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Recent content by muse

  1. muse

    Mosques declared terrorism organisations by NYPD: Report

    Slogans will not suffice for behavior --- terrorists have and will use Masajid - it is up to Muslims to decide whether they will want to see their own police force as friend or foe, whether they will exercise their civic responsibility to cooperate with LEA and protect all, or not. You say...
  2. muse

    Opinion | 10 'outrageously unthinkable' yet pragmatic solutions to Pakistan's major problems.

    I strongly support the introduction, however, I do wonder how we may isolate ourselves from Afghanistan and Captive Kashmir or from sectarianism in support of the Wahabi and Shiah conflict -- and strongly support items 4, 5, 6, 7 8 and 9 , but not item 10.. We are connected to Afghanistan and...
  3. muse

    Mosques declared terrorism organisations by NYPD: Report

    Indians will know from experience if Mosques are used as terrorist sabctuaries and of course many Pakistanis will deny that the Lal Masjod and Jamia Hafsa were not just terrorist sanctuaries but training grounds. It's really up to Muslims to decide whether Masajid are houses of God or...
  4. muse

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    Cameras, motion sensors and active/frequent patrols are the way top go - and they are cheaper relative to anything having to do with an AWA&C ship like the Saab Or are we next going to argue that we are too poor to care for ourselves
  5. muse

    Letter from Pakistan | How an unfair NPR undermines nuclear security.

    Poorly written and argued --- Consider: So? Pakistan is a dangerous country and one that refuses to eradicate the danger it faces and instead blackmails the world over that danger. Huh??WTF? What's the problem with Pakistan? Besides the whole Dr. Abdul Qadeer khan thing? It's a state that...
  6. muse

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    I suppose it will depend on whether or not the Egyptians will get another MB type of leader ---
  7. muse

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    Why should they ?? They wanted Morsi gone - and seeing this extraordinary situation what did the great democrat do? He dug in and thumbed his nose at the people he was supposed to represent -- You guys seems to think that democracy is some sort of deal, where once you are in, there is no way you...
  8. muse

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    And that's the substance of my objection, why a general term when we have a specific term - The Safafi, they have real islam, so do the Shiah, so do the talib, so does the jabha as Nusra , so does the MB, so did the FIS -- they are all real islam, because Islam is what it's adherents practice --...
  9. muse

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    That's just what happened and 20 million Egyptians could not move Morsi to be reasonable. Is burning Churches moderate? Or slaying Shiah? or labeling those who disagree with the MB as Apostate (read Wajib ul Qatl)? Moderate and islamist, I must admit I find it difficult to relate the two other...
  10. muse

    2 Ismaili Jamaat Khanas in Karachi attacked during prayer time

    Change Islam with extremism and the problem is solved -- and denialistan strengthened? Look to your own post below: A country in which people point you out as a kafir,your friends who pray five times a day are kafir,and your worse enemy call itself as muslim,then imagine the extreme confusion...
  11. muse

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    Guy, one of rthe first thing MB did was attack Churches and burn them and then bravely fled to their homes - so not so innocent these MB, So they can run but they can't hide. Again, you seem to think that Islamists are like any other political party - you are wrong - Their message is politics...
  12. muse

    There is no independence day for Pakistan

    Great stuff, you can be sure that between Pakistan and Islamistan, there is still a strong chance that Islamistan or the Talib Emirate of Baki-stan, is till possible - so, chin up
  13. muse

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    Way to go Egyptian Army - Leave them no place to hide - and be prepared, the MB will make Masajid into fortresses - and so it must be clear what needs to be done, The Grand mosque in Mecca had to be cleansed, and so will these
  14. muse

    Massive violence erupts in Egypt

    Brotherhood types think pro-democracy means that once they are in power they will not be unseated - news reports suggests up to 20 million protestors wanted the Morsi govt to go because it not only failed but began to subvert the Egyptian state by turning into a an Islamist one. One want to...
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