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  1. my2cents

    Brampton Food Banks are BANNING Bharati students from using their services

    I empathize with them for they would have never been to a shelter or a food bank in their lives. Having lived without worry back home, they now have to be cautious about every penny they have to spend. I remember the days I would eat Ramen noodles just to save few dollars.
  2. my2cents

    Brampton Food Banks are BANNING Bharati students from using their services

    Why are they classified as students if they are not enrolled in any university? Do they come on student visa? If what you say is right that Canada benefited from these immigrants then they should give back also.
  3. my2cents

    Indian rupee to trade near record lows despite surging growth- Reuters Poll

    If we can make 1 trillion dollars reserve currency in next decade, then RBI will have less interest in intervention. Rupee will stabilize on its own terms on the backs of economic growth.
  4. my2cents

    'Mujib: The Making of a Nation' releases today in 200 halls

    I never knew Hindus had a huge role in sectarian violence. Can you give me a link for the same. If Bihari/ Hindus did the major killings or Pakistani army, they were all culpable of the crime and should be tried for war crimes. Hamoodur Rehman commission came with a figure of 26,000. Both the...
  5. my2cents

    Brampton Food Banks are BANNING Bharati students from using their services

    What they are doing is despicable and should be kicked out for not being able to support themselves. I wonder how many are abusing this service? If it is in thousands then it is definitely a problem. I just googled Indian students population is about 320,000. If few hundred are falling back into...
  6. my2cents

    Newly Industrialized Countries- current

    Everyone knows that we have extreme inequities, either rich or poor. Our middle class is about 30% and is growing at faster pace. We should uplift poor to middle class at war footings. We have eliminated practically extreme poverty. It should be less than 5% at max.
  7. my2cents

    Pakistan Among Top Sources of Foreign-Born STEM Workers in America

    Don't you get remittances from them? How is that bad when you have $40 billion exports which is not helping your huge $80 billion imports? You are exporting services to offset the difference.
  8. my2cents

    Why India is an illegitimate nation

    If chief ministers can be put in jail, then police are nothing. They all answerable too. Is it perfect, no. But you have to work with what you have. Your people were involved in recent attacks on your minorities. Mobs burned down 5 churches and scores of Christian homes. I don't know if your...
  9. my2cents

    Why India is an illegitimate nation

    We should solve our own problems with help from law enforcement agencies and like minded people. No one is above law. Our constitution is there for the people. Work within its ambit.
  10. my2cents

    Why India is an illegitimate nation

    We should be in our own race to reduce poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. We should be fighting together to eliminate these things in our countries, not spread more hatred. Healthy competition is good for us.
  11. my2cents

    Apple helps Made in India program hit 2B phones, 98% locally made units

    Above are IPhone 15 prices 512 gb in various countries.
  12. my2cents

    Why India is an illegitimate nation

    A failed nation telling others who are 30 to 40 years ahead of them in education, development, and every sphere of economy. Tell me a field where you are ahead of us.
  13. my2cents

    Why India is an illegitimate nation

    Converts can't claim possession. They did it for survival. Now you can breathe easily.
  14. my2cents

    A record number of Indians are illegally entering the US through Mexico

    Why does it seem that US is pro immigration when they allow for asylum appeals ? Any Tom, Dick and Harry will claim asylum to get in.
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