
  8. Vikramaditya-I

    Pakistan seeks Russia's help to join BRICS as a member

    BRICS is for emerging market economies. Pakistan as of now don't fit the criteria. BRICS expansion is also dead in the water with Argentina's new President saying he is going to pull back. So, it's basically BRICS and a bunch of observers. There should also be a framework for membership and...
  9. Vikramaditya-I

    Maldives President Asks Indian Military To Pack It's Bags !

    80% of the country will be underwater in 30 years. It is better to have a slightly cold relationship with neighbours.
  10. Vikramaditya-I

    India's 'Solo' Host ICC Worldcup 2023 Fully exposed Postmortem Report | The Game marred with Politics, Mismanagement, No-visas, Tempered pitches, Bias

    Yeah, keep coping. You still haven't figured out what political party MSD or Kapil Dev belongs to. You are just blabbering whatever based on some Indian leftist cope. Day of life of an average Pak troll.
  11. Vikramaditya-I

    China backs Argentina’s Falklands claim, calls for end to ‘colonial thinking’

    It's better to not travel at all than be like a street-pooping Chinese then people mocking you with chim-chom cartoons. :lol:
  12. Vikramaditya-I

    India ranks 111th out of 125 countries in Global Hunger Index 2023, below Pakistan, Sri Lanka

    Indonesia is still behind the poorest country in South Asia, Nepal. :lol:
  13. Vikramaditya-I

    China backs Argentina’s Falklands claim, calls for end to ‘colonial thinking’

    At least they don't show these kinds of behaviour when they travel. These are average workers who don't have access to facilities in probably poor regions, unlike your tourists. That's a cultural issue.
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