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Recent content by Paul2

  1. P

    Watching Ukraine burn through ammo fighting Russia has the US Army rethinking how much it really needs for when war breaks out

    75mm and 155mm are used literally since WW1. And even steel alloys for the casing are the same. The only difference is now we have more powerful explosives instead of Melinite
  2. P

    Watching Ukraine burn through ammo fighting Russia has the US Army rethinking how much it really needs for when war breaks out

    Germany at one point in WW1, managed to pump 20 millions in 1 month, and it was not just sanctioned, but blockaded.
  3. P


    No, long left for UAE, leaking back financial wounds from both that, and dishing out a ton of my work time and money in Poland with Ukrainian drone factory.
  4. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    There is a lend lease act, which gives Biden a complete carte blanche to supply anything, and which he never used yet. All that drama is completely aimed at internal audience, oblivious of the politics involved. In reality, it feels there is as much animosity with Biden in his own party as...
  5. P

    Pakistan Turbojet Engine NTJ-V1

    Disposable engines for missiles are not normally made of single crystal alloys.
  6. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    It's very interesting to compare USA with other powers now in the news abroad. What is VERY unique about USA is that the executive decree is exceptionally strong by standards of democratic countries. US presidents have complete control over the executive branch, in theory, the power to randomly...
  7. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    SAM is very reliable for missile defence, it's just you have to have tons of them, and really there is no other option than thousands of land based SAMs on watch to defeat mass drone/missile launches of hundreds at a time, day after day. A long range surface to air missile cheap enough to be...
  8. P

    Turkey develops indigenous Altay powerpack

    Turkey has been trying developing its own tank engine for how many decades now? Having to note, even Koreans haven't managed to field their own tank engine either. Their licensed MTU diesel is still worse than the original, and their transmission adds to that. Japanese tanks are way more...
  9. P

    US Air Force massively boosts procurement of AIM-260 air-air missiles

    AIM-260 looks to be very boring AIM 120 upgrade with no evidence of anything groundbreaking being used. Novel materials, very likely high carbon fibre grades Higher impulse grain Electronics and batteries got smaller over time. Batteries are often the single biggest, and heaviest part in a...
  10. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Both Russia and Ukraine had thousands of S300 missiles in store. If you add SHORAD missiles that will go beyond 10000 for side. I know of no NATO country with that amount of air defence ammo to spare. 10000 Patriot missiles with launchers and radars will cost a GDP of a small country to buy...
  11. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Another seemingly big thing in Ukrainian media space is a stinging critique of Ukrainian defence minister. If everything I read is correct, the guy is as useful as a piece of furniture. Ammo was procured around the MOD through the Ministry of Strategic Industries exactly to work around...
  12. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Missiles don't explode inside targets
  13. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    but then the shrapnel holes would've had edges pointed outwards
  14. P

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    On the brilliance of Zaluzhny: I would say UA GHQ is doing everything as conservatively as possible after the initial months, they are not betting on the lower level officers being able to pull out anything extraordinary. They do however bet on them eventually be able to sever the land bridge...
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