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Recent content by mangochutney

  1. M

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    stay in your lane urine breath this doesn't concern you . If you met the chap I'm on about you'd bend down and touch his feet The amount of wealth he took back to India from UK millions upon millions of pounds You keep watching movies
  2. M

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Doesn't work like that . Sorted hopefully Wish me luck Need a Bruce's bonus The chap in punjab is a long time friend wealthy to **** who I've known for a long long time He has lots of assets in UK and has done a runner back in the day he used to be chauffer driven in a rolls Royce in London...
  3. M

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Nothing Dodgy is a friend of mine . I know it sounds stupid but I can't travel to India if I could I'd be on the next flight Been ringing he's number for days now but no answer number just rings and rings In India if you pull the landline cord out of the socket does the phone number continue...
  4. M

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Nah my boy Mind what ..... Indians in England ? Lol haha Off topic but if any Indian is interested Need someone in India punjab to just pass a mobile phone to a certain person That's it £20,000 transferred into bank account instantly after
  5. M

    India tops all three visa categories in the UK,ever imagine one day a person staying at Downing Street on August 15 would say Jai Shri Ram?

    I take it your not from great Britain One should take a sneak peak at voting gallup polls to see he's popularity in this country An unelected PM One year on, perhaps the most unelected Prime Minister in history, may already rank as one of the worst. As his rapidly diminishing group of...
  6. M

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    Hush your bacon breath , pork scratching skin failure boyyyy Go kiss a dog white boy and leave palestinian heroes to Palestinians you little white pussyhole You see mi ?
  7. M

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    It burns these skin failure pussies that the black movement throws fire on Israel that they have to dig out shitty propaganda to feel comfort in he’s nasty battyfucking lifestyle Free Palestine movement is strong among the Africans in Palestine & they are revered by the Palestinians for...
  8. M

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    Who the **** is this little pale face fluorescent motherfucker calling palescumians Yo white boy go suck your mother little sunburnt boy
  9. M

    The chapatis (wheat roti) I make are like rubber. What can be done about it?

    Use a touch of baking powder in your mix . Will get rid of the rubbery texture
  10. M

    Indian-Origin Israeli Soldier, 20, Killed In Fighting In Gaza

    **** him & all the zionists You guys do know Pakistanis are also fighting for the apartheid state of Israel ? https://weeklycorporateambassador.wordpress.com/2016/01/14/why-300-pakistani-women-serving-in-israels-army/
  11. M

    How did the Houthis get such long range missiles? Comparable to that of Iran and Pakistan

    God bless & protect the Shia , shows us Sunnis to be worthless & cowardly . All the so called Sunnis who curse mock attack & kill Shias ( Pakistan ) sit in the corner and suck GCC coward Arabs balls . And before all you come in ranting sectarian shit , I am Ahle -Hadith
  12. M

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This posters a fucking clown .
  13. M

    Husain Haqqani Lobbies for Nawaz Sharif's 'Hope' to India.

    Slum dwellers arrived to ruin another thread Feel better living your dream on a Pakistani forum Tell the truth . It’s your only highlight of your day hey in your miserable existence
  14. M

    Israeli state’s lie machine rooted in its violent birth

    Israeli state’s lie machine rooted in its violent birth Throughout its history Israel has lied time and time again to cover up the brutality of its treatment of Palestinians By Dáire Cumiskey Tuesday 24 October 2023 Protest over the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh outside the BBC in May 2022...
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