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Recent content by IndianLite

  1. I

    Love Jihadis are winning in India!

    Islam grew thanks to Love Jihad. Love Jihad conquered India. Hinduvta cannot roll things back.
  2. I

    Why do Bangladeshis loath India?

    Babri masque destruction and murders for eating beef - not part of your religion? Killing low caste Hindus? Not part of your religion?
  3. I

    Why do Bangladeshis loath India?

    You literally have a Hindu chant that goes like… “Kishan ne kaha Arjun sai, yudh kar” Haha
  4. I

    Kolkata BJP gadhas at it again...

    Oh! The coping mechanisms of Hinduvta 🤣🤣
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    World’s safest countries - 2023. Bangladesh much safer than USA and India!

    Bangladesh’s higher ranking is largely thanks to very low gun violence and safety of minority communities. India and USA score badly on both! https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/safest-countries-in-the-world
  6. I

    Kolkata BJP gadhas at it again...

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariam-uz-Zamani#:~:text=Mariam%2Duz%2DZamani%20(%20lit,the%20third%20Mughal%20emperor%2C%20Akbar. Muslims are children of women like her. And her https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharmila_Tagore Islam was spread through Love Jihad. Hence Hinduvta has banned...
  7. I

    Why do Bangladeshis loath India?

    All early muslims were converts! So, he is talking through his arse!! E.g. The early converts among the Meccan Banu Adi clan included Sa'id ibn Zayd, Nu'aym ibn Abd Allah, and Umar ibn al-Khattab, who later succeeded Abu Bakr to the caliphate. So, implying Muslim converts are somehow second...
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    Why do Bangladeshis loath India?

    I still remember it being a 50:50 affair. Evenly split along BNP and BAL lines. But even BAL party workers now openly loath India. This despite BAL propaganda and promotion of all things Indian. Pre social media - it was easy for states to brainwash people. But now states do not have a...
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    Bangladesh 2024 elections: Why West's veiled move for the return of BNP has worried India

    Do you think acts of bestiality is civilised behaviour?
  10. I

    Kolkata BJP gadhas at it again...

    That’s an easy one to answer. Don’t be the centre of hate against Muslims and Bangladeshis. Even western media, like Washington Post and the Atlantic, is disgusted how Indians are trolling the tragedy in Gaza. They are spreading fake videos to demonise Palestinians. Don’t dehumanise your...
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    Bangladesh 2024 elections: Why West's veiled move for the return of BNP has worried India

    I have visited the Khajuraho Hinduvta temples. Dedicated to their gods with every kind of sex unimaginable. It shows their soldiers practicing bestiality and other acts banned in civilised world. Discovery of these temples is what led Europeans to categorise Indians as animals and worthy of...
  12. I

    No problem if US imposes sanctions: Bangladesh FM Momen

    Only deluded fools like you think Biden will win 🤣 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/18/opinion/biden-trump-axelrod-anger.html
  13. I

    Bangladesh driving India’s backward NE states to progress

    Yes. Ran away after losing a battle and married Pahari women.
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