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Recent content by Joe Shearer

  1. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Can't get away, can you? Anything for a scrap of recognition, even kicks and insults. A bhakt is always good for a few laughs.
  2. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Oh good. We can throw away those old, misleading textbooks. You have posted, that's good enough.
  3. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Do skip. There is an ignore facility. Use it, rather than saying that you would, if you could, because rather than footling around, you should. Wrong. You do not see history, you see prejudices and opinions. As far as socialist, communist folks are concerned, they see things different from...
  4. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    How do you decide that there is clear evidence? On your own cognizance? Think about that while you are busy leaving it at that! Facile and shallow. What if I suggest to you that what prevailed before the right wing took over in India was neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring? I do not...
  5. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    What did you expect? With this kind of sick posting that is going on, is it possible to write anything sensible?
  6. Joe Shearer


    Oh dear, here we go! South Asian traffic is notorious for its hold-ups. Why be surprised that some members discuss other kinds of 'hold-up'?
  7. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    What you have written represents just one tiny little facet of history, that which is being assiduously promoted by people who have no background either in historical research, or in historiography, the study of the biases that guide history and every other subjective discipline. Frankly...
  8. Joe Shearer

    China is owed over $1tr in Belt and Road debt

    Hardly weird, knowing what we both know. There are nice people here, especially among the older members, with a sprinkling of them among the younger members. It's just that the new ones, the new Indian ones, are really scummy.
  9. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I doubt that will happen. It is so nice to let the hot air out of you scumbags.
  10. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    I wish I could precede my remarks by offering due respect as you have done, but you make it difficult. This is why. First, the Muslim Ummah is a hypothetical notion, and not a practical one for the real world. There are very many other factors that govern relations between two nations, even if...
  11. Joe Shearer

    China is owed over $1tr in Belt and Road debt

    How dare you even come here any longer and post? The sorts of Indian members that are to be found here are extremely embarrassing pieces of shit. Every time I visit - perhaps once a quarter - the quality of those members has sunk yet some more notches. So, my question - what is it that you don't...
  12. Joe Shearer


    Do not tag me in future on silly posts like this. Actually, on any posts of yours. Thank you.
  13. Joe Shearer

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    You are clearly ignorant of the basis for the partition of the Colony of India, and even more ignorant of the rights of Muslims who are not citizens of Pakistan, or qualified to be citizens of Pakistan, to live, work or in any way seek to be citizens of that country. There are many other Islamic...
  14. Joe Shearer

    The chapatis (wheat roti) I make are like rubber. What can be done about it?

    I am now in a very elevated state of mind and body. Occasionally go and stay with my sister, and she has this servant who makes the most exquisite bajra and jowar rotis. No atta for me there.
  15. Joe Shearer

    Bangladesh Coast Guard to get five ships.

    ওই শুওরের বাচ্চাদের সাথে সাধারণ মানুষের সম্পর্ক কি? Thank you, as good as can be expected. Age is a disease none can cure. Good to hear from you. যত দিন যায় এই হিন্দুত্ববাদীদের আস্পর্ধা আর অসভ্যতা বাড়তেই থাকে। অসহ্য হয়ে উঠেছে। বয়স থাকলে কত আগেই বেরিয়ে যেতাম। আরে বাবা, রাগ করো ক্যান?কথার কথায়...
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