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    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    I love that meme.. Akshay Kumar is downright hilarious with his timing.. no doubt abt it..

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    Of course i did invite them and say post when free.. when folks don't want us.. we should surely go to a place where we are more wanted.. You can pls report the same to the administration as well as demote me and ban.me.. my concerns are well known and I have already said I have been looking to...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    Bilawal and Rahul.makes a pair.. here in India we will have Rahul and there we have Bilawal.. For Modi it's our brother Sharif.. soon you will hear pre independence Sharif and Modi both have same ancestral roots.. they are long lost brothers from other other mother.. it's karan arjun 2015...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    You ACP pradyuman. Why you have to reveal. The truth.. it was all part of our plan.. you don't reveal our feet on street in public like that.. Many are part of our machinery.. you knw time and again we have to get such things out in public so that heat from our back is off and ppl can be refed...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    We got S400 for pigeons only.. damn those Ultra low RCS .. we need to enforce airspace control.. No no we thought some of our monkey's becoming double agents.. you see no one can resist beautiful ladies.. the poor monkeys fell for them and kind of brain washed.. we have to make them mentally...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    Ya most Pakistani folks are sweet.. but then if I say that than ppl won't believe either.. so intend to avoid saying that.. you know.. from training days something's are avoided being said.. Ganja is too obvious.. we can't use that as a code.. their is a pseudo don who is after our cherished...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    The truth is out there from X files.. You are honest and sweet.. so I felt I should be same with you.. Nawaz Sahab looks better than that for sure.. you need a better code name for that.. in our terms we call him "mota bhai"

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    The day Nawaz bhai wants Indian citizenship, he will be given a red carpet welcome.. with his next 100 family members also the same treatment.. we will add all of them and their resources to our list of millionaire.. Nawaz bhai was always our insider there..

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    But I said with honesty.. we are here to control PDF and run a narrative as per our POV.. it's something we have planned not now as this mission is also handled by Doval sir only.. It's just that ppl like you are finally able to see it.. most gullible masses don't... We have been investing in...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    Arrey we even have PM NSharif with us.. it's from the very top that Indian machinery works inside Pakistan.. name any field.. wr have infiltrated and have comfortably put proxies to control.. it's just that now ppl are realising.. Workers to owners.. media to politicians.. political parties to...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    Oh I do pretend.. after all we bharatis are born bollywood actors.. And pretending makes it easy after all you do accept the awaam here falls for my words so easily.. mission success rate for our work in PDF is pretty high.. Soon we bharatis will run PDF from the top and feed you with our own...

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    Kindly enlighten me where I asked..

    Has PDF become dumping ground for Indian trash?

    Finally the peaceful satyagraha started... Let's get the guns out and ban all indian members.. including me.. ban ban ban,,, thats it.. Charge Indian- yes yes.. you will get remittance out of that.. that's a favourable suggestion.. of course a .pk site outward remittance will lead to instant...

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    As far as i know even Ge 404 deliveries are incomplete .. i remember reading some place initially we ordered just 24 404 engines for prototypes and first couple of LCA birds.. Then plan was to order some 100 more.. in batches .. We did commit to buy 99 Ge414 back in 2012 but i dont remember...

    S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems delivery to India can begin in 2020

    Close protection is done by Pantsir.. Upto 6 Pantsir comes with 1 battalion of S400.. They are the one with high sensitivity in IR range and also used for CM protection plus ARM protection.. Plus they have a AA gun.. Non jamming types.. A similar is Tor.. need to be seen which one finally we...
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