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Recent content by Irfan Baloch

  1. Irfan Baloch

    Why the TTP is undefeatable

    that is Sipah Sahabah that merged with TTP
  2. Irfan Baloch

    4 security personnel martyred in terrorist activity from across Pak-Iran border in Balochistan

    inappropriate posts mocking and insulting the dead and the Pakistani military will be deleted with warning thanks for reporting such posts in the threads related to terror incidents to keep political hatred out.
  3. Irfan Baloch

    New Defining Lines

    this will only feul the sectarianism and create further rifts between cities. the state can never ever satisfy mullahs.
  4. Irfan Baloch

    Did the Pak Army Cover up Former COAS Asif Nawaz’s Murder?

    rest in peace. I recall his widow had the body exhumed for post mortem but nothing came up. or if it did then it was need to know.
  5. Irfan Baloch

    Pak stares at 'Non-NATO Ally' status cessation; Bill against Pakistan in U.S Congress

    I think India should use its Internet Rant army next time in Gulwam against the Chinese since they cant compete with Batons. this way India will become NATO member and prove itself for the first time that it can win wars against adversaries that are not 1/5th or 1/10th of its size .
  6. Irfan Baloch

    Pakistanis Fed up with Army/ISI putting Politicians in Power & Removing Them

    the third ri the 3rd riech was allegedly only 10% of German politics but it enforced its will on entire population. that sentence is just a place holder. I will have to read in detail to respond to this discussion please bear with me.
  7. Irfan Baloch

    Biggest Robbery of Pakistan's Electoral History has Happened in Karachi

    no surprise . this is Pakistani democracy. the ballot peppers have a democratic mind of their own. normally they go according to the wishes of the party in power.
  8. Irfan Baloch

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    please disengage . I have told him to be careful. if the insults continue then report them thanks
  9. Irfan Baloch

    Again: Imran Khan hopes army chief will ensure 'transparent' elections

    every democratic party in Pakistan wants the establishment to help it and this is considered a true democratic move. cursing in public and then requesting to support in private. Imran is a difference that he has started making public requests too
  10. Irfan Baloch

    Pakistan warns Israel against breaching sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque

    have you left the computer and your smartphone to make your life worthwhile yet? maybe keep the phone and keep us posted about your progressive rise to your destiny.
  11. Irfan Baloch

    What would happen if US, EU, Japan, S.Korea completely cut business with China?

    I cant fault his analysis to be honest. looking at the quality of the PDF posters I must say the quality of his analysis matches the quality of the posting by the majority of the members, you just need to take an alternative view and challenge them and then enjoy the music. sucking to chinese is...
  12. Irfan Baloch

    UK to send Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, Rishi Sunak confirms

    the technological superiority that comes with these Western tanks you just listed outclasses all the available Russian armor. unless the Russians can bring their own version of Javelin tactics or their gunship helicopters these tanks can really rule the battlefield . thee tanks I am sure will...
  13. Irfan Baloch

    UK to send Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, Rishi Sunak confirms

    dont be so sure. Challenger 2 tanks will wipe the floor with Russian tanks,
  14. Irfan Baloch

    Imran planned to settle TTP fighters in ex-Fata

    Imran Khan is a populist and said things that people wanted to hear. his stance on TTP rhymes with the radicalized society of Pakistan. his claim of curbing corruption was also just a slogan. if there was any honesty in his claims then he wont have included MQM in his coalition and offered...
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