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Recent content by moha199

  1. moha199

    APML | Parvez Musharraf's Political Desk

    thank you brother and ill try. to be honest i'm done with this nation! I love my country but this nation is clueless. they love their enemies and hate their defenders. they love the wrong and hate the good. they expect good from Allah where as they themselves do the wrong day and night. this...
  2. moha199

    APML | Parvez Musharraf's Political Desk

    i know brother i've stopped coming here since many brainless people with zero vision and in the state of denial started to storm this page so i decided with few other senior members to leave this page, i barely come here now because i've no time for none sense of people who speak of emotions not...
  3. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    first of all kid im 59 years old, so before you call me kid think about it. Secondly that conspiracy theorist half brained zaid hamid might be your idol but not mine, He is a self centered person and i have no wish or desire to follow him nor do i listen to morons like him now having my...
  4. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    Kid Musharraf was in mid air when army reacted and when Musharraf landed he was given command as Chief executive of Pakistan, now with economy destroyed Pakistan in disarray with no political party available in pakistan beside PMLN and the second most corrupt party ppp's head being in UK he...
  5. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    Yes sir you Must go to parliament and SC no matter what you say or want. even if it takes 1000 years to get the things done but you MUST GO TO CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN.... isn't it what you guys have been preaching like a 17 year old evangelist girl who goes door to door and preach jesus is the...
  6. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    this is straight up Article 6 because now you guys have showed along side with nawaz that article 6 could be implement on you for breaking the law or by passing the law in form of civil disobedience. It is so funny that khatta khatta thoo thoo meetha meetha happ happ..... Sir you should go to SC...
  7. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    OK so what made is such a evil law under Musharraf's time which is so pak saf now? USA ENGLAND and almost entire EU countries's federal governments give funds to governments of the states aka soobay and they give it out to mayors of each city and towns, who spend them in their cities and towns...
  8. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    YOOOO everybody ive een asking one question here which every single PTI is dodging to answer why is Imran khan inciting public to break law and take it in its own hand? Why isn't he going to Parliament why isn't he going to SC? did army dissolve those institutes? direct funds from who Sir? the...
  9. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    wait isn't it the Musharraf's introduced law which was bashed by PMLN PPP PTI in the beginning?
  10. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    as for Dr alvi hospital has illegal wall around his hospital then why is he still in your party? i thought you guys speak of dream world TOTAL JUSTICE why dont you guys kick him out of PTI, You guys speak of setting the morals then why not setting it here in your own home?
  11. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    wait wait wait, im not a supporter of MQM i asked a simple question what give you the right to take law in your hands? you are a supporter of justice movement you speak of upholding the law, Most of you are only against Musharraf because he broke constitution according to you. Rest that guy did...
  12. moha199

    APML | Parvez Musharraf's Political Desk

    The one and only son of soil who is a true soldier, he has proved to be a true man who take things head on. A symbol of Pride for SSG.
  13. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    imran bhai i totally agree with you bhai jaan. im just trying to convey some message to some PTI kids who are just blind and full of hate which is sad, i don't expect them to leave IK i don't expect them to support ppp or pmln... all i want them to lie or be blindly in hate for army or...
  14. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    bhai again you represent PTI a justice movement so how can you ask public to take law in hands. why don't imran khan take this matter in Parliament? why don't they go to SC why? why asking poor public into this and why breaking the law by taking it in it's hands? just so you know that im not in...
  15. moha199

    Demolish illegal Bilawal house wall !!

    you know i will take this head on my son, You spoke about i shouldn't talk about law and order. like i said earlier explain your actions son explain your plan or speak with facts not emotions. now having said that ill come to the point. you said that court order is passed and if CDA isn't...
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